Go Short International Short Film Festival Nijmegen

Nijmegen, Netherlands, Europe

14 - 18 Apr, 2021

Academy Award ® Qualifying European Film Award Qualifying BAFTA Qualifying


student, short, international, academy award qualifying




Documentary, Animation, Action, Drama, Experimental, Horror, Music Video, Virtual Reality

Go Short International Short Film Festival Nijmegen logo
Go Short International Short Film Festival Nijmegen

Nijmegen, Netherlands, Europe

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General Information






Kirsten Ruber

festival director

Niels Keetelars


Contact details

Go Short Info

Postbus 1449

NijmegenNetherlands 6501 BK


+31(0)246 636 789

Web & social


20000 people

About the festival

Go Short is the main short film festival in the Netherlands. The 13th edition of Go Short will take place between the 14th and the 18th of April 2021. During the five festival days Europe’s best recent short films will be screened and the Go Short Awards will be presented. Aside from the competitions Go Short offers an extensive program of events, talks, workshops, parties and meeting points for the filmmakers, the public and other stakeholders.


The Go Short foundation aims to contribute to deepening and expanding the short film culture, nationally and internationally, by means of organizing an annual international film festival for short films.

Go Short supports short film talent as much as possible. In the competitions, on campus and through the many organized meetings; Go Short becomes a (international) breeding ground.

Film makers and young talent are important to Go Short. Their films make the festival interesting and innovative for the visitors and for the high amount of (international) professional guests.

Go Short is founded on the principles of the Cultural Governance Code and consists of a board and a director. The foundation has been registered as a charitable institution (ANBI in Dutch).



Go Short is the main short film festival in the Netherlands. The 13th edition of Go Short will take place between the 14th and the 18th of April 2021. During the five festival days Europe’s best recent short films will be screened and the Go Short Awards will be presented. Aside from the competitions Go Short offers an extensive program of events, talks, workshops, parties and meeting points for the filmmakers, the public and other stakeholders.


The Go Short foundation aims to contribute to deepening and expanding the short film culture, nationally and internationally, by means of organizing an annual international film festival for short films.

Go Short supports short film talent as much as possible. In the competitions, on campus and through the many organized meetings; Go Short becomes a (international) breeding ground.

Film makers and young talent are important to Go Short. Their films make the festival interesting and innovative for the visitors and for the high amount of (international) professional guests.

Go Short is founded on the principles of the Cultural Governance Code and consists of a board and a director. The foundation has been registered as a charitable institution (ANBI in Dutch).



Awards & Winners


Go Short Award for Best Fiction (Winner)

Special Mention (Winner)

Go Short Award for Best Documentary (Winner)

Go Short Award for Best Animation (Winner)

Special Mention (Winner)

VEVAM Award for Best Dutch Film (Winner)

Special Mention (Winner)

Encouragement Award for Best Student Film (Winner)

Best Music Video (Winner)

Lousy/In in in - Daniel Wirtberg (2020) Director(s):

Special Mention (Winner)

Careful – Alice Saey (2020) Director(s):

Terms and rules

1.1 Films are eligible for Go Short competitions if:

- The film is no longer than 30 minutes.

- The film is produced in (geographical) Europe, the director or producer is European or the film was mainly financed by a European country.

- The film has clear-spoken English dialogue and/or commentary, or has no dialogue. In case of non-English dialogue (or unclear spoken English), English subtitles are mandatory. If the film has Dutch dialogues, the subtitles are only required after a selection.

- The film is finished after 1 December 2019.

1.2 DCP is the only accepted film format supported. Please make sure that the DCP is not encrypted and tested in a theatre beforehand. Presentation of other formats and video systems requires authorization of the Festival program department.

1.3 Deadlines for Go Short competitions:

- 24 September 2020 for films completed between 1 December 2019 and 1 June 2020

- 26 November 2020 for all films completed on or after 1 June 2020

- 24 December 2020 for films that have been completed in November or December 2020

On these dates the submission has to be completed: online entry form as well as digital file have to be sent to Go Short.

1.4 Entry fee: The festival charges a fee of 9,50 euro per film submission. This includes VAT- and PayPal charges. This is a low entry fee, primarily meant to ensure the quality of the selection process. The film you submit is handled with care by our professional team and is being viewed by professional curators and programmers. After you submitted the film, the fee can’t be reclaimed. Distributors, film institutions and schools can get a discount for multiple submissions. To be considered, please get in touch with our programming team: program@goshort.nl.

1.5 Requested materials for entry:

- A completed online entry form

- A Vimeo or Youtube link to the film

Please note: there is no additional documentation required for the entry. Please do not send any additional press sheets or documentation.

1.6 The genre that is most applicable to the film should be indicated on the entry form. However, the final decision on this is entirely at the discretion of the Festival programming team.

1.7 A film that has been submitted during a previous edition will not be accepted. 1 Eligible countries are: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, BosniaHerzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and The United Kingdom.

1.8 If a short film does not meet all of the above mentioned requirements, it will not be eligible for selection by the Festival.

2.0 Competitions

2.1 A designated selection committee will select the Go Short competition programmes.

2.2 Go Short competitions and awards:

Decided by a jury:

- European Competition: Go Short Award for Best European Short Fiction This award is also an Academy Award Qualifier.

- European Competition: Go Short Award for Best European Short Documentary This award is also an Academy Award Qualifier.

- European Competition: Go Short Award for Best European Short Animation This award is also an Academy Award Qualifier.

- Dutch Competition: Go Short Award for Best Dutch Short Film This award is also an Academy Award Qualifier.

- Student Competition: Go Short Encouragement Award for Best Student Film

Go Short is recognized by the SAA (Student Academy Awards). Please find the rules here: http://www.oscars.org/saa/apply

- All films in competition: The Go Short candidate for the European Film Awards Decided by the audience:

- All films in competition: Audience Award Go Short has the right to change the outline of the program and the awards.

2.3 All Dutch films submitted for the Festival will automatically be eligible for selection of the Dutch Competition.

2.4 All submitted films are also eligible to be selected for our out-of-competition programmes. In this case the Festival will always contact the person designated on the entry form as the primary contact beforehand to request permission. All regulations are also valid in this case.

3.0 Selection and screenings

3.1 In case a film is selected, the Festival will notify the primary contact and the director of the film 20 February the latest, 2021. Once the film has been selected, the Go Short logo and the text “official selection Go Short 2021” may be used for publicity purposes. This logo and text will be sent in digital form.

3.2 In order to compile the Festival catalogue, the Festival must receive a duly completed entry form and requested materials for each film: synopsis, catalogue credits, and stills. The requested materials should be sent as soon as possible upon acceptance of the invitation (deadlines will be mentioned in email). Go Short accepts no liability in the event that its publications reproduce inaccuracies in submitted materials. Catalogue writings are entirely at the discretion of the Festival.

3.3 The catalogue will include the following technical and artistic credits: original title, international title, director, production country (/countries), year of production, length, premiere status at Go Short, credits for production, screenplay, cinematography, editing, animation, sound, music and narration, principal cast and contact details (company, primary contact, telephone number, and email).

3.4 For promotional purposes the Festival would like to receive: - A minimum of one high resolution digital still from the film. Minimum requirements: 2000 pixels wide, 600 KB, 300 dpi. Preferably jpeg. - A number of 72 dpi stills. - A number of printed film posters, preferably A2 format.

3.5 For promotion of the whole selection and of each selected film, the festival website is allowed to use any still or digital film clip (less than 10% of the film’s duration and up to a max of 3 minutes). The Festival is entitled to use the above-mentioned excerpts from selected films for promotional purposes nationally and internationally.

3.6 The Festival has the right to screen selected films during the festival without paying any screening fees. This also counts for screenings for promotional purposes during the weeks before the festival and for the Best of Go Short on Tour program. Go Short has the right to distribute this program to Dutch cinemas, without providing extra payment, until 31 December 2021. The primary contact will be contacted about this.

3.7 A selected film cannot be withdrawn from the program after accepting the selection invitation.

3.8 In case of selection, we expect a representative of the film to accompany the screenings to take part in a Q&A and/or interview. The Festival industry office will contact the primary contact about this.

3.9 General scheduling and timetabling of the public screenings and press & industry screenings are entirely at the discretion of the festival management.

3.10 Selected films will be made available in the Video Library. The library of Go Short is shared with the European Short Film Network (Short Waves Festival, Go Short, Kurtzfilmtage Oberhausen, Vienna Shorts) and the films will be available in the shared library from mid March untill early June. The library is accessible only for registered professionals that are accredited to one or more of the four festivals. All national entries, including films not selected, will be included in the Dutch Platform, a section in the Video Library that gives a complete overview of the Dutch short film culture to registered film professionals.

3.11 Producers and distributors of both participating and winning films are encouraged to include in future promotional material the mention of a selection or award of, respectively, the competition of the 12th Go Short – International Short Film Festival Nijmegen. Logos 'in selection’ or ‘winner of’ Go Short Competition are available on request.

3.12 If we decide to screen films in an online environment, the primary contacts of the films will always be asked for permission after presenting them the conditions of the screening.

4.0 Transport, insurance and return

4.1 Unless authorized by the Festival, the film print/data-disks must be made available for the whole festival period. The Festival must receive the screening copy of the film before 3 March, 2021. In case the Festival wishes to use the film for a press screening or something similar, the primary contact or printcontact will be contacted prior to this date. The Festival will contact whoever is designated on the entry form as the primary contact about the shipment and the exact shipping address. When sending the film from a country that’s not part of the European Union (EU), a non-commercial/ pro forma invoice must accompany the print/data-disk, stating the name of the sender, the company, the address, the title of the film, the format, its length, the number of reels, and the description “without commercial value, for cultural purpose only” and mark “no value”, or “not more than 10 Euro / US$”.

4.2 The costs of transport of all data-disks and film prints (both from the EU as well as from outside the EU) to the festival office are at the responsibility of the applicant. The Festival will pay for the return of the print to the destination of choice. In the case of 35mm film prints coming from outside the EU, the transport costs to the Netherlands are the responsibility of the applicant up to arrival at the Festival’s office. The Festival will take care of the custom clearance costs of films at the airport for both importation and exportation, and will pay for shipment from Nijmegen to the next arrival airport. Please bear in mind that the consignee is responsible for the re-importation charges in the country of arrival.

4.3 Participants are entirely responsible for insurance concerning the shipment of films/data-disks to and from the Netherlands. Upon gaining possession of the films/data-disks from the courier or shipping company, the Festival will only accept limited liability, extending to the time that the festival organisation returns the film or video to the shipping company. The definition of this limited liability includes a refund of laboratory expenses for making a new print of the film reel(s) damaged or the duplication of the DCP. This refund will be calculated according to the current Dutch laboratory prices. It does not extend to negatives, positives, or masters.

4.4 In case of faulty projection, the Festival cannot be held liable for immaterial damages suffered by director, producer, or distributor. Complaints will only be considered if they are filed within four weeks following the Go Short Festival.

4.5 Guests of the Festival are not covered by the festival insurance. Press kits, photos, and screeners for publicity purposes and other materials are not included in the limited insurance liability.

4.6 All prints will be returned within four weeks after the Festival. It's the responsibility of each participant to inform the Festival in due time on (any change in) the details of the return address as well as the desired date of arrival at the return address. In case there’s no confirmation of the address within four weeks after the festival, the screening copy will be returned to the print source of the film (as listed on the entry form). The Festival is not liable for any inconvenience this may cause.

4.7 The festival will keep a digital copy of the DCP in their archive, unless the right holder requests differently. For future screenings and use of the DCP the primary contact will be approached again.

5.0 Conclusion and contact

5.1 Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of these regulations and decisions made by the management and board. The management and/or board of the Go Short foundation decide in all cases where the regulations do not suffice.

5.2 The management and/or board of the Festival can always decide on exceptions of the regulations.

5.3 The entrant guarantees to have cleared all (intellectual property) rights needed for screening during Go Short – International Short Film Festival Nijmegen and shall indemnify the Festival against all liability towards third parties.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

European Short Animation

European Short Animation
Early Bird (24th September, 2020) €9.50
Regular (26th November, 2020) €9.50
Late (24th December, 2020) €9.50
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Any country
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films No
First films No
Prize Yes

All winners receive an amount of €1500 and a DCP mastering service from partner Green DCP. They are also longlisted for the Oscars.

European Short Fiction

European Short Fiction
Early Bird (24th September, 2020) €9.50
Regular (26th November, 2020) €9.50
Late (24th December, 2020) €9.50
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Any country
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films No
First films No
Prize Yes

All winners receive an amount of €1500 and a DCP mastering service from partner Green DCP. They are also longlisted for the Oscars.

European Short Art Film

European Short Art Film
Early Bird (24th September, 2020) €9.50
Regular (26th November, 2020) €9.50
Late (24th December, 2020) €9.50
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Any country
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films No
First films No
Prize Yes

All winners receive an amount of €1500 and a DCP mastering service from partner Green DCP. They are also longlisted for the Oscars.

European Short Documentary

European Short Documentary
Early Bird (24th September, 2020) €9.50
Regular (26th November, 2020) €9.50
Late (24th December, 2020) €9.50
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Any country
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films No
First films No
Prize Yes

All winners receive an amount of €1500 and a DCP mastering service from partner Green DCP. They are also longlisted for the Oscars.

Dutch Short Film

Dutch Short Film
Early Bird (24th September, 2020) €9.50
Regular (26th November, 2020) €9.50
Late (24th December, 2020) €9.50
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Any country
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films No
First films No
Prize Yes

Student Film

Student Competition
Early Bird (24th September, 2020) €9.50
Regular (26th November, 2020) €9.50
Late (24th December, 2020) €9.50
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Any country
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films Only student films
First films No
Prize Yes

Youth Competition

Youth Competition
Early Bird (24th September, 2020) €9.50
Regular (26th November, 2020) €9.50
Late (24th December, 2020) €9.50
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Any country
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films No
First films No

Music Video Competition

Music Video Competition
Regular (17th November, 2020) €9.50
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Any country
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films No
First films No

What is the title of your film?

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Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

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What is the genre of your film?

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What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

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Monetary award

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Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals