Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF)


Echo BRICS Film Festival  (Echo BRICS FF) logo
Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF)


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General Information




Eugeny Ayzikovich

Festival Director

Contact details

Moscow Russian Federation



Web & social

About the festival

!!! COVID-19 Outbreak
Dear colleagues,

The COVID-19 outbreak became a real force-major for all of us. It drastically affects our festival dates and procedures. We have to postpone the final decision on screening possibilities and awards announcement by the end of April. We'll let you know about any changes.


Festival is devoted to the exploration of outer space. If the film theme is related to different aspects of the outer space exploring - you are wellcome to participate!

The main aim of the festival is to present works of talented filmmakers from Brazil, India, China and RSA (Republic of South Africa) to Russian spectators. Such a festival could help people to know and understand each other better, to acquaint with culture, history and traditions the unique nature of BRICS countries.

We want to show to Russian audience feature and documentary films which were the winners and participants of International film festivals in last few years.

Professional Jury will choose nominees, who will be invited for the live screening session and award ceremony which will take place in Moscow in Cosmos Cinema or in other Moskino Chain cinema April 09 to 12, 2020.
We are welcome You to take part in Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF).
• The number of films per one participant is unlimited.
• Year of creation not earlier 2015.
• Your film must have been participated in one of the International Film Festival
• Film topics should be related to the any aspect of outer space exploration.

If you are interested in the festival and you want to show your unique films to Russian audience - send your films and take a part in our Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF).

Awards & Prizes

and special Juri awards.


!!! COVID-19 Outbreak
Dear colleagues,

The COVID-19 outbreak became a real force-major for all of us. It drastically affects our festival dates and procedures. We have to postpone the final decision on screening possibilities and awards announcement by the end of April. We'll let you know about any changes.


Festival is devoted to the exploration of outer space. If the film theme is related to different aspects of the outer space exploring - you are wellcome to participate!

The main aim of the festival is to present works of talented filmmakers from Brazil, India, China and RSA (Republic of South Africa) to Russian spectators. Such a festival could help people to know and understand each other better, to acquaint with culture, history and traditions the unique nature of BRICS countries.

We want to show to Russian audience feature and documentary films which were the winners and participants of International film festivals in last few years.

Professional Jury will choose nominees, who will be invited for the live screening session and award ceremony which will take place in Moscow in Cosmos Cinema or in other Moskino Chain cinema April 09 to 12, 2020.
We are welcome You to take part in Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF).
• The number of films per one participant is unlimited.
• Year of creation not earlier 2015.
• Your film must have been participated in one of the International Film Festival
• Film topics should be related to the any aspect of outer space exploration.

If you are interested in the festival and you want to show your unique films to Russian audience - send your films and take a part in our Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF).

Awards & Prizes

and special Juri awards.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Please read our rules and terms before you make a submission!
The Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF), its committee and its employees, are not liable nor will be held responsible if copyrighted materials or unauthorized materials are included in the film. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to secure proper permission from the copyright holder of stock footage, music or any other material, which could violate another entity’s copyright or exclusive use of material.

We accept submissions of all genres with no limit in running times, but please make sure they are submitted in the correct category. The submitted film must be a participant of International film festivals in last few years.
All screening copies must have English subtitles.
Professional Jury will choose nominies, who will be invited for the live screening session and award ceremony which will take place in Moscow in Cosmos Cinema or in other Moskino Chain cinema April 09 to 12, 2020.

Festival is devoted to the space exploring. The film theme should be related to any aspect of the exploting of space.

Do not send other material till you are requested.

If you wish to be eligible for multiple awards you should submit to several categories.
All films made and produced during 2015 and later will be accepted.
During unexpected circumstances, we can at our discretion change date of event. We are not responsible for any copyright infringement of your material and you give us the permission to publish your images, poster and trailer on our website and/or social media pages. The submission of all films represents an agreement to the policies set forth in the submission guidelines.

Terms and Conditions:
I hereby agree to permit my film to be screened at the Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF). I am the sole owner of all legal rights and title and have the authority to submit the enclosed materials to the Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF). I guarantee that all rights necessary for a film festival screening have been obtained.

I will indemnify and hold harmless the Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF) or its employees, individually and collectively, from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages, judgments, liabilities and expenses (including, but not limited to attorney’s fees and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, publicity, screening, credits, and loss of or damage to the screening materials entered. I understand that, unless otherwise specified, that Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF) provides no financial compensation for any exhibition of my work.

The Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF) reserves the right to use the submitted publicity information, photos, and excerpts in its marketing and publicity, including online formats, for the festival and any other uses related to the promotion of the festival. The Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF) also reserves the right to exhibit submissions in other Echo BRICS Film Festival (Echo BRICS FF) sponsored venues. I understand, I am authorized to accept, and agree to abide by all terms listed in this release and in the submission guidelines.

Web & Social

Ratings & Reviews


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals