Kalmthout, Antwerpen, Belgium, Europe
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Contact details
Holleweg nr 16 Kalmthout, Antwerpen 2920 Belgium
Web & social
www.kortfilmfestivalkalmthout.be www.facebook.com/kortfilmfestivalkalmthout twitter.com/FilmKortInternational Short Film Festival Kalmthout is a live screening festival.
We select the "Best International Short Film", the "Best Short Film from Belgium" and
the "Best Animation" and "Best Documentary" and Price of the Press.
We also select a "Prize of the Jury" as well as a "Public Prize".
All short films with a running time up to fifty minutes are welcome.
New for 2020 ''Beste Childeren's'' Film and ''Best Cinematography''.
The best cinematography award will be chosen by the jury from every category.
Every film automatically has a chance to win this prize
The winners of the Live Festival will be interviewed on the spot. This interview will be published on our website(s) and social media. + Winner Trophy + certificate and Laurel
Best Short Film National.
Best Short Film International.
Prize of the Audience National
Prize of the Audience International
Best Documentary Short Worldwide
Best Animated Short Worldwide.
Best Actress National
Best Actor National
Prize of the Press
Best Cinematography
Best Children's Film
Best Netherlands film
There are no winners yet for this festival
1. Movie files need to be in h264/mp4 format
2. Movies need to be in 1280x720pix or 1920x1080pix (full HD)
3. Running time for short movies: up to fifty minutes
4. Subtitling: unless spoken in Dutch or English, all movies need to have English subtitles.
5. The nominees will be asked to forward their movie via www.wetransfer.com to the email address of: info@kortfilmfestivalkalmthout.be
6. Submission fees are unrefundable.
7. The jury's decision is final.
More information can be found at our website: www.kortfilmfestivalkalmthout.be
If you're living outside of Belgium, this is the category for you to enter your short movie. under 50 minutes. Deze catergorie is enkel voor de buitenlandse inzendingen. onder de 50 minuten.
If you are a Belgian filmmaker, this is the catergory for you. under 50 minutes. De Belgische filmmaker kan zijn kortfilm indienen via deze categorie. Onder de 50 minuten
The film must be child-friendly, up to 12 years old. This can be animation as fiction or children's songs for example. The films must be under 20 minutes.
Animation Worldwide. Short films both International and national with a total playing time up to 50 minutes.
Documentary Worldwide. Short film documentaries both international and national with a total playing time up to 50 minutes.