Festival Tous Courts

Aix-en-Provence, France, Europe

01 - 06 Dec, 2020

European Film Award Qualifying


short, film market, EFA-qualifying




Documentary, Animation, Experimental, Live-Action

Festival Tous Courts logo
Festival Tous Courts

Aix-en-Provence, France, Europe

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General Information






Laurence Vivarelli

Déléguée Générale

Guy Astic

Festival Director

Pierre-Yves Giraud


Vincent Antonini

Film Market Director

Contact details

Festival Tous Courts

7-1 Place John Rewald

Aix-en-ProvenceFrance 13100


+334 42 27 08 64

Web & social

About the festival

In December 1983, film students from the Faculty of Aix-en-Provence organized a meeting to screen in public the short films made in their workshops. The enthusiasm generated by this event led to the creation of the association Les Rencontres Cinématographiques d'Aix en Provence and the birth of the Festival Tous Courts. The Festival Tous Courts will have its 38th edition in 2020, following more than 30 years of learning, research, discoveries, regional, national and international recognition. The Festival is recognized as category 1 by the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée (CNC) and brings together an ever-growing public.


While renewing itself, its axes remain:


Offer rich, varied and demanding programming

The 38th edition of the Festival Tous Courts will be held from 1 to 5 December 2020. Its two short film competitions (international competition and experimental competition) should bring together nearly 80 films. At the same time, we propose thematic sessions (carte blanche, young audience, Short Film Night, favourites...) to invite the public to discover young cinematographic creation, through short films chosen for their artistic quality, their audacity and their originality, while accompanying them with exchanges, meetings and debates.


Contributing to the vitality of the short film

Since 1998, we have been organizing a Film Market during the Festival to open up opportunities for the purchase, distribution and screening of short films entered in competition. We strongly encourage professional meetings, notably by inviting actors of the industry (directors, buyers, distributors, producers...), which we wish to continue to develop.


Promoting and fostering young European creation

Since 2011, we are organizing a Young Author Workshop to help 12 French-speaking authors to improve their film project with recognized script-doctors.


Developing audiences

We continue our commitment to young people by offering adapted programming during school sessions from the age of 6. Demand is strong and we would like to develop sessions for the youngest, from 3 years old.
In addition, we would like to direct our actions towards audiences far from access to culture, as we already do in prisons.

In the same spirit, during the week preceding the festival, we radiate in the communes around Aix en Provence with broadcasts for schoolchildren during the day and the general public in the evening.


In December 1983, film students from the Faculty of Aix-en-Provence organized a meeting to screen in public the short films made in their workshops. The enthusiasm generated by this event led to the creation of the association Les Rencontres Cinématographiques d'Aix en Provence and the birth of the Festival Tous Courts. The Festival Tous Courts will have its 38th edition in 2020, following more than 30 years of learning, research, discoveries, regional, national and international recognition. The Festival is recognized as category 1 by the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée (CNC) and brings together an ever-growing public.


While renewing itself, its axes remain:


Offer rich, varied and demanding programming

The 38th edition of the Festival Tous Courts will be held from 1 to 5 December 2020. Its two short film competitions (international competition and experimental competition) should bring together nearly 80 films. At the same time, we propose thematic sessions (carte blanche, young audience, Short Film Night, favourites...) to invite the public to discover young cinematographic creation, through short films chosen for their artistic quality, their audacity and their originality, while accompanying them with exchanges, meetings and debates.


Contributing to the vitality of the short film

Since 1998, we have been organizing a Film Market during the Festival to open up opportunities for the purchase, distribution and screening of short films entered in competition. We strongly encourage professional meetings, notably by inviting actors of the industry (directors, buyers, distributors, producers...), which we wish to continue to develop.


Promoting and fostering young European creation

Since 2011, we are organizing a Young Author Workshop to help 12 French-speaking authors to improve their film project with recognized script-doctors.


Developing audiences

We continue our commitment to young people by offering adapted programming during school sessions from the age of 6. Demand is strong and we would like to develop sessions for the youngest, from 3 years old.
In addition, we would like to direct our actions towards audiences far from access to culture, as we already do in prisons.

In the same spirit, during the week preceding the festival, we radiate in the communes around Aix en Provence with broadcasts for schoolchildren during the day and the general public in the evening.


Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

1/ DATES AND VENUES: The 38th Festival Tous Courts International Short film competitions will be held from December 1st to 5th 2020 in Aix-enProvence. The Festival Tous Courts is hosted by Les Rencontres Cinématographiques d'Aix-en-Provence Association based at 1, Place John Rewald, 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France.

2/ REGISTRATION TERMS: - The International Short Film Competition of the Festival Tous Courts is open to fiction, animation, documentary and experimental films lasting no longer than 30 minutes and completed after January 1st 2019. Advertising films, reports, music video clips and films that have already been submitted to the Festival Tous Courts panel are not accepted. It’s made up of 10 distinct competitive programs. - The International Competition of Experimental Short Films is exclusively open to experimental films lasting no longer than 30 minutes and completed after January 1st 2019. Advertising films, reports, music video clips and films that have already been submitted to the Festival Tous Courts panel are not accepted. It’s made up of 2 distinct competitive programs. Upon the panel’s decision, experimental films may equally compete in both competitions. Experimental films shortlisted for the international short film competition will also compete in the International Competition of Experimental Short Films.

3/ ENTRY : Entries start online on FEBRUARY 4th 2020 on: http://www.filmfestplatform.com The closing date has been set at JULY 12th 2020. IMPORTANT - It’s imperative for all the non-French speaking films to be provided with French or English subtitles - Film right holders are fully responsible for the clarity of their film’s information content and translations: technical and artistic specifications plus synopsis (French and English) and contacts. This information will be printed “as is” in the catalogue of the 21st International Short Film Market

4/ SELECTION: Every participant submitting a film shall receive an email about the panel’s decision from October 12th 2020 A director may submit several entries but the panel will can only choose one of them. According to the committee’s decision, the films entered in the International Competition of Experimental Short Films can compete to the International Short Film Competition The panel’s decisions are final and require no justification. The following projection equipment is allowed: - DCP (without KDM key) - HD video file (MOV or AVI, H264 compression codec, Apple Pro Res 422 -1920x1080 pixels – 24i, 25i or 30i – 10Mb/s minimum video speed – volume set at -12 dbs). Please send the files on our FTP server. Failing that, please send them on a hard drive or USB key. Important: In case of selection, an HD video file of the film will be required as a back-up copy besides the DCP. Subtitles Should your non-French language film be shortlisted and there be no copy with French subtitles, the production team must provide an HD video file with no subtitles, a full list of dialogues in the original language AND French or English

5/ MARKETING: Should your film be shortlisted, the festival may request a film excerpt on HD file. Film right holders agree with the festival to freely use photos, stills and film/audio for its promotion (written press, TV, internet, radio, festival poster and trailer) - Excerpts limited to 10% of the film’s total duration and never more than 3 minutes -. Film right holders agree with the publication of following personal information, which will be provided in the festival’s catalogues: tel/e-mail/website.

6/ INSURANCE – TRANSPORT - CUSTOMS: The festival commits to taking out insurance covering the film copies from their receipt to their return as well as any transport it is responsible for. In the event of theft, loss or damage during this period, the festival is only liable for the cost of replacing the copy. The festival covers transport costs for sending films to and from the Agence du Court Métrage (Short Film Agency) in Paris and Aix-en-Provence and only covers the film’s return for the ones originating from other countries. About foreign films, the sender is responsible for paying customs clearance costs and transport as the festival’s insurance will covers the parcel’s return.

7/ PRIZES: - The International Short Film Competition jury shall be composed of four to seven members who will select and award the winners of the International Short Film Competition. - The International Competition of Experimental Short Films jury shall be composed of 3 members who will select and award the winners of the International Competition of Experimental Short Films. The final prize list will be published in October 2020. Winners begins to mention the distinction their film will have won at the 37th Festival Tous Courts on all marketing and communication medias (press pack, filmography etc.). Winners with technical grants agree to state and clearly indicate the following mention where possible: “This film was produced with the support of - Partner’s names of Festival Tous Courts’s prize - ”. Winners will must use their prizes in kind within the 12 months following the prize ceremony. Prizes can under no circumstances be exchanged for checks, cash or any other gain.

8/ FILM MARKET:  All the films registered for the competition will be included in the catalog of the 22st International Short Film Market to be held in Aix-en-Provence from December 4th to 7th, 2019. The films will be made available to international buyers, without registration fees, until February 2nd, 2020. Reminder: It is strongly recommended that the film file made available to the market via the Agence du Court Métrage registration platform be subtitled in English regardless of its nationality. The right holders allow the use of the films digital files to contribute to increase the video library at Rencontres Cinématographiques d’Aix-en-Provence. Under no circumstances shall these files be used for public, commercial and noncommercial screenings or copies.

9/ EXEMPTIONS – CLAIMS: Only the festival’s management team can settle unforeseen issues and grant exemptions based on this terms and conditions document. Entry in the Festival Tous Courts implies you agree in full to these terms and conditions. These terms of use and all claims regarding their application and interpretation shall be governed by French law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Aix-en-Provence courts. In accordance with the General Data Protection Act of 25th May 2018, you have the right to access, rectify and delete personal data for which we are the sole addressee.

10/ SCREENINGS OF 38TH FESTIVAL TOUS COURT’S SELECTED FILMS The rights holders whose one or more films would be selected at the 37th Tous Courts Festival specifically give the Festival Tous Courts broadcast rights of the film (s) between the 8th of December 2019 and the 31st of March 2020 as part of the Festival's replay programs with the Festival's movie theaters partners. These broadcasts may not exceed one session per movie theater. Rights holders will be informed of each film's broadcast. During the same period, the Festival will keep a DCP copy or an HD file of the film. As well, the rights holders whose one or more films would be selected in the international competition of the 37th Tous Courts Festival, may be solicited by our partner Mmedia Prize for a broadcast of this/these film(s) on the digital artistic and cultural platform Mmedia. This broadcasting cannot exceed a period of three months from 6 December 2020, in exchange for which Mmedia undertakes to provide the right holder with a 4k copy of the film. The diffusion could only take place with the written approval of the rightful owner, who will then provide the diffusion support to Mmedia. The Festival Tous Courts will not be involved in any way in these exchanges.

Ratings & Reviews


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