Indiedance Film Festival

18 - 19 Sep, 2020


Feature, Short

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Indiedance Film Festival

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About the festival

INDIEDANCE Film Festival is a Los Angeles county based film festival with live screenings held annually in Southern California. We celebrate Independent Short and Feature films of all genres.

INDIEDANCE Film Festival is for working Filmmakers, by working Filmmakers. INDEDANCE Film Festival is Relentlessly Independent.

INDIEDANCE’s inaugural season drew an incredible mix of films representing all genres, featuring outstanding performances by notable talent including Morena Baccarin, Krista Allen, Bill Moseley, William Shatner, Ray Wise and Richard Riechle while at the same time drawing breakout performances by those who should now be on your radar including INDIEDANCE 2020 Best Actress Aine Ni Mhuiri. and INDIEDANCE 2020 Best Actor Sean Leon.

Congratulations to all INDIEDANCE filmmakers for succeeding in sharing your visions during a very difficult year! The following filmmakers were awarded the additional commendations for excellence in filmmaking:

In addition, five of the 2020 INDIEDANCE award winning Feature filmmakers were offered sales representation opportunities as a result of their participation in our festival. Networking contacts and future collaborators were also made by many in support of INDIEDANCE’s central mission of building a community of and for indie filmmakers. Head over to the INDIEDANCE Vimeo page to check out all Virtual Red Carpet interviews:

As independent filmmakers ourselves we understand how much hard work and personal sacrifice has gone into the creation of your film and have therefore developed the following Filmmaker Bill of Rights to ensure that all film submissions are treated fairly and impartially.

What makes INDIEDANCE Film Festival different? The INDIEDANCE Bill of Rights is our commitment to all submitting filmmakers:

The INDIEDANCE Filmmaker Bill of Rights:

I-Our programmers will view your entire film. We will ensure that our staffing levels are sufficient at all times so that all submitted films will be given fair consideration, all films submitted will be judged fairly and in their entirety.

II-Your film will stand on its own merits as we do not collect personal information about the Filmmakers who have created it. If it’s a good film, it will be passed up for next level consideration.

III-100% of our programmed films will come from open submissions. We will not pre-fill valuable slots by running after films that have played in previous festivals and who have opened to acclaim. We will find the next great Filmmakers through our submission process and don’t need to chase anyone down in hopes of elevating our festivals reputation-this will occur naturally through a thorough screening process and does not need to be augmented by recruiting what’s just played at film fest XYZ.

IV-Our festival will not cave into sponsors who may attempt to strongly recommend one film over another as a winner of any of our categories. Your film will be judged on its merits and nothing else.

V-Your film will not be made available online by our festival for any reason. No small print, no disclaimer-we just won’t do it. We will view your film via the FilmFreeway link and only request the download option if your film has been selected for our annual Live Screenings.

The inaugural year of our live screenings will be held at the Aurora theater screening room in Long Beach California, a professional venue combining crisp digital projection with outstanding sound.

In addition, all films entering will be rated by our judges with winning entries recognized and awarded at four levels:
Best Picture (Best of the Festival Feature and Short)
Gold Award Level,
Silver Award Level
Bronze Award Level
Our four Award Levels offer Filmmakers of all experience-levels and films of all budgets an equal opportunity to win.
Not all award winners will screen during our annual live screening.

Winners of the INDIEDANCE Film Festival Best of the Festival Feature and Short along with the Best Produced Screenplay, will receive an InkTip Script Listing to promote themselves and their scripts to InkTip’s entire network of producers, managers, and agents.

Companies who are InkTip members include: ABC, Anonymous Content, APA, CBS Films, HBO Films, ICM, Paradigm, Paramount Pictures, Hallmark Channel, FX, Universal, WME, Echo Lake, Zero Gravity, Bad Robot, 20th Century Fox, and many more.

Producers have made more than 393 films from scripts and writers found through InkTip. InkTip: Where producers go for scripts and writers.

In addition, we will be offering the following awards for stand-out Filmmakers during our annual live screenings in Southern California:

-Best Emerging Filmmaker Award
-Best US Filmmaker Award
-Best International Filmmaker Award
-The INDIEDANCE Impact Award


INDIEDANCE Film Festival is a Los Angeles county based film festival with live screenings held annually in Southern California. We celebrate Independent Short and Feature films of all genres.

INDIEDANCE Film Festival is for working Filmmakers, by working Filmmakers. INDEDANCE Film Festival is Relentlessly Independent.

INDIEDANCE’s inaugural season drew an incredible mix of films representing all genres, featuring outstanding performances by notable talent including Morena Baccarin, Krista Allen, Bill Moseley, William Shatner, Ray Wise and Richard Riechle while at the same time drawing breakout performances by those who should now be on your radar including INDIEDANCE 2020 Best Actress Aine Ni Mhuiri. and INDIEDANCE 2020 Best Actor Sean Leon.

Congratulations to all INDIEDANCE filmmakers for succeeding in sharing your visions during a very difficult year! The following filmmakers were awarded the additional commendations for excellence in filmmaking:

In addition, five of the 2020 INDIEDANCE award winning Feature filmmakers were offered sales representation opportunities as a result of their participation in our festival. Networking contacts and future collaborators were also made by many in support of INDIEDANCE’s central mission of building a community of and for indie filmmakers. Head over to the INDIEDANCE Vimeo page to check out all Virtual Red Carpet interviews:

As independent filmmakers ourselves we understand how much hard work and personal sacrifice has gone into the creation of your film and have therefore developed the following Filmmaker Bill of Rights to ensure that all film submissions are treated fairly and impartially.

What makes INDIEDANCE Film Festival different? The INDIEDANCE Bill of Rights is our commitment to all submitting filmmakers:

The INDIEDANCE Filmmaker Bill of Rights:

I-Our programmers will view your entire film. We will ensure that our staffing levels are sufficient at all times so that all submitted films will be given fair consideration, all films submitted will be judged fairly and in their entirety.

II-Your film will stand on its own merits as we do not collect personal information about the Filmmakers who have created it. If it’s a good film, it will be passed up for next level consideration.

III-100% of our programmed films will come from open submissions. We will not pre-fill valuable slots by running after films that have played in previous festivals and who have opened to acclaim. We will find the next great Filmmakers through our submission process and don’t need to chase anyone down in hopes of elevating our festivals reputation-this will occur naturally through a thorough screening process and does not need to be augmented by recruiting what’s just played at film fest XYZ.

IV-Our festival will not cave into sponsors who may attempt to strongly recommend one film over another as a winner of any of our categories. Your film will be judged on its merits and nothing else.

V-Your film will not be made available online by our festival for any reason. No small print, no disclaimer-we just won’t do it. We will view your film via the FilmFreeway link and only request the download option if your film has been selected for our annual Live Screenings.

The inaugural year of our live screenings will be held at the Aurora theater screening room in Long Beach California, a professional venue combining crisp digital projection with outstanding sound.

In addition, all films entering will be rated by our judges with winning entries recognized and awarded at four levels:
Best Picture (Best of the Festival Feature and Short)
Gold Award Level,
Silver Award Level
Bronze Award Level
Our four Award Levels offer Filmmakers of all experience-levels and films of all budgets an equal opportunity to win.
Not all award winners will screen during our annual live screening.

Winners of the INDIEDANCE Film Festival Best of the Festival Feature and Short along with the Best Produced Screenplay, will receive an InkTip Script Listing to promote themselves and their scripts to InkTip’s entire network of producers, managers, and agents.

Companies who are InkTip members include: ABC, Anonymous Content, APA, CBS Films, HBO Films, ICM, Paradigm, Paramount Pictures, Hallmark Channel, FX, Universal, WME, Echo Lake, Zero Gravity, Bad Robot, 20th Century Fox, and many more.

Producers have made more than 393 films from scripts and writers found through InkTip. InkTip: Where producers go for scripts and writers.

In addition, we will be offering the following awards for stand-out Filmmakers during our annual live screenings in Southern California:

-Best Emerging Filmmaker Award
-Best US Filmmaker Award
-Best International Filmmaker Award
-The INDIEDANCE Impact Award

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

• Submissions are open to anyone, 18 years of age or older.
• All genres accepted with the exception of pornography and films expressing hate in
any form.
• No Premiere status is required.
• All films not in English are required to have English subtitles prior to submission.
• The payment of an entrance fee is required.
• Entry fees are non-refundable.
• By submitting your film to The INDIEDANCE Film Festival you confirm that you own
the rights of the film.
• The INDIEDANCE Film Festival will not be held responsible for any copyright issues
or infringements.
• By submitting your film, you acknowledge that The INDIEDANCE Film Festival
reserves the right to promote your film on our website and social media, including
the use of a clip and/or trailer as well as stills that you will provide for promotional
• The internal Jury of The INDIEDANCE Film Festival will select the Official Selection
from which the Winners of the festival will be determined.
• Entry does not guarantee acceptance into the festival.
• Winners at all levels will receive Festival Laurels. Best Picture Feature and Best
Picture Short announced during the annual screenings in Southern California will
receive an INDEDANCE winner trophy.
• The INDIEDANCE Film Festival does not make your film available online to the
• All film entries must submit an online screener via FilmFreeway.
• Rules, terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of The
INDIEDANCE Film Festival, presented by Treading Yesterday LLC.
• We retain the right to change the date and venue of the festival under special
circumstances. All filmmakers will be informed of any changes via website
• By submitting you declare that you have understood and agreed to the rules and
terms of The INDIEDANCE Film Festival.

Web & Social

Festival website

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Best Narrative Feature
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $40
Regular (29th February, 2020) $40
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Any work of Fiction over 45 minutes

Best Narrative Short
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $30
Regular (29th February, 2020) $30
Late (31st May, 2020) $30

Any work of Fiction under 45 minutes

Best International Feature
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $40
Regular (29th February, 2020) $40
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Any Film outside of the USA, must be over 45 minutes

Best International Short
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $30
Regular (29th February, 2020) $30
Late (31st May, 2020) $30

Any Film outside of the USA, must be under 45 minutes

Best Documentary Feature
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $40
Regular (29th February, 2020) $40
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Any non-fiction work over 45 minutes

Best Documentary Short
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $30
Regular (29th February, 2020) $30
Late (31st May, 2020) $30

Any non-fiction film under 45 minutes

Best Animation Feature
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $40
Regular (29th February, 2020) $40
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Must be 45 minutes or more

Best Animation Short
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $30
Regular (29th February, 2020) $30
Late (31st May, 2020) $30

Must be under 45 minutes

Best Action/Thriller Feature
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $40
Regular (29th February, 2020) $40
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Must be over 45 minutes

Best Action/Thriller Short
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $30
Regular (29th February, 2020) $30
Late (31st May, 2020) $30

Best Webisode/New Media Short
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $30
Regular (29th February, 2020) $30
Late (31st May, 2020) $30

Must be 35 minutes or less

Best Horror Feature
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $40
Regular (29th February, 2020) $40
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Must be over 45 minutes

Best Horror Short
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $30
Regular (29th February, 2020) $30
Late (31st May, 2020) $30

Must be under 45 minutes

Best SCI-FI Feature
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $40
Regular (29th February, 2020) $40
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Must be over 45 minutes

Best SCI-FI Short
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $30
Regular (29th February, 2020) $30
Late (31st May, 2020) $30

Must be less than 45 minutes

Best LGBT Feature
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $40
Regular (29th February, 2020) $40
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Must be over 45 minutes

Best LGBT Short
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $30
Regular (29th February, 2020) $30
Late (31st May, 2020) $30

Must be under 45 minutes

Best Music Video
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $30
Regular (29th February, 2020) $30
Late (31st May, 2020) $30

Must be under 5 minutes

Best Director
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter.

Best First Time Filmmaker
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter.

Best Producer
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter.

Best Editing
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter.

Best Cinematography
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter.

Best Music Score
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter.

Best Produced Screenplay
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter. This category is not for the submission of written screenplays and is intended for those that have been produced. Please include a link to the film in your submissions cover letter.

Best Production Design
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter.

Best Actor
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter.

Best Actress
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter.

Best Ensemble Cast
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name in cover letter.

Best Choreography
Early Bird (30th November, 2019) $35
Regular (29th February, 2020) $35
Late (31st May, 2020) $40

Each film must submit to one of the main categories shown above in order to qualify for additional crafts categories. The additional categories can be entered as add-ons to one of the main categories shown above. Please include name(s) in cover letter.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals