BUZZ IFF - International Film Festival

Buzau, Romania, Europe

10 - 16 Oct, 2020

BUZZ IFF - International Film Festival logo
BUZZ IFF - International Film Festival

Buzau, Romania, Europe

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General Information



Contact details

Buzau Romania



Web & social

About the festival

We are happy to announce the 5th edition of BUZZ International Film Festival, running November 20th - 26th 2020 in Buzau, Romania.

BUZZ - Buzau International Film Festival, now on its 5th year running, is an annual international film festival dedicated to film makers from Europe, including Israel.
We love European films and we have become home to creative, powerful and entertaining stories so we wish to keep sharing them with the world.
We seek films that entertain, inform, create defining stories and break conventions.
Our goal is to showcase and promote these stories and further shed a positive light on our region and its creativity. Either feature films, short films, student films or documentaries, they can all find their place at BUZZ IFF.
We look forward to presenting your films to the public between July 12th and 18th 2020 in the beautiful county of Buzau, Romania.
To make the spectators’ and your experience memorable, the festival will include panels, parties, special industry events and, of course awards.

Our 5th edition will feature awards and cash prizes for the following sections:

Long BUZZ trophy - BEST FEATURE FILM (European)
Short BUZZ trophy - BEST SHORT FILM (European)
Real BUZZ trophy - BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM (European)
Student BUZZ Award - BEST STUDENT FILM (European)


We are happy to announce the 5th edition of BUZZ International Film Festival, running November 20th - 26th 2020 in Buzau, Romania.

BUZZ - Buzau International Film Festival, now on its 5th year running, is an annual international film festival dedicated to film makers from Europe, including Israel.
We love European films and we have become home to creative, powerful and entertaining stories so we wish to keep sharing them with the world.
We seek films that entertain, inform, create defining stories and break conventions.
Our goal is to showcase and promote these stories and further shed a positive light on our region and its creativity. Either feature films, short films, student films or documentaries, they can all find their place at BUZZ IFF.
We look forward to presenting your films to the public between July 12th and 18th 2020 in the beautiful county of Buzau, Romania.
To make the spectators’ and your experience memorable, the festival will include panels, parties, special industry events and, of course awards.

Our 5th edition will feature awards and cash prizes for the following sections:

Long BUZZ trophy - BEST FEATURE FILM (European)
Short BUZZ trophy - BEST SHORT FILM (European)
Real BUZZ trophy - BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM (European)
Student BUZZ Award - BEST STUDENT FILM (European)

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

The deadline for submissions is March 1st 2020, 23.00 EET (GMT +2)
We only select films from Europe and Israel.

By submitting to BUZZ International Film Festival, you guarantee that you have full rights and authority to submit the film to the festival.
Please make sure your film was completed after Jan 1st 2018. Older submissions will not be considered.
Please submit your film via FilmFreeway.
Only complete entries are eligible and will be considered for festival presentation.
Complete entries include:
Online screener with English subtitles
Completed submission form.
Digital press kit – minimum 2 hi-resolution jpeg stills from the film
Brief film synopsis.
Each entry must be a separate submission.
Works in progress are not eligible, the entries will be analysed as they are received.
If your film is selected as an official submission, the cost of shipping hard copies of festival screeners to the Festival must be paid by the entrant.
Entrant confirms and warrants required legal authority to submit the entry into the Festival and to use all music, images and content in the entry. Entrant will allow usage of clips from the entry for promotional use on television, radio, in print, and at live Festival events.
The undersigned shall indemnify and hold harmless BUZZ International Film Festival from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees, and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening, and loss of or damage to the materials entered.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Feature Film
Early Bird (5th January, 2020) €0
Regular (11th October, 2020) €0
Late (20th November, 2020) €0

Eligible productions: feature films (longer than 60 min.) from the CEE region, including Greece and Turkey.

Short Film
Early Bird (5th January, 2020) €0
Regular (11th October, 2020) €0
Late (20th November, 2020) €0

Short films (under 60 min.) from the CEE region, including Greece and Turkey.

Documentary Film
Early Bird (5th January, 2020) €0
Regular (11th October, 2020) €0
Late (20th November, 2020) €0

Documentary productions of medium or feature length from the CEE region, including Greece and Turkey.

Student film
Early Bird (5th January, 2020) €0
Regular (11th October, 2020) €0
Late (20th November, 2020) €0


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals