Aegean Film Festival

Athens, Greece, Europe

20 - 30 Aug, 2020

Aegean Film Festival logo
Aegean Film Festival

Athens, Greece, Europe

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General Information



Contact details

Karali 79 Papagou Athens 15669 Greece



Web & social

About the festival

COVID-19 Message:

In an effort to keep our team, guests and islands safe and under the guidance of Greek state, we have decided to postpone the dates of the festival for July 2021.

The submission deadlines will be postponed accordingly to the 14th of May 2021. 

We are committed to continue promoting new films and ideas while moving forward toward the creation of the 10th Aegean Film Festival.

All submissions from 2020 will be eligible for competition for the 2021 festival and we are working to introduce 2 new awards for the support of the filmmakers that have been affected by the pandemic and the lockdowns. More news will be announced in the following months.

Until we meet again stay healthy, stay connected, stay inspired …

In 2010 the Aegean Film Festival was founded as a way of bringing together filmmaking communities while introducing a meeting point and a celebration of independent cinema in the heart of the Greek summer.

These past ten years the Festival has been consistently presenting fiction and documentary programmes and providing support towards local communities, despite the numerous challenges we had to face.

Now more than ever, we believe it is our responsibility to continue our mission of presenting compelling stories and inspiring ideas - so necessary in times of crisis.

The Festival has the mission to promote films and new ideas, educate the next generations and host a unique celebration of cinema. The Festival Team is delighted and honoured to invite filmmakers on the islands of Patmos and Paros in order to present their work to both international and local audiences.

The Festival provides flawless screening conditions in custom built open air cinemas, stress-free times for networking, inspiring seminars and events and finally the chance to promote films beyond Greece through collaborations with other festivals across the globe.

The AegeanFF Programming team curates an average of 8 film programmes per year consisting of fiction feature films, documentaries and short films. Each year, the festival introduces more than 30 feature premieres, 50 shorts and a series of hosted programmes from international film festivals.

In 2016, the Aegean Film Festival launched the environmental programme “Echoes”, an international summit for filmmakers, writers, scientists and opinion leaders where they meet on the islands to present their work and to find sustainable solutions to pressing issues of our planet. The programme is consisted of documentary screenings, Q&A’s, panel talks, presentations, workshops, dinner events and a sustainability summit .

In 2017 the Festival introduced the award for Best International Short which was later followed with the addition of Best Greek Short Film Award as well as two Audience Awards for Best Feature Film and Best Documentary Feature.

For the next edition, the programming team is working with the guidance of the festival’s advisory board which includes: Frédéric Boyer (Artistic Dir. Tribeca FF), Alexander Payne (Film Director), Alin Tasciyan (FIPRESCI), Robert Dick (Sundance Institute), Marco Frazier (AMC Networks), Thanassis Karathanos (Film Producer), Jesper Jack (Documentary Producer) and Dimitris Michalakis (Cosmote TV).

Feature Fiction Audience Award
Feature Documentary Audience Award

Best Aegean Short Film
Jury Award € 3000,00*

Best Greek Short Film
Jury Award € 1000,00*

(*) To be awarded in the form of a cash prize or distribution deal in Greece

2021 Jury:
To Be Announced Soon

Selected filmmakers in the competition and pop-up programmes also receive:
1. Accommodation for three nights on Patmos or Paros
2. The Festival Guest Pass providing access to all screenings, seminars and events on both islands.
3. Access to dedicated film seminars and the "Filmmakers Brunches" - a series of networking events presented by industry experts.
4. Promotion for their films and press focus covered by the Festival's Media - website, social media, print, winter events, media sponsors, affiliated journalists and blogs.
3. Partner Businesses Offers (incl. discounts on restaurants, bars, rentals, hotels etc)
4. The option for their films to travel and be screened as part of curated programmes in affiliated festivals.


COVID-19 Message:

In an effort to keep our team, guests and islands safe and under the guidance of Greek state, we have decided to postpone the dates of the festival for July 2021.

The submission deadlines will be postponed accordingly to the 14th of May 2021. 

We are committed to continue promoting new films and ideas while moving forward toward the creation of the 10th Aegean Film Festival.

All submissions from 2020 will be eligible for competition for the 2021 festival and we are working to introduce 2 new awards for the support of the filmmakers that have been affected by the pandemic and the lockdowns. More news will be announced in the following months.

Until we meet again stay healthy, stay connected, stay inspired …

In 2010 the Aegean Film Festival was founded as a way of bringing together filmmaking communities while introducing a meeting point and a celebration of independent cinema in the heart of the Greek summer.

These past ten years the Festival has been consistently presenting fiction and documentary programmes and providing support towards local communities, despite the numerous challenges we had to face.

Now more than ever, we believe it is our responsibility to continue our mission of presenting compelling stories and inspiring ideas - so necessary in times of crisis.

The Festival has the mission to promote films and new ideas, educate the next generations and host a unique celebration of cinema. The Festival Team is delighted and honoured to invite filmmakers on the islands of Patmos and Paros in order to present their work to both international and local audiences.

The Festival provides flawless screening conditions in custom built open air cinemas, stress-free times for networking, inspiring seminars and events and finally the chance to promote films beyond Greece through collaborations with other festivals across the globe.

The AegeanFF Programming team curates an average of 8 film programmes per year consisting of fiction feature films, documentaries and short films. Each year, the festival introduces more than 30 feature premieres, 50 shorts and a series of hosted programmes from international film festivals.

In 2016, the Aegean Film Festival launched the environmental programme “Echoes”, an international summit for filmmakers, writers, scientists and opinion leaders where they meet on the islands to present their work and to find sustainable solutions to pressing issues of our planet. The programme is consisted of documentary screenings, Q&A’s, panel talks, presentations, workshops, dinner events and a sustainability summit .

In 2017 the Festival introduced the award for Best International Short which was later followed with the addition of Best Greek Short Film Award as well as two Audience Awards for Best Feature Film and Best Documentary Feature.

For the next edition, the programming team is working with the guidance of the festival’s advisory board which includes: Frédéric Boyer (Artistic Dir. Tribeca FF), Alexander Payne (Film Director), Alin Tasciyan (FIPRESCI), Robert Dick (Sundance Institute), Marco Frazier (AMC Networks), Thanassis Karathanos (Film Producer), Jesper Jack (Documentary Producer) and Dimitris Michalakis (Cosmote TV).

Feature Fiction Audience Award
Feature Documentary Audience Award

Best Aegean Short Film
Jury Award € 3000,00*

Best Greek Short Film
Jury Award € 1000,00*

(*) To be awarded in the form of a cash prize or distribution deal in Greece

2021 Jury:
To Be Announced Soon

Selected filmmakers in the competition and pop-up programmes also receive:
1. Accommodation for three nights on Patmos or Paros
2. The Festival Guest Pass providing access to all screenings, seminars and events on both islands.
3. Access to dedicated film seminars and the "Filmmakers Brunches" - a series of networking events presented by industry experts.
4. Promotion for their films and press focus covered by the Festival's Media - website, social media, print, winter events, media sponsors, affiliated journalists and blogs.
3. Partner Businesses Offers (incl. discounts on restaurants, bars, rentals, hotels etc)
4. The option for their films to travel and be screened as part of curated programmes in affiliated festivals.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

The Aegean Film Festival:
01. Aegean Film Festival is a non-profit organisation supporting artists and filmmakers from around the world.
02. The 10th edition of the Aegean Film Festival takes place from the 14th until the 18th of July on the island of Paros and from the 21st until the 25th of July on the island of Patmos, Greece.

03. The submissions of the Aegean Film Festival are open to films of different genres, techniques, production types and budgets.
04. The accepted running times of the films differ according to the category submitted: Feature Documentaries and Fiction Films – 50 minutes or longer
Short Films – up to 20 minutes
05. The Aegean Film Festival has no premiere status rule but keeps the right to reject works that are available online.
06. The primary contact submitting the film to the festival must have full authorisation to do so, including permission from the film’s distributor, sales agent and representing body.

Data Protection:
07. Film and personal details are available to Aegean Film Festival and will not be shared with other organisations outside the festival.
08. The Festival reserves the right to keep the submitter's data in order to share news future news or events.
09. The Festival accepts full responsibility for protecting the copyrights for the period of time that the films are in the Festival’ s possession, and will act to ensure that no theft or breach of copyright will occur.

Notification Date:
10. All applicants will be notified about the selection or rejection of their film on the 9th of June 2021.

Digital Submissions:
11. Aegean Film Festival accepts submission via the Aegean Film Festival website and FilmFreeway. The following platforms will then ask for an external online link such as Vimeo in order for the selection team to review the film.
12. The Festival may, but is not required to, permit certain selected films to be screened in alternative formats. The cost of shipping prints/hard drives to the festival must be met by the applicant. The Festival will pay for one-way shipping of all prints/hard drives, by forwarding them to their next destination, within two weeks of the conclusion of the festival. Any customs or duties charges will be the responsibility of the producer/distributor. The festival does not pay screening fees for films submitted through the submission platforms.
13. The applicant is responsible that the submission file is in full working order.

Foreign Language Films:
14. If the original language of any dialogue or text featured in the film is not English, the preview and screening copy must be subtitled in English, unless this is at variance with the filmmaker’s intention.

Selection Procedure:
15. Each film submitted will be reviewed by at least three members of the selection team. Based on their average score, the top shortlisted films are reviewed again by the whole programming team and the programmes are curated after this second selection stage.
16. The festival will not provide comments on the films prior to the submission deadline. However if workload allows, we are happy to provide applicants with feedback after the completion of the festival.

Screening Formats:
17. An exhibition quality screening version of the film (Quicktime Prores 4:2:2, DCP-24, or other format agreed to with the Festival) should be available once the film is selected.

Further Screenings:
18. The applicant authorises Aegean Film Festival to file their film in the festival archive, where it may be made available for further screenings or events promoted by the festival itself, solely for cultural and not for commercial purposes. The festival will always request permission and give reasonable notice before proceeding with any further screening. The festival will never allow any third-party access to the film without the submitter's permission.
19. The Festival, as part of its year-round initiatives, reserves the right to include submitted films, regardless of their selection status, to screen at the AegeanFF Winter Editions, in Patmos and Paros for the benefit of the local population of the islands, the volunteers and team of the festival and the promotion of independent cinema. Those screenings will have free admission and will be open to the public.

20. Information provided including film details, stills and contact information for all selected films, WILL be published in the Festival Catalogue, which will be made available to the Festival delegates, the AegeanFF website and other online platforms for the promotion of the Festival and its program as well as it may be reprinted in future editions of the catalogue and/or newsletters.
21. The applicant of a selected film agrees that up to three minutes of their film may be used by the Festival in promotional activities including screening a clip on television and/or on the festival website, and/or on the screens at the Festival venues (trailers included).
22. All films chosen to be part of the Aegean Film Festival must agree to use the “Official Selection” logo of AegeanFF on all publicity.

23. In the event of disagreement concerning the interpretation of the regulations, the interpretation of the festival will take precedence.
24. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the submission being disqualified.
25. These regulations are subject to change without prior notice.
26. The applicant agrees that they have secured all necessary rights for both picture and sound, and exhibition will not violate or infringe upon any rights including but not limited to music, images, and content.
27. Submissions may NOT be withdrawn from the Festival once they have been selected and after the notification date of the applicants, except at the sole discretion of the Festival.
28. By agreeing to proceed with your submission you are agreeing to these regulations and your application can then be processed. Entry of a film is binding and implies acceptance of these regulations.

Attending the Festival:
29. The Aegean Film Festival encourages all selected filmmakers to attend the festival, and offers accompanying guest passes for the crew members of the selected films.
Email for further assistance on discounts and other information.

30. For all inquires please contact:

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Short Film
Early Bird (14th March, 2021) $12
Regular (14th April, 2021) $15
Late (14th May, 2021) $22

Short Films or Documentaries

Early Bird (14th March, 2021) $25
Regular (14th April, 2021) $30
Late (14th May, 2021) $35

Feature Film
Early Bird (14th March, 2021) $25
Regular (14th April, 2021) $30
Late (14th May, 2021) $35

Environmental Documentary
Early Bird (14th March, 2021) $25
Regular (14th April, 2021) $30
Late (14th May, 2021) $35

Feature documentaries - with a duration of 50 mins and over - covering environmental topics, that could further overlap with broader social, economic, scientific, and biodiversity themes. The Environmental Documentary Category projects should aim to promote awareness and initiate discussions between filmmakers, scientists, opinion leaders and the audience of the festival. Suggested Areas of Focus: Plastic Waste, Sustainability, Earth & Marine Science, Ecology & Wildlife Conservation and Innovation, Natural Resources & Sustainability.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals