Sarajevo, Centar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

27 - 29 Sep, 2020


Sarajevo, Centar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

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General Information



Contact details

BH TOURFILM FESTIVAL Avde Sumbula 6 Sarajevo, Centar 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina



Web & social

About the festival

BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA TOURISM FILM FESTIVAL brings together leading professionals from Tourism, communications departments, marketing, advertising and broadcasting companies from many parts of the world mix with creative people from audiovisual production and agencies providing an excellent networking forum for all attendees.

The festival programe includes talks, workshops and business events for professionals throughout the world related with the industry trends. All awarded films can be watched during the days of the festival and you can meet with those who have created or commissioned them.

During ithe festival features an array of nightly special events, including red carpet premieres, gala celebrations, filmmaker receptions, compelling filmmaker Q&As, international spotlights, industry seminars and musical performances. The Festival host numerous opportunities to connect with enthusiastic new audiences, fellow filmmakers, film industry professionals and the media in a beautiful ocean-side retreat.

BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA TOURISM FILM FESTIVAL B is to reward films and audiovisual productions that promote tourism in the following aspects:
tourist destination (city, region, or country); adventure tourism; extreme sports; sports tourism (skiing, hiking, biking…); nautical tourism; hotels and resorts; people, culture and tradition; religious tourism; rural tourism; events, fairs and congress.

Awards & Prizes
1st Category
Commercial video/film

1.Tourism Destinations (city, region, country)
2.Cultural Tourism
3.Sports Tourism
4.Adventure Tourism
5.Hotels and Resorts
6.Events, Fairs and Congress
7.Nature and Rural Tourism
8.Wine and Gastronomic Tourism
9.Tourism Services
10.Religious Tourism

2nd Category
TV reportage or documentary

1.Adventure, Expeditions and Travelling
2.Environment and Ecology
3.Nature and Wildlife
4.Ethnography and Society
5.Arts, Music and Culture
6.History and Heritage
7.Biodiversity Preservation
8.Sustainable and Responsible Tourism

3rd Category
Tourism communication

1.Video Travel Bloggers (vlogs)
2.Advertising Campaigns


BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA TOURISM FILM FESTIVAL brings together leading professionals from Tourism, communications departments, marketing, advertising and broadcasting companies from many parts of the world mix with creative people from audiovisual production and agencies providing an excellent networking forum for all attendees.

The festival programe includes talks, workshops and business events for professionals throughout the world related with the industry trends. All awarded films can be watched during the days of the festival and you can meet with those who have created or commissioned them.

During ithe festival features an array of nightly special events, including red carpet premieres, gala celebrations, filmmaker receptions, compelling filmmaker Q&As, international spotlights, industry seminars and musical performances. The Festival host numerous opportunities to connect with enthusiastic new audiences, fellow filmmakers, film industry professionals and the media in a beautiful ocean-side retreat.

BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA TOURISM FILM FESTIVAL B is to reward films and audiovisual productions that promote tourism in the following aspects:
tourist destination (city, region, or country); adventure tourism; extreme sports; sports tourism (skiing, hiking, biking…); nautical tourism; hotels and resorts; people, culture and tradition; religious tourism; rural tourism; events, fairs and congress.

Awards & Prizes
1st Category
Commercial video/film

1.Tourism Destinations (city, region, country)
2.Cultural Tourism
3.Sports Tourism
4.Adventure Tourism
5.Hotels and Resorts
6.Events, Fairs and Congress
7.Nature and Rural Tourism
8.Wine and Gastronomic Tourism
9.Tourism Services
10.Religious Tourism

2nd Category
TV reportage or documentary

1.Adventure, Expeditions and Travelling
2.Environment and Ecology
3.Nature and Wildlife
4.Ethnography and Society
5.Arts, Music and Culture
6.History and Heritage
7.Biodiversity Preservation
8.Sustainable and Responsible Tourism

3rd Category
Tourism communication

1.Video Travel Bloggers (vlogs)
2.Advertising Campaigns

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Rules & Terms
Professionally recorded videos, films and TV reportages (hereinafter referred to as “the work”) that meet the expected technical quality and professional standards. The applications will be accepted for the filmed works that cover one of the stated topics and that are in accordance with the required duration and other conditions. The works produced more than two years ago cannot take part at the Festival.

All authors from private and national media, as well as independent production, have the right to participate at the Festival whilst respecting the basic criteria of the Festival.

Preferred languages versions of videos, films and TV reportages are Croatian and /or English.

All copyrights and music rights of the applied works must be duly regulated and in this respect the Festival shall not bear any cost of royalties or the costs of screening. The regulated copyrights and music rights will be confirmed by the applicant’s signature on the application form.

If the work enters the official competition, the applicant shall give his/her consent that the said work itself or some parts of it can be used for the promotion of the Festival, within the framework of its programme schedule as well as in public and private broadcast of the host country. The same applies for the usage on the Festival website. The Festival acquires this right within a completed application form and by the act of the work being sent to the Festival by an author or an authorized agency.

The work applied shall not express any kind of racial, religious or political discrimination, defamation and intolerance. Otherwise, the Festival Selection Committee is authorized to dismiss the application of the work from participating in the Festival.

Once the films enter the competition, the competitors will be notified of the fact at least a few weeks before the Festival

Consortio civium Invictum has the exclusive right for distribution and broadcasting submitted films on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Tourism Films
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) $20
Regular (31st May, 2020) $30
Late (31st August, 2020) $40


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

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Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals