Friends! We are waiting for you! You can influence the whole course of our festival.
The vote of three of the independent jury right in the room! The jury of filmmakers against the press and the audience!
Also, each Director of the official selection of the month can come and present his film to the public in the form of a show, trailer, a special presentation program of the festival.
It connects people, their kind hearts and creativity. Therefore, initially we set a goal to hold this festival every year in different countries. The first festival was held in 2018 in Moscow, Russia. Last year, the final of our festival was held in the capital of Belarus, Minsk. From 2021, the festival will be held annually in Moscow and Podolsk, and for the second time a year it will be held with screenings of the best films in other countries. The festival will host pitching of film projects and a script competition in Russian. The national section opens in 2021.
The festival is organized by the Vyatkin Publishing House. We publish books in author's gift and leather hand-made bindings, make documentaries, short-length films and presentation videos. The publishing house is a permanent member of international and Russian exhibitions, festivals and forums. The publishing house also participates in organizing charity events, psychological and thematic seminars, meetings with authors, film directors and actors.
Our festival will be the first to select films on the principle of a duel, as in sports. The films have to go through several stages: official selection, semi-final and final. The final will be held as a film battle, which will be evaluated by filmmakers, viewers and the press.
The purpose of the festival is to stimulate young filmmakers for the new cinema, appreciating their work and to acquaint the filmmakers with culture and life of the world. We accept all genres of films from all over the world and give the opportunity for new filmmakers to evaluate their films and compete with other famous cinematographers.
We welcome new ideas and forms, a new vision and creativity in all its manifestations. Films do not have to be premieres, but all the premieres will be separately marked by the organizers. The festival will show the best of the presented films.
Each film that has entered the official selection will receive a certificate. The prize of audience sympathy will be drawn. And at the end of the festival, of course, a buffet table and a photo session.
To all who want to visit our holiday, you need to get accreditation on the festival's website in advance and notify us by e-mail.
These are films made from the heart and for people of all genres, denying aggression and wars.
The final screenings
Screenings of "a single session" best movies not released in rent
Pitching of film projects
A script competition in Russian
Workshops and a round table for filmmakers
Excursion program
Interactive action
Children's program
Special presentation program
Gala concert and awarding of winners
Photo session with the winners and stars
The prize named after Dmitry Talankin
Best film-debut
Best musical film
Best family film
Best film/video of young filmmakers (5-16 years)
Best documentary
Best Short Film
Best animated film
Best national Patriotic film in Russian/Лучший национальный патриотический фильм на русском языке
Best screenplay in Russian (Applications are accepted from any country)/Лучший сценарий на русском языке (Заявки принимаются из любой страны)
Additional prizes:
For the most good-hearted movie
For non-standard creative approach
For the original idea of the film
For the best Comedy solution of the film
For the best student film
For creative courage
For the best directorial debut
For best actor\actress
People's Choice Award
Trophies and diplomas for winners, finalists, semi-finalists, laurels for official selection, certificates for live shows and the premiere of the film.
Nominal prizes for finalists who took 2nd place.
The contract with the producer.
Prizes and gifts in selected nominations from sponsors: free annual subscription to the platform for filmmakers, collectible books in leather, master classes, etc.
Main prize