Fault Line Film Festival

Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States, North America

15 - 17 Apr, 2021

Fault Line Film Festival logo
Fault Line Film Festival

Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States, North America

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General Information



Contact details

One University Drive MS2775 Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701 United States




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About the festival

The Fault Line Film Festival at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau is an annual narrative short film competition for university and high school students throughout the Midwest. The festival, celebrating its 11th year, offers cash prizes and trophies in several categories, as well as a $1000 grand prize to the Best of Festival recipient.

Due to ongoing concerns related to COVID-19, the 2021 festival will be online. Screenings will be on YouTube, and master classes will be available online to all festival participants.

Selected films will be screened at the 950-seat Bedell Performance Hall, and award-winning filmmakers will be honored during a ceremony after the screening. Attendees have their pictures taken on the red carpet leading into the theater. Enthusiastic capacity crowds select their favorite film for the Audience Choice Award. After the screenings, door prizes are given away, and a local venue will host an after-party for filmmakers.

Student filmmakers are invited to attend free master classes during the festival, presented by national and regional film professionals.

The Fault Line Film Festival selects one Best of Festival winner, which comes with a $1000 cash prize.

The Judges' Award, with a cash prize of $250, is given to a film with unique technical or artistic excellence.

The Audience Choice Award, with a cash prize of $250, is selected by the audience after the gala screenings.

The festival awards $250 cash prizes to the following category winners:

Best Drama
Best Comedy
Best Mystery/Suspense
Best Animation
Best Alternative
Best Long Form
Best High School Film

All award winners and honorable mention recipients receive a trophy and are recognized at an awards ceremony following the gala. Filmmakers in attendance will also receive a custom movie poster of their screened film. Posters are designed by SECreative, the student advertising agency at Southeast Missouri State University.


The Fault Line Film Festival at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau is an annual narrative short film competition for university and high school students throughout the Midwest. The festival, celebrating its 11th year, offers cash prizes and trophies in several categories, as well as a $1000 grand prize to the Best of Festival recipient.

Due to ongoing concerns related to COVID-19, the 2021 festival will be online. Screenings will be on YouTube, and master classes will be available online to all festival participants.

Selected films will be screened at the 950-seat Bedell Performance Hall, and award-winning filmmakers will be honored during a ceremony after the screening. Attendees have their pictures taken on the red carpet leading into the theater. Enthusiastic capacity crowds select their favorite film for the Audience Choice Award. After the screenings, door prizes are given away, and a local venue will host an after-party for filmmakers.

Student filmmakers are invited to attend free master classes during the festival, presented by national and regional film professionals.

The Fault Line Film Festival selects one Best of Festival winner, which comes with a $1000 cash prize.

The Judges' Award, with a cash prize of $250, is given to a film with unique technical or artistic excellence.

The Audience Choice Award, with a cash prize of $250, is selected by the audience after the gala screenings.

The festival awards $250 cash prizes to the following category winners:

Best Drama
Best Comedy
Best Mystery/Suspense
Best Animation
Best Alternative
Best Long Form
Best High School Film

All award winners and honorable mention recipients receive a trophy and are recognized at an awards ceremony following the gala. Filmmakers in attendance will also receive a custom movie poster of their screened film. Posters are designed by SECreative, the student advertising agency at Southeast Missouri State University.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

All currently-enrolled university, college or high school students from the Midwest are eligible to participate in the Fault Line Film Festival. Recent graduates are also eligible if their submission was produced while they were a student.

Films must have been produced in 2019 or later to be eligible for the 2021 Fault Line Film Festival. No previous submissions will be accepted.

Student films up to 15 minutes in length should be submitted in one of the following categories: Drama, Comedy, Mystery/Suspense, Animation, High School or Alternative. The Alternative Category encompasses narrative films that are difficult to categorize, such as musicals or experimental narratives.

Films between 15 and 30 minutes in length in any genre should be submitted in the Long Form Category. Judges reserve the right to move a film to another category if it is to the benefit of the filmmaker.

A $25.00 entry fee is required with all entries.

Films must be submitted online. Films must be high-resolution and uploaded to an HD website (such as Vimeo). URL information should be included with your submission. Make sure the URL is accessible to the judging committee (include passwords if necessary).

The entry deadline for this year's festival is Sunday, February 28th, 2021.

Finalists will be notified via email and presented with an invitation to attend the awards ceremony and gala screening on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University.

The Fault Line Film Festival has the authority to use stills, clips, posters, titles, or any information from the submission materials for promotional purposes.

The Fault Line Film Festival is held harmless of any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, and expenses which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, or screening of any film.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Early Bird (1st November, 2020) $25
Regular (1st April, 2021) $25
Late (12th April, 2021) $25

Early Bird (1st November, 2020) $25
Regular (1st April, 2021) $25
Late (12th April, 2021) $25

Early Bird (1st November, 2020) $25
Regular (1st April, 2021) $25
Late (12th April, 2021) $25

Early Bird (1st November, 2020) $25
Regular (1st April, 2021) $25
Late (12th April, 2021) $25

The Alternative Category encompasses narrative films that are difficult to categorize, such as musicals or experimental narratives.

Early Bird (1st November, 2020) $25
Regular (1st April, 2021) $25
Late (12th April, 2021) $25

High School
Early Bird (1st November, 2020) $25
Regular (1st April, 2021) $25
Late (12th April, 2021) $25

Films produced by high school students.

Long Form
Early Bird (1st November, 2020) $25
Regular (1st April, 2021) $25
Late (12th April, 2021) $25

Any genre or category between 15 and 30 minutes in length.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals