Mequinensa International Film Festival

Mequinenza, Zaragoza, Spain, Europe

03 - 05 Sep, 2020



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Mequinensa International Film Festival

Mequinenza, Zaragoza, Spain, Europe

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General Information



Contact details

Cine Sala Goya Plaza U, s/n Mequinenza, Zaragoza 50170 Spain



Web & social

About the festival

Mequinensa International Film Festival is an international festival of short films that will be held in Mequinenza (Spain). It will take place on September 28th to 31th 2020. The festival is organized by FilmFactory and is sponsored by Mequinenza City Council. The festival is totally free to attend.

The festival is held in Mequinenza, a small town in Aragon (Spain) surrounded by two rivers and several water-related tourist attractions. It aims to promote water topics through audiovisual works. Our mission is to showcase and promote international water-related short films and to offer a unique and diverse programming from all over the world.

Mequinenza will celebrate this edition of MIFF festival with a broad number of different film-related and activities for all publics. We aim filmmakers to attend the screenings in order to create a dialogue between public and filmmakers.

Mequinensa International Film Festival is looking for SHORT FILMS which water is a main character or they deal with water-related issues.

Be sure to follow us on our social networks for regular updates, info and news!


Mequinensa International Film Festival es un festival internacional de cortometrajes que tendrá lugar en Mequinenza (España) en Septiembre de 2020. El Festival está organizado por en colaboración con por el Ayuntamiento de Mequinenza. El festival tiene entrada gratuita.

Mequinenza es una pequeña población en Aragón, rodeada por dos ríos y cuenta con diferentes atractivos turísticos relacionados con el agua. El Festival pretende promocionar los temas relacionados con el agua a través de obras cinematográficas. Nuestra misión es dar a conocer y promover cortometrajes internacionales relacionados con el agua y ofrecer una programación única y diversa venida desde todo el mundo.

Mequinenza celebrará el MIFF con un amplio número de actividades diferentes y relacionadas con el cine para todos los públicos.

¡Síguenos en las redes sociales para estar actualizado de las noticias del festival!


Mequinensa International Film Festival is an international festival of short films that will be held in Mequinenza (Spain). It will take place on September 28th to 31th 2020. The festival is organized by FilmFactory and is sponsored by Mequinenza City Council. The festival is totally free to attend.

The festival is held in Mequinenza, a small town in Aragon (Spain) surrounded by two rivers and several water-related tourist attractions. It aims to promote water topics through audiovisual works. Our mission is to showcase and promote international water-related short films and to offer a unique and diverse programming from all over the world.

Mequinenza will celebrate this edition of MIFF festival with a broad number of different film-related and activities for all publics. We aim filmmakers to attend the screenings in order to create a dialogue between public and filmmakers.

Mequinensa International Film Festival is looking for SHORT FILMS which water is a main character or they deal with water-related issues.

Be sure to follow us on our social networks for regular updates, info and news!


Mequinensa International Film Festival es un festival internacional de cortometrajes que tendrá lugar en Mequinenza (España) en Septiembre de 2020. El Festival está organizado por en colaboración con por el Ayuntamiento de Mequinenza. El festival tiene entrada gratuita.

Mequinenza es una pequeña población en Aragón, rodeada por dos ríos y cuenta con diferentes atractivos turísticos relacionados con el agua. El Festival pretende promocionar los temas relacionados con el agua a través de obras cinematográficas. Nuestra misión es dar a conocer y promover cortometrajes internacionales relacionados con el agua y ofrecer una programación única y diversa venida desde todo el mundo.

Mequinenza celebrará el MIFF con un amplio número de actividades diferentes y relacionadas con el cine para todos los públicos.

¡Síguenos en las redes sociales para estar actualizado de las noticias del festival!

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

1) Mequinensa International Film Festival accepts films with a maximum duration of 20 minutes submitted by both professional and amateur filmmakers. Water needs to be a main character in the short film or deal with WATER-RELATED issues.
2) Selection. A selection committee will decide which films will participate in the Festival at its own discretion. The committee is not obliged to justify its decision. The committee’s decision will be final.
3) Film Language. The festival has an international character so films from any country will be accepted, but films in any language other than Spanish or Catalan MUST have Spanish or Catalan subtitles to be considered for inclusion.
4) Film Length. Short films must not be longer than 20 minutes.
5) Screening format. For screening purposes, selected films must be available on digital files (H.264) or DVD.
6) Filmmakers must send a press kit with three hi-resolution potos and a poster if they are selected for screening their work.
7) Organizers assume people registering works hold the rights for exhibition of the works they register in the festival, as well as authorization to receive the prize. In any case, organizers waive to the responsibility that may be derived from breach of this term.
8) For the award of prizes, the winner MUST be present in the awards ceremony or send a video expressing his/her gratitude for the prize. The festival can help with the accommodation costs.
9)Deadline. The registration term ends on 30th June, 2020.
10)The organization has the right to rule on all cases not foreseen by these regulations.
11)The catalogue listing the films selected will be published on Mequinensa International Film Festival website after the 1st August 2020.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Documentary Short Films
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) €0
Regular (31st May, 2020) €0
Late (31st July, 2020) €0

Water-related Documentary Short Films not longer than 20 minutes.

Animation Short Films
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) €0
Regular (31st May, 2020) €0
Late (31st July, 2020) €0

Water-related Animation Short Films not longer than 20 minutes.

Fiction Short Films
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) €0
Regular (31st May, 2020) €0
Late (31st July, 2020) €0

Water-related Fiction Short Films not longer than 20 minutes.

Music Video
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) €0
Regular (31st May, 2020) €0
Late (31st July, 2020) €0

Water-related Music Videos not longer than 20 minutes. Non-competitive section.

Mejor Cortometraje Aragonés
Early Bird (29th February, 2020) €0
Regular (31st May, 2020) €0
Late (31st July, 2020) €0

Sólo podrán participar aquellos realizadores que puedan acreditar su nacimiento o residencia en la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

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Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

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Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals