Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival

14 - 17 Dec, 2020



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Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival

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About the festival

Truth: Stranger than Fiction
Facts aren’t always facts, and “alternative facts” don't always lie.

In a world where “truth” is carefully curated, filtered, and viewed through the lens of social media, often the only difference between truth and fiction lies in the perspective through which one views the world.

Documentary films offer a fascinating peephole into a particular reality, at a certain time of a certain person's life. Whether in the form of an expository, a poem, an essay, an observational piece, whether it's dramatized, animated, or based on interviews, documentary films all have a message to send.

How can we make a difference in the world?

Documentary films are not just an avenue through which we can observe real life; they also serve to inform, educate, and critique. They are valuable creations in a day and age where media is increasingly curated and so much more homogenous.

That is why Doc.Berlin welcomes all of the above forms of documentary film-making, and even more so, those that transcend boundaries to move fluidly between one and more styles.

Ours is a new annual film festival featuring work from around the world by up and coming artists, showcasing innovative independent cinema with all selected films inviting viewers to learn and ponder.

To inspire, motivate, and award new talent, the Doc.Berlin film festival will take place at the historic Babylon Berlin Cinema, currently the venue for the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale).

The Babylon is a cinema in the Mitte neighborhood of Berlin and part of a listed building complex at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz opposite to the Volksbühne. The building was erected 1928/29 according to plans of architect Hans Poelzig, which is regarded as typical of its construction period, Neue Sachlichkeit.

As a celebration of the cinematic and visual arts, the festival will bring diverse international films to our community and showcase the best regional and international filmmakers.

Join us at the Babylon on December 14, 15, 16 & 17, 2020.

All official selected filmmakers will receive a package of full waiver codes with partner festivals (Venice Film Week, Boston Short Film Festival, Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival, ...). The value of the package is an estimated 500 USD.

Best Feature Documentary Film
Best Short Documentary Film
Best German Documentary Film
Best Experimental Documentary Film


Truth: Stranger than Fiction
Facts aren’t always facts, and “alternative facts” don't always lie.

In a world where “truth” is carefully curated, filtered, and viewed through the lens of social media, often the only difference between truth and fiction lies in the perspective through which one views the world.

Documentary films offer a fascinating peephole into a particular reality, at a certain time of a certain person's life. Whether in the form of an expository, a poem, an essay, an observational piece, whether it's dramatized, animated, or based on interviews, documentary films all have a message to send.

How can we make a difference in the world?

Documentary films are not just an avenue through which we can observe real life; they also serve to inform, educate, and critique. They are valuable creations in a day and age where media is increasingly curated and so much more homogenous.

That is why Doc.Berlin welcomes all of the above forms of documentary film-making, and even more so, those that transcend boundaries to move fluidly between one and more styles.

Ours is a new annual film festival featuring work from around the world by up and coming artists, showcasing innovative independent cinema with all selected films inviting viewers to learn and ponder.

To inspire, motivate, and award new talent, the Doc.Berlin film festival will take place at the historic Babylon Berlin Cinema, currently the venue for the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale).

The Babylon is a cinema in the Mitte neighborhood of Berlin and part of a listed building complex at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz opposite to the Volksbühne. The building was erected 1928/29 according to plans of architect Hans Poelzig, which is regarded as typical of its construction period, Neue Sachlichkeit.

As a celebration of the cinematic and visual arts, the festival will bring diverse international films to our community and showcase the best regional and international filmmakers.

Join us at the Babylon on December 14, 15, 16 & 17, 2020.

All official selected filmmakers will receive a package of full waiver codes with partner festivals (Venice Film Week, Boston Short Film Festival, Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival, ...). The value of the package is an estimated 500 USD.

Best Feature Documentary Film
Best Short Documentary Film
Best German Documentary Film
Best Experimental Documentary Film

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

We accept short and feature documentary films up to 120 minutes.

The Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival accepts documentaries in all forms. All non-English language films must be subtitled in English. Entry does not guarantee acceptance into the festival. Submissions WILL NOT be returned. We also accept submissions that have premiered elsewhere and that may have distribution agreements already in place. Rough cuts and incomplete projects are not accepted. Multiple entries are allowed, however a separate entry form must be submitted for each. The festival has the capability to screen MP4 & MOV.

Screenings are scheduled during the Festival at the discretion of the Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival. Whilst every effort will be made to adhere to the published schedule, Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival reserves the right to make changes at any time for any reason. Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival will not be liable for any costs claimed as a result of a change in scheduling. No film may be withdrawn from the festival program after its selection. If chosen as an official selection, Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival is granted the permission to exhibit the film at the Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival and all associated screenings. Location and timing of any screenings of the film shall be the sole decision of the organizers of the Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival. Filmmakers will be solely responsible for all costs resulting from the submission of the film to the Festival including but not limited to postage or insurance of the film, and expenses of your staff or any representatives of the film. Producer will indemnify the organisers of the Festival against all claims, demands, costs, damages, expenses (including legal fees), proceedings and losses resulting from the screening of the film at the Festival or from claims by any third parties.

Although every precaution will be taken to prevent loss or damage to materials while in the possession of the festival, The Doc Berlin Documentary Film Festival is not responsible should any materials be damaged while in transit to or from, or while in the possession of the festival.

The filmmaker holds the Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival, its management, juries, subsidiaries, agents, sponsors, affiliates, and etc. harmless from any and all claims of liability resulting from entry. The filmmaker certifies to have full rights. Producer will indemnify the organisers of the Festival against all claims, demands, costs, damages, expenses (including legal fees), proceedings and losses resulting from the screening of the film at the Festival or from claims by any third parties.

The festival does not offer screening fees for its films. By submitting through FilmFreeway you are agreeing to NOT request a screening fee as a requirement for your film's participation in the festival, should your film get selected for the program.

Since the festival only requires a nominal entry fee, we will NOT accept requests for other entry fee waivers.

Web & Social

Festival website

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Feature Documentary Films
Early Bird (29th January, 2020) $10
Regular (29th June, 2020) $35
Late (29th July, 2020) $40

Feature Documentary Films up to 120 minutes

Short Documentary Films
Early Bird (29th January, 2020) $10
Regular (29th June, 2020) $35
Late (29th July, 2020) $40

Short Documentary Films up to 39 minutes

Documentary Films by Germany based filmmakers
Early Bird (29th January, 2020) $0
Regular (29th June, 2020) $0
Late (29th July, 2020) $0

Documentary Films by Germany based filmmakers up to 120 minutes

Experimental Documentary Films
Early Bird (29th January, 2020) $10
Regular (29th June, 2020) $35
Late (29th July, 2020) $40

Experimental Documentary Films up to 120 minutes

Extreme Short Documentary Films
Early Bird (29th January, 2020) $10
Regular (29th June, 2020) $10
Late (29th July, 2020) $40

Documentary films up to 4 minutes


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals