Courage Film Festival

Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Europe

14 Dec, 2020 - 25 Jan, 2021

Courage Film Festival logo
Courage Film Festival

Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Europe

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General Information



Contact details

Berlin, Berlin 10249 Germany


+49 172-991-6729

Web & social

About the festival

The Courage Film Festival is aimed at all the filmmakers and screenwriters who use their work to take a stand and fight for what they believe is right! We're now looking for submissions for our 4th edition in Berlin Spring 2021.

We welcome films and screenplays that fight for good causes and portray the struggles and adversity that people and groups face when trying to bring about positive change and influence in a world where you sometimes have to shout in order to make yourself heard.

We are looking for stories that spark discussions and debates and are the protagonists for positive change and development in the world. All themes are welcome, covering topics such as women, immigration, the environment, family, equality, mental health, disability, etc.

People face challenges every day. Will your story ignite courage in another human?

We want to hear your stories and give you a platform to share them and to also discuss the issues portrayed in your film with like-minded filmmakers. Our events include screenings, workshops and Q&A and discussion sessions about the main themes of the festival.

Let the Courage Film Festival be the platform where you grab the world’s attention to champion your cause and raise awareness.

Certificates and awards will be given.


The Courage Film Festival is aimed at all the filmmakers and screenwriters who use their work to take a stand and fight for what they believe is right! We're now looking for submissions for our 4th edition in Berlin Spring 2021.

We welcome films and screenplays that fight for good causes and portray the struggles and adversity that people and groups face when trying to bring about positive change and influence in a world where you sometimes have to shout in order to make yourself heard.

We are looking for stories that spark discussions and debates and are the protagonists for positive change and development in the world. All themes are welcome, covering topics such as women, immigration, the environment, family, equality, mental health, disability, etc.

People face challenges every day. Will your story ignite courage in another human?

We want to hear your stories and give you a platform to share them and to also discuss the issues portrayed in your film with like-minded filmmakers. Our events include screenings, workshops and Q&A and discussion sessions about the main themes of the festival.

Let the Courage Film Festival be the platform where you grab the world’s attention to champion your cause and raise awareness.

Certificates and awards will be given.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

All filmmakers or script writers that submit to the Courage Film Festival must agree to the following conditions:

All films must include English subtitles if they are not in English.

All films must be submitted to the correct category: Short films under 25 minutes, feature films more than 25 minutes. Documentary Short films under 35 minutes, Documentary Feature films more than 35 minutes.

The festival reserves the right to check all material is suitable for screening and holds the right to reject material deemed unsuitable without issuing a refund. The judges and screening committee’s decisions are final.

If you withdraw your film or script from the festival we reserve the right to not issue a refund.

You agree to allow the Courage Film Festival to use the materials submitted and relevant press information for promotion and other media activities if the film is selected to be screened.

Unfortunately, the Courage Film Festival does not pay screening fees.

Filmmakers and scriptwriters are solely responsible and accountable for obtaining the correct permission to use any materials they do not already own the rights to, including but not limited to, music, logos, trademarks and all intellectual property rights. The Courage Film Festival will not be held responsible for failure to do so.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Early Bird (30th November, 2020) €25
Regular (31st December, 2020) €30
Late (31st January, 2021) €35

Longer than 25 minutes

Early Bird (30th November, 2020) €20
Regular (31st December, 2020) €25
Late (31st January, 2021) €30

Less than 25 minutes

Documentary Feature
Early Bird (30th November, 2020) €30
Regular (31st December, 2020) €35
Late (31st January, 2021) €40

Longer than 35 minutes

Documentary Short
Early Bird (30th November, 2020) €20
Regular (31st December, 2020) €25
Late (31st January, 2021) €30

Less than 35 minutes

Early Bird (30th November, 2020) €30
Regular (31st December, 2020) €35
Late (31st January, 2021) €40

Student Film
Early Bird (30th November, 2020) €15
Regular (31st December, 2020) €20
Late (31st January, 2021) €25

Film directed and or produced by students of any Education Leven, including Film Schools and similar Projects. Student ID or similar proof need to be provided

Iran Films
Early Bird (30th November, 2020) €0
Regular (31st December, 2020) €0
Late (31st January, 2021) €0

Short & Feature Films produced by Iranian Filmmakers Free of charge during Special and Earlybird Deadline


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals