Vancouver, B.C., Canada, North America

24 - 25 Oct, 2020


Vancouver, B.C., Canada, North America

Is this your festival?

Is this your festival?

About the festival

Directors Cut Int'l Film Festival is an IMDB Recognized Event based in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Submissions are open for both Canadian and International Films.
DCFF aims to recognize, acknowledge, and reward exceptional emerging & established auteurs and their films. There is only one requirement : the Director ALSO functioned as at least ONE, if not many, of the following positions: Producer, Writer, DP, Editor, Actor, Composer...

Yes, we are all about appreciation for the Versatile, Multi-Talented Director. We value your cinematic endeavour and the intrinsic multidisciplinary aptitude and work ethic required to see a movie project through from inception to completion, and finally to exhibition. Congratulations! And now, let's get you and your masterwork the recognition it deserves...

SUBMISSION CATEGORIES (any and all genres)
-Feature films: 45 minutes and over
-Short films: less then 30 minutes
-Web series: at least 2 episodes, each up to 10 minutes
-Music videos: up to 10 minutes
-Short Scripts: up to 30 pages (pdf)

Directors Cut Int'l Film Fest is slated for October 24th and 25th, 2020 at the Landmark Cinemas 10 in New Westminster B.C. Canada.
Filmmakers and the public alike will be treated to an eventful celebration inclusive of:
-Film Screenings,
-Q&A Sessions with filmmakers and actors.
-Reception and Awards Presentation.
-and more screenings...
(But, due to ongoing Covid 19 safety concerns and restrictions, live screenings will be cancelled).

Evaluations of submitted movies will be carefully adjudicated by a diverse jury made up of award-winning filmmakers as well as cinema critics, reviewers and distributors. Entries are not competing against each other but are rather evaluated with a qualitative standard of merit pertaining to a genre.
"Semi-Finalists" and "Finalists" will be announced in September 2020
"Winners" will be announced during the awards presentation.
*Please note:
-----a curated selection of projects determined to be "Finalists" will be screened during the event dates. (But due to Covid 19 safety concerns and restrictions, live screenings will be cancelled).

Entries Will be eligible for the following:
~IMDB designation for Semi-Finalists, Finalists, and Winners
~Digital Laurel Certificate for Semi-Finalists, and Finalists.
~Custom Digital Laurel Certificates for Winners.

Best feature
Best Short
Best Web Series
Best Music Video
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Script (Short)


Directors Cut Int'l Film Festival is an IMDB Recognized Event based in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Submissions are open for both Canadian and International Films.
DCFF aims to recognize, acknowledge, and reward exceptional emerging & established auteurs and their films. There is only one requirement : the Director ALSO functioned as at least ONE, if not many, of the following positions: Producer, Writer, DP, Editor, Actor, Composer...

Yes, we are all about appreciation for the Versatile, Multi-Talented Director. We value your cinematic endeavour and the intrinsic multidisciplinary aptitude and work ethic required to see a movie project through from inception to completion, and finally to exhibition. Congratulations! And now, let's get you and your masterwork the recognition it deserves...

SUBMISSION CATEGORIES (any and all genres)
-Feature films: 45 minutes and over
-Short films: less then 30 minutes
-Web series: at least 2 episodes, each up to 10 minutes
-Music videos: up to 10 minutes
-Short Scripts: up to 30 pages (pdf)

Directors Cut Int'l Film Fest is slated for October 24th and 25th, 2020 at the Landmark Cinemas 10 in New Westminster B.C. Canada.
Filmmakers and the public alike will be treated to an eventful celebration inclusive of:
-Film Screenings,
-Q&A Sessions with filmmakers and actors.
-Reception and Awards Presentation.
-and more screenings...
(But, due to ongoing Covid 19 safety concerns and restrictions, live screenings will be cancelled).

Evaluations of submitted movies will be carefully adjudicated by a diverse jury made up of award-winning filmmakers as well as cinema critics, reviewers and distributors. Entries are not competing against each other but are rather evaluated with a qualitative standard of merit pertaining to a genre.
"Semi-Finalists" and "Finalists" will be announced in September 2020
"Winners" will be announced during the awards presentation.
*Please note:
-----a curated selection of projects determined to be "Finalists" will be screened during the event dates. (But due to Covid 19 safety concerns and restrictions, live screenings will be cancelled).

Entries Will be eligible for the following:
~IMDB designation for Semi-Finalists, Finalists, and Winners
~Digital Laurel Certificate for Semi-Finalists, and Finalists.
~Custom Digital Laurel Certificates for Winners.

Best feature
Best Short
Best Web Series
Best Music Video
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Script (Short)

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

1. Online submissions only.

2. All submitted projects must have completion date of 2018 and later. Projects completed before 2018 is not eligible for entry.

3. By submitting you agree that you have read and understood the aforementioned Festival Description, Award Categories and Rules herein.

4. You agree and confirm that you are fully authorized to make a submission to the Directors Cut Int’l Film Festival.

5. Once a project is submitted, fees are not refundable.

6. Directors Cut Int’l Film Festival reserves the right to disqualify any submission without refund of submission fees.

7. All non-English language films must be subtitled in English.

8. 'Submission' and/or 'Semi-Finalist' designation of a film does not mean it will be screened during the festival event dates.
A curated selection of films determined to be "Finalists" will be screened during the event dates.

9. No premier status is required.

10. Multiple entries are allowed but separate entries are to be submitted for each film.

11. We treat all submissions with confidentiality. We will not screen, download your film or make it available online without your explicit permission.

12. Our venue, Landmark Cinemas, requires DCP version for screenings. DCP's must be available 20 days before the event date.
*(If required, DCP transfers is offered as a service for a small fee).
*To create DCP's in house, .mov/mp4 files must be in 24fps.
Digital Download of projects are required as back up.

13. It is the responsibility of the submitter/ producer/filmmaker to secure authorization for any copyrighted material that are used in the film.

14. Directors Cut Int’l Film Festival and it’s affiliates; Directors Cut Film Society and/or Mya Studios Inc. is held harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (virtual and/or tangible) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, critique, or screening of any submitted film(s).

15. Directors Cut Film Festival reserves the right to add/change/cancel Categories, Awards, Event date(s) and/or Venue(s), and Screenings due to circumstances beyond our control.

16. Any costs related to travel/accommodation, mail and/or digital downloads incurred by filmmakers or representatives of participating films are not the responsibility of Directors Cut Int’l Film Festival or it’s officials.

17. All decisions by official(s) at Directors Cut Film Festival is final.

18. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic live screenings are cancelled.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $35
Regular (1st July, 2020) $40
Late (1st August, 2020) $45

Feature Films, any Genre from 45 -120 minutes.

Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $28
Regular (1st July, 2020) $30
Late (1st August, 2020) $35

Short Films of Any Genre under 30 minutes.

Music Videos
Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $28
Regular (1st July, 2020) $30
Late (1st August, 2020) $35

Music Videos up to 10 minutes.

Web Series
Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $28
Regular (1st July, 2020) $30
Late (1st August, 2020) $35

Web Series of any Genre with at least 2 complete episodes under 10 minutes each.

Short Screenplay
Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $28
Regular (1st July, 2020) $30
Late (1st August, 2020) $35

Short Narrative Script of any Genre: 5 to 30 pages. (pdf).


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals