Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ukraine, Europe


Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ukraine, Europe

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General Information




Anna Kurinnaya

President of the Organizing Committee

Alexander Chernobay

Vice President of the Organizing Committee

Contact details

Kharkiv, Ukraine Ukraine



Web & social

About the festival

We invite professionals in the field of audiovisual and photographic art from all over the world to take part in the festival and competition program KHARKIV INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND TRAVEL «ARTTRAVEL», which will be held in one of the biggest cultural centers of Ukraine - in Kharkiv - from 22 to 24 May, 2020.

PROMO 2020 -

The festival’s mission is to support audiovisual and photographic art, revealing the theme of travel; popularization of tourism.

1) festival-competition of creative people, themes of works, which are related to the subjects of travel;
2) this is a competent assessment of the work of an international jury;
3) master classes and creative meetings from professionals on the topics of arts and tourism.
4) excursion familiarization program with the city, culture and hospitality of Kharkov residents.

Slogan of the festival in 2020 : «Dream without borders!»

The journey begins with a dream. Dreams lead people to the mountains, to distant lands and continents. Dreams inspire! Our ARTTRAVEL 2020 festival is about people who make their dreams come true. And the incredible travel-dreams that they managed to capture with a photo or video camera.

If you visit Ukraine - this is also your dream, welcome to Kharkiv!

The festival program for foreign and nonresident participants involves: participation in all festival events, including the obligatory competitive video demonstration of works and the award ceremony; city tour, culture and hospitality of Kharkiv residents.

Winner of the Grand Prix, winners in each category and finalists will receive trophy awards, diplomas and valuable gifts of the festival.
Official sponsors of the festival can also make recommendations for special awards.
The best works will be shown on the cinema’s big screen as part of the Award Ceremony of the festival participants and contestants.

NOTE. If you can NOT attend the award ceremony, your participation in the festival will be canceled.


We invite professionals in the field of audiovisual and photographic art from all over the world to take part in the festival and competition program KHARKIV INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND TRAVEL «ARTTRAVEL», which will be held in one of the biggest cultural centers of Ukraine - in Kharkiv - from 22 to 24 May, 2020.

PROMO 2020 -

The festival’s mission is to support audiovisual and photographic art, revealing the theme of travel; popularization of tourism.

1) festival-competition of creative people, themes of works, which are related to the subjects of travel;
2) this is a competent assessment of the work of an international jury;
3) master classes and creative meetings from professionals on the topics of arts and tourism.
4) excursion familiarization program with the city, culture and hospitality of Kharkov residents.

Slogan of the festival in 2020 : «Dream without borders!»

The journey begins with a dream. Dreams lead people to the mountains, to distant lands and continents. Dreams inspire! Our ARTTRAVEL 2020 festival is about people who make their dreams come true. And the incredible travel-dreams that they managed to capture with a photo or video camera.

If you visit Ukraine - this is also your dream, welcome to Kharkiv!

The festival program for foreign and nonresident participants involves: participation in all festival events, including the obligatory competitive video demonstration of works and the award ceremony; city tour, culture and hospitality of Kharkiv residents.

Winner of the Grand Prix, winners in each category and finalists will receive trophy awards, diplomas and valuable gifts of the festival.
Official sponsors of the festival can also make recommendations for special awards.
The best works will be shown on the cinema’s big screen as part of the Award Ceremony of the festival participants and contestants.

NOTE. If you can NOT attend the award ceremony, your participation in the festival will be canceled.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

§1. Applicants

For each film the applicant is required to fill out an online entry form via FilmFreeway. The online application should contain additional materials: director’s photograph; still images from the film (min. 300 dpi).The submitted work must be in the final edited version. Unfinished films will not be taken into consideration.
Applications can be submitted by marketing and communication professionals from corporations and public relations agencies, services, public sector (ministries, public institutions etc), film producers and film makers, production companies, multimedia companies, TV stations and students. Film makers from any country may enter the festival and are encouraged to attend the screenings.
The authors, whose works will be represented by the jury and members of the Organizing Committee, will receive special invitations to participate in the festival until April 1st 2020.
Participation in the Festival, and its film submission process, implies acceptance, without reservation, to the terms of the present regulations. An entry form is valid without a signature and a seal.

§2. Deadline

The deadline for entries to the edition of KHARKIV INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND TRAVEL is March 1, 2020.

§3. The Competition Categories

1) ROAD MOVIE (feature film about the journey).
Timing: up to 30 minutes;

2) DRONE-VIDEO (video taken with the help of drone technology).
Timing: up to 10 minutes;

3) TRAVEL-DOCUMENTARY (documentary captured as a result of travel; travel-blogs, TV-show).
Timing: up to 30 minutes;

4) TRAVEL-PHOTOGRAPHY (documentary travel photos).
Number of competitive photos from one participant: up to 5.

The organizing committee of the Festival and The Jury may change the category of the submitted film.

§4. Themes of works

- Country, region, city;
- culture and traditions;
- tourism, ecotourism, landscape.

§5. Media Format

Preferred format to receive and screen films is 16:9 ratio PAL format, preferred export settings for Quicktime files are Apple Pro Res 422 (HQ) at HDTV 1920x1080 square pixels. Audio 48kHz, 24-bit discrete channel or 44.1kHz and 16-bit stereo.
The format of the photographs provided is JPEG (with the highest quality of compromise), TIFF. Processed images must be accompanied by a source RAW file for technical expertise.
If the expansion is insufficient to maintain the proper quality of the exhibition press, it is not recommended to “stretch” it with the help of editing programs - in case work gets into the final, such processing will be carried out under the guidance of the Technical Expert of the festival.
Competitive works and copyrights to them belong exclusively to the persons who provide them, the organizers are not responsible for copyright infringement by participants. The organizers reserve the right to use the best works for further exhibitions and publications as part of events related to the competition with the preservation of copyrights. Photos that have passed the competitive selection for the exhibition will be printed in size 30x45cm.
The best works and the work of the winners will be demonstrated at the final photo exhibition.
Official languages of the Festival are Ukrainian and English. If the film is not in Ukrainian or English, we urge you to send a subtitled film in one of these two languages.
Without these elements in profile FilmFreeway aplication won’t be considered valid and completed:
- name,
- surname,
- age,
- city,
- country,
- short biography.

If deadlines aren’t observed or online demands aren’t completed properly the organizing committee of the Festival has the right not to consider the application.

§6. Jury

The international Jury is formed of experts in filmmaking, mass media specialists, travel and tourism experts. The jury is chaired by the Chairman.
The decision of the jury is not subject to appeal. The jury members do not give any explanation about their decision and do not accept any claims.
Attention! The jury reserves the right not to consider work that does not meet the requirements of the festival, work of low professional quality or with copyright infringement.

§7. Payment

Participation in the KHARKIV INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND TRAVEL festival is free of charge.
The organizing committee of the festival invites prize winners and special guests to the award ceremony and takes care of the cost of accommodation and meals for the duration of the festival. Transport and personal expenses are paid by the finalists of the festival individually.

§8. Promotion & Publicity

The content sent by the applicants should not infringe any intellectual property rights of third persons. The applicant guarantees, by submitting one's work for the Festival, that should there appear any claims, questions, issues regarding the ownership of submitted work or its parts, the applicant is solely responsible to resolve any of such claims, questions and issues at one's own expense. The Festival and its organizers are indemnified from any claims regarding intellectual property submitted by applicants.
The festival has the right to use advertising material (press, posters, personnel, etc.) after the official selection. The applicant gives the Festival the right to fully copy the recording to facilitate the technical operations of the Festival in any format, including for the media. The festival has the right to use all materials related to the celebrations within the framework of the festival program, as well as an excerpt from the film (up to 10 percent of the total length of the film, which will not exceed more than 3 minutes) for advertising purposes.
The movie screening schedule will be determined by the KIFAT Organizing Committee.
All participants who submitted the application grant the right to demonstrate the film at the Festival. By submitting images / photographs, the copyright holder gives permission to the Festival to use these images to promote the festival and documentary purposes. The copyright for these images and films will always remain with the copyright holder.
The festival has the right to use all materials related to the celebrations within the framework of the festival program, as well as an excerpt from the film (up to 10 percent of the total length of the film, which will not exceed more than 3 minutes) for advertising and documentary purposes.

§9. Contacts
Promo 2020 -

Ratings & Reviews


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals