Janara Horror Fest

29 - 31 Oct, 2020

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Janara Horror Fest

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About the festival

3^ Edition

Call for entry 2020

The Cultural Association "Il Sogno di Ulisse" announce the second edition of Janara Horror Fest, an event that aims to promote the culture of the fantasy genre and, at the same time, to let know the territory of the city of Formia, Italy, and of the completely South Pontino. The event will take place in October 2020.

The competition is divided into different sections, open to horror, science fiction, fantasy, fantasy, thriller, weird, etc .:

1. Short Italy
2. Short International
3. Short Animation
4. Too Short
5. Feature Film

The movies must last no more than 30 minutes, including titles, while for the single Too Short category the duration is just 3 minutes and Feature Film more than 60 minutes. The works in a foreign language must be supplied by complete Italian subtitles. Both published and unpublished works may participate in the competition. There are no restrictions about the production year of the work. Works that have already won other short film competitions are allowed to take part. Each author can participate in the competition with at most three short movies (also belonging to different sections).

The selected works will be projected during the event and the awards will be:

1. Best Short Italy
2. Best Short International
3. Best Short Animation
4. Best Too Short
5. Best Feature Film

The awards consist of a personalized plate and the award certificate issued by the jury. Prizes must be picked up only by the winners or by a delegate. In case of impossibility to be present personally at the award ceremony, the prizes will not be assigned.

The Direction of the Festival will select among the registered short movies the finalists who will be projected during the event. The selected works’ authors will receive an email by the end of September 2020, and announced on the website www.janarahorrorfest.it and on the Facebook page, too. The organization will appoint a jury of experts in the field who will decide the winners in the various sections. The jury's decisions are irrevocable. The organization can also choose to attribute special mentions or awards to works considered particularly meritorious.

The deadline for the submission of the works is set at 15 August 2020.

The participation fee for the competition is 10 euros for secretarial spending. The authors can submit theris short movies only by using the www.filmfreeway.com platform. Registration for the Competition implies the filing of all the works sent to the Janara Horror Fest archive, which may also be used in different locations and situations from those of the Festival, excluding any use for commercial purposes.

By registering for the competition, every single author is responsible for the content of his works. The author also declares and guarantees that he is the owner of all the rights of the work and that do not injure the rights of third parties, such as other authors, subjects portrayed, assignees of rights, musical rights, etc. If the work presents contents that are not owned by the Subject participating in the Festival, the latter undertakes to assume all the necessary releases and authorizations for participation in the Festival itself. In any case, the participant in the Festival and / or the author of the work, undertake to hold the organization free from any claim, request for damage and / or expense from anyone who has done so. The admission request to the Festival implies the unconditional acceptance of all the points of the regulation. According to the law 196/03 the personal data of the authors will be processed only for the purpose of organizing the event. As potential necessary of the organization, the rules of this regulation may undergo variations, without in any case altering the substance.

Website: www.janarahorrorfest.it
E-mail for information: info@janarahorrorfest.it
Facebook: Janara Horror Fest
Giuseppe Mallozzi - President of the Cultural Association "Il Sogno di Ulisse": +39 340 2753738

The selected works will be projected during the event and the awards will be:

1. Best Short Italy
2. Best Short International
3. Best Short Animation
4. Best Too Short
5. Feature Film

The awards consist of a personalized plate and the award certificate issued by the jury. Prizes must be picked up only by the winners or by a delegate. In case of impossibility to be present personally at the award ceremony, the prizes will not be assigned.


3^ Edition

Call for entry 2020

The Cultural Association "Il Sogno di Ulisse" announce the second edition of Janara Horror Fest, an event that aims to promote the culture of the fantasy genre and, at the same time, to let know the territory of the city of Formia, Italy, and of the completely South Pontino. The event will take place in October 2020.

The competition is divided into different sections, open to horror, science fiction, fantasy, fantasy, thriller, weird, etc .:

1. Short Italy
2. Short International
3. Short Animation
4. Too Short
5. Feature Film

The movies must last no more than 30 minutes, including titles, while for the single Too Short category the duration is just 3 minutes and Feature Film more than 60 minutes. The works in a foreign language must be supplied by complete Italian subtitles. Both published and unpublished works may participate in the competition. There are no restrictions about the production year of the work. Works that have already won other short film competitions are allowed to take part. Each author can participate in the competition with at most three short movies (also belonging to different sections).

The selected works will be projected during the event and the awards will be:

1. Best Short Italy
2. Best Short International
3. Best Short Animation
4. Best Too Short
5. Best Feature Film

The awards consist of a personalized plate and the award certificate issued by the jury. Prizes must be picked up only by the winners or by a delegate. In case of impossibility to be present personally at the award ceremony, the prizes will not be assigned.

The Direction of the Festival will select among the registered short movies the finalists who will be projected during the event. The selected works’ authors will receive an email by the end of September 2020, and announced on the website www.janarahorrorfest.it and on the Facebook page, too. The organization will appoint a jury of experts in the field who will decide the winners in the various sections. The jury's decisions are irrevocable. The organization can also choose to attribute special mentions or awards to works considered particularly meritorious.

The deadline for the submission of the works is set at 15 August 2020.

The participation fee for the competition is 10 euros for secretarial spending. The authors can submit theris short movies only by using the www.filmfreeway.com platform. Registration for the Competition implies the filing of all the works sent to the Janara Horror Fest archive, which may also be used in different locations and situations from those of the Festival, excluding any use for commercial purposes.

By registering for the competition, every single author is responsible for the content of his works. The author also declares and guarantees that he is the owner of all the rights of the work and that do not injure the rights of third parties, such as other authors, subjects portrayed, assignees of rights, musical rights, etc. If the work presents contents that are not owned by the Subject participating in the Festival, the latter undertakes to assume all the necessary releases and authorizations for participation in the Festival itself. In any case, the participant in the Festival and / or the author of the work, undertake to hold the organization free from any claim, request for damage and / or expense from anyone who has done so. The admission request to the Festival implies the unconditional acceptance of all the points of the regulation. According to the law 196/03 the personal data of the authors will be processed only for the purpose of organizing the event. As potential necessary of the organization, the rules of this regulation may undergo variations, without in any case altering the substance.

Website: www.janarahorrorfest.it
E-mail for information: info@janarahorrorfest.it
Facebook: Janara Horror Fest
Giuseppe Mallozzi - President of the Cultural Association "Il Sogno di Ulisse": +39 340 2753738

The selected works will be projected during the event and the awards will be:

1. Best Short Italy
2. Best Short International
3. Best Short Animation
4. Best Too Short
5. Feature Film

The awards consist of a personalized plate and the award certificate issued by the jury. Prizes must be picked up only by the winners or by a delegate. In case of impossibility to be present personally at the award ceremony, the prizes will not be assigned.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

The competition is divided into 3 different sections, open to horror, science fiction, fantasy, fantasy, thriller, weird, etc .:

1. Short Italy
2. Short International
3. Short Animation
4. Too Short
5. Feature Film

The movies must last no more than 30 minutes, including titles, while for the single Too Short category the duration is just 3 minutes and Feature Film more than 60 minutes. The works in a foreign language must be supplied by complete Italian subtitles. Both published and unpublished works may participate in the competition. There are no restrictions about the production year of the work. Works that have already won other short film competitions are allowed to take part. Each author can participate in the competition with at most three short movies (also belonging to different sections).

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Short Italy
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) $5
Regular (30th June, 2020) $10
Late (31st July, 2020) $15

Just for italian films. Any work with a length shorter than 30 minutes.

Short International
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) $5
Regular (30th June, 2020) $10
Late (31st July, 2020) $15

Just for foreign films. Any work with a length shorter than 30 minutes.

Short Animation
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) $5
Regular (30th June, 2020) $10
Late (31st July, 2020) $15

Aimed to any story of animation realized in any technical way, also stop-motion.

Too Short
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) $5
Regular (30th June, 2020) $10
Late (31st July, 2020) $15

The duration of films is just 3 minute.

Feature Film
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) $10
Regular (30th June, 2020) $15
Late (31st July, 2020) $20

Any work with a length longer than 60 minutes.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

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Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals