CLIPPED Music Video Festival

Sydney, NSW, Australia, Oceania

CLIPPED Music Video Festival logo
CLIPPED Music Video Festival

Sydney, NSW, Australia, Oceania

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About the festival

CLIPPED is Australia’s premiere Music Video Festival returns on it's 5th year in 2020. The event was due to take place as part of Vivid Sydney, however with the current climate around COVID-19 Vivid was cancelled on Sunday 15th March.

CLIPPED have been working on how to make this year's event work, and after much consideration, although we won’t physically be taking place, the CLIPPED Music Video Awards will continue as planned as a live-streamed event on Saturday 5th December.

CLIPPED continues to pioneer a unique festival format that includes the screening of high caliber music videos in an exhibition, award ceremonies / screening nights, premieres, VJs and even exclusive workshops. It will also host a number of discussion panels featuring a diverse lineup of acclaimed directors, filmmakers, music industry and artists.

Filmmakers & Artists are encouraged to submit their best music videos to be considered for the awards, prizes (to be announced soon) and opportunity to be showcased at the event in front of key industry personnel.

CLIPPED does not believe in charging music video creators exploitative fees for submitting their work. It's already a tough industry full of passionate people, many which are working on little budgets and therefore we're trying to offer up affordable opportunities for filmmakers to showcase their work. All of the funds go into making the event happen.

Trophies / Awards are given to all winners. Prizes for this years event will be listed on the CLIPPED website closer to the event date.

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CLIPPED is Australia’s premiere Music Video Festival returns on it's 5th year in 2020. The event was due to take place as part of Vivid Sydney, however with the current climate around COVID-19 Vivid was cancelled on Sunday 15th March.

CLIPPED have been working on how to make this year's event work, and after much consideration, although we won’t physically be taking place, the CLIPPED Music Video Awards will continue as planned as a live-streamed event on Saturday 5th December.

CLIPPED continues to pioneer a unique festival format that includes the screening of high caliber music videos in an exhibition, award ceremonies / screening nights, premieres, VJs and even exclusive workshops. It will also host a number of discussion panels featuring a diverse lineup of acclaimed directors, filmmakers, music industry and artists.

Filmmakers & Artists are encouraged to submit their best music videos to be considered for the awards, prizes (to be announced soon) and opportunity to be showcased at the event in front of key industry personnel.

CLIPPED does not believe in charging music video creators exploitative fees for submitting their work. It's already a tough industry full of passionate people, many which are working on little budgets and therefore we're trying to offer up affordable opportunities for filmmakers to showcase their work. All of the funds go into making the event happen.

Trophies / Awards are given to all winners. Prizes for this years event will be listed on the CLIPPED website closer to the event date.

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Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Main Rules :

• Official Music Videos released from Jan 2019 onwards are eligible only
• Artists can submit on behalf of filmmakers (with permission)
• Early Bird Deadline is 30th December 2019 ($15 USD entry)
• Primary Deadline is 1st March 2020 ($20 USD entry)
• Late Deadline is 30th October 2020 ($25 USD entry AUS) + ($30 USD entry INT)
• Student competition is defined by Director whom is a student at the time of completion of music video, within their course in Australia only.

Terms & Conditions :

1. CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL is open to submissions from people aged 16 or over from anywhere in the world. This includes artists, directors, agencies, production companies, commissioners, record labels and other professionals. Organisers reserve the right to verify the eligibility of entrants and check their identity in accordance with our privacy policy.

2. Entrants may submit as many works as they wish and must be authorised or gain permission from all relevant parties, involved or responsible for the creation of each video. This is the entrants responsibility to gain these permissions.

3. After submitting a work it becomes eligible to win prizes for a number of award categories relating to aspects of video production, creativity and location. Any of these categories or prize offerings can change or be removed at any time at the discretion of the organisers.

4. CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL is open to a broad range of work that has been completed or delivered to the artist or other client between 1st January 2019 and 5th October 2020 and those entering their videos warrant that each video entered was completed and delivered between those dates.

5. In order to enter you must complete the submission form through FilmFreeway and listen out for further instructions in case you are selected.

6. Entrant/s who submit work commit that they are authorised to do so and acknowledge that they have obtained all relevant rights and written permission from individuals featured in the entry.

7. CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL gives artists, filmmakers, labels and managers the opportunity to submit a non-released music video for consideration of Live Premiere (online release can follow as per usual post-event) at CLIPPED 2020. If successful this requires either filmmaker and/or artist to be available in person at the event for Q+A.

8. CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL nor any of the organisers will accept responsibility for any technical computer, network, hardware or software failures of any kind, which may restrict or delay the sending or receipt of your entry. incomplete entries, and entries which do not satisfy the requirements of these terms and conditions, will be disqualified and will not be counted.

9. Judging duties will be allocated by the organisers to either or a combination of the following: industry professionals, record label executives, commissioners, individuals, sponsors, filmmakers, musicians and even artists. CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL reserves the right to change the format of judging in any way they wish, at any time over due course, whilst striving to recognise the most talented filmmakers and high calibre work.

10. All judging decisions shall be final and binding in all respects on all entrants and no correspondence will be entered into.

11. All entrants warrant that their entry does not infringe the laws of Australia.

12. By submitting entrants agree that any music video they submit may be used by CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL, its agents and the judges for the purposes of judging the awards and may be viewed at the ceremony without further remuneration.

13. When submitting a work, all entrants acknowledge that their entry is an original piece of work which has been commissioned either directly by the rights holders (artist, label, management or other representative of these), or created for a competition authorised by the rights holders, and does not infringe any third party rights.

14. Final Winners will be announced and receive their awards at either one of the award ceremonies in Sydney on the Saturday 5th December 2020. Anyone who wins and is not there to collect will be able to engage in dialogue for those to be sent in the mail. CLIPPED reserves the right to change the event date if they choose.

15. All entrants shall indemnify the promoter and its agents against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal and other reasonable professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by the promoter arising out of or in connection with any breach of the warranties in clauses 11, 13, and 6 of these terms and conditions.

16. Except in the case of personal injury or death arising from its negligence, or in respect of fraud, and so far as is permitted by law, CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL and its associated companies, organisers and agents exclude responsibility and all liabilities arising from: a. Changes to, supply of (including, without limitation, prizes which do not reach the intended recipient), or use of the prize; b. Postponement or cancellation of the event; c. Any error or omission by the organisers; and d. Any act or default of any third party supplier, which are beyond the organiser’s reasonable control.

17. By submitting a music video entrants agree that their image, name and likeness may be used by the organisers for advertising and publicity purposes in connection with CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL without additional remuneration.

18. CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL will use each winner’s, and each entrant’s, personal details for the purpose of administering this awards.

19. Our organisers may also use the details you give to contact you about their products and services. By entering work in this festival you are indicating your agreement to this unless you tell thepromoter otherwise.

20. The event and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Australian law. You agree that the courts of Australia shall exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with the CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL.

21. CLIPPED MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any point.

22. The primary organiser is Samuel Bright using the ABN 94978265501

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Australian Music Videos
Early Bird (17th June, 2019) €1,499
Regular (1st March, 2020) €1,999
Late (30th October, 2020) €1,999

Music Videos that are Produced or Directed by Australian filmmakers. Can include animated work. These entries are considered for a number of Australian Award Categories in addition to inclusion in our iconic Music Video Exhibition Local Zone.

New Zealand Music Videos
Early Bird (17th June, 2019) €1,499
Regular (1st March, 2020) €1,999
Late (30th October, 2020) €1,999

Music Videos that are Produced or Directed by New Zealander filmmakers. Can include animated work. These entries are considered for our New Zealand Award Category in addition to inclusion in our iconic Music Video Exhibition International Zone.

International Music Videos
Early Bird (17th June, 2019) €1,499
Regular (1st March, 2020) €1,999
Late (30th October, 2020) €1,999

Music Videos that are Produced or Directed by filmmakers who are not from either Australia and New Zealand. Can include animated work. These entries are considered for our International Award Category in addition to inclusion in our iconic Music Video Exhibition International Zone.

Live Premiere Consideration (with Q+A)
Early Bird (17th June, 2019) €5
Regular (1st March, 2020) €10
Late (30th October, 2020) €20

Music Videos that are Produced or Directed by filmmakers who from anywhere in the world. Can include animated work. These entries must be un-released and are considered purely for our Live Premiere to be launched at our event as part of the official programme. If successful either the artist and/or filmmaker need to be present at the event for a Q+A or live Via Skype. Video may be released online after the event through your own standard campaigns.

VR Music Videos
Early Bird (17th June, 2019) €10
Regular (1st March, 2020) €15
Late (30th October, 2020) €20

VR Music Videos that are Produced or Directed by filmmakers who are from anywhere in the world. Can include animated work. These entries are considered for our CLIPPED VR exhibition zone.

Australian Music Videos (STUDENT CATEGORY)
Early Bird (17th June, 2019) €0
Regular (1st March, 2020) €0
Late (30th October, 2020) €0

This category is only for Australian students whereby the Director is currently enrolled at the time of completion of music video, within their course in Australia only. Videos released January 2019 onwards are eligible for this category and cannot have been submitted to the festival in the past in any capacity.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals