Nara International Film Festival (Japan)

Nara, Nara, Japan, Asia

18 - 22 Sep, 2020

Nara International Film Festival (Japan) logo
Nara International Film Festival (Japan)

Nara, Nara, Japan, Asia

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General Information



Contact details

17 Hanashibacho, San・fukumurabiru part1-201, Nara City, Nara Nara, Nara 630-8266 Japan



Web & social

About the festival

The Nara International Film Festival is a biennial film festival located in one of the most historically rich cities of Japan, Nara. Since the founding year of 2010, the festival has been celebrating emerging filmmakers with the Cannes winning filmmaker Naomi Kawase as an executive director. The festival has presented two film competitions: NARAtive International Competition and NARA-wave Student film Competition (limited to student films. For entries and information for the student film section, please visit the festival website: ).
One of the winners of the Competition programs will receive an opportunity to direct a film in Nara, Japan. Along with the film competitions, many other film screenings and interactive events entertain not only the festival visitors and guests but also locals.
The Nara International Film Festival embraces cultural diversity and up-and-coming talent from all over the world and offers a uniquely intimate experience to showcase new artistic talents surrounded by many world heritage sites.

Awards of the International Competition programme:
1. The Golden SHIKA Award (the first prize award)
2. The Audience Award (the most voted from the audience)

Awards of the NARA-wave (Student Film) Competiton programme:
1. The Golden Kojika Award (the first prize award)
2. The Audience Award (the most voted from the audience)

One of the winners from our two competition programmes will be granted with a privilege to make the next NARAtive 2022 film.

*NARAtive is a project to make an original film in Nara, funded by NIFF.
Previous NARAtive projects are:
“Inori” by Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio from Mexico (2012), “A Midsummer’s Fantasia” by Jang Kun-jae from South Korea (2014), "The Wolves of the East" by Carlos M. Quintela from Cuba (2016),"The Nikados' Fall" by Ida Panahandeh (2018)
The 2020 NARAtive film project is directed by a Chinese filmmaker PengFei and currently in the post-production process.


学生部門(NARA-wave) 受賞内容:



The Nara International Film Festival is a biennial film festival located in one of the most historically rich cities of Japan, Nara. Since the founding year of 2010, the festival has been celebrating emerging filmmakers with the Cannes winning filmmaker Naomi Kawase as an executive director. The festival has presented two film competitions: NARAtive International Competition and NARA-wave Student film Competition (limited to student films. For entries and information for the student film section, please visit the festival website: ).
One of the winners of the Competition programs will receive an opportunity to direct a film in Nara, Japan. Along with the film competitions, many other film screenings and interactive events entertain not only the festival visitors and guests but also locals.
The Nara International Film Festival embraces cultural diversity and up-and-coming talent from all over the world and offers a uniquely intimate experience to showcase new artistic talents surrounded by many world heritage sites.

Awards of the International Competition programme:
1. The Golden SHIKA Award (the first prize award)
2. The Audience Award (the most voted from the audience)

Awards of the NARA-wave (Student Film) Competiton programme:
1. The Golden Kojika Award (the first prize award)
2. The Audience Award (the most voted from the audience)

One of the winners from our two competition programmes will be granted with a privilege to make the next NARAtive 2022 film.

*NARAtive is a project to make an original film in Nara, funded by NIFF.
Previous NARAtive projects are:
“Inori” by Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio from Mexico (2012), “A Midsummer’s Fantasia” by Jang Kun-jae from South Korea (2014), "The Wolves of the East" by Carlos M. Quintela from Cuba (2016),"The Nikados' Fall" by Ida Panahandeh (2018)
The 2020 NARAtive film project is directed by a Chinese filmmaker PengFei and currently in the post-production process.


学生部門(NARA-wave) 受賞内容:


Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Eligibility for International Competiton:
1. A director’s first or second feature
2. Must have a minimum length of 70 minutes
3. Completed after July 1st, 2018
4. Japan premiere (include festival screening)

1. There is no restriction on the subject and / or genre of the film.
2. Non-Japanese films should be English subtitled if the dialogue is not in English.
3. The directors of selected films need to be present during the festival. For non-Japanese productions, NIFF will provide accommodation and one round-trip Economy Class ticket for the director (one director per film).

Eligibility for Student Film (NARA-wave) Competiton:
1. Completed AFTER May of 2018.
2. An original film directed by a student (the director or main production crew (s) was (were) student (s) at the time of completion.
* Students here refer to university, graduate, and post-secondary students, and other students with equivalent education status.).
3. No restrictions regarding the genres of the films as long as the film is projecting point of you.
4. No restriction for lengths of the films.
5. Submission limited to ONE film for one director.
6. It could be any video format.


Earlybird Deadline 2020年 1/30 まで 30米ドル
Regular Deadline 2020年 2/29 まで 40米ドル
Late Deadline 2020年 5/15 まで 50米ドル

2. 70分以上の作品であること
4. 2018年7月1日以降に完成した作品であること

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

International Competition (Feature film)
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) €30
Regular (29th February, 2020) €40
Late (15th May, 2020) €50

Student Film Competition (Nara-wave)
Early Bird (17th January, 2020) €0
Regular (29th February, 2020) €0
Late (15th May, 2020) €0

The Nara International Film Festival (NIFF) is a biannual film festival, and NARA-wave is one of our film competition programs, which only focuses on student films. Submitted films for the NARA-wave section will be reviewed by our programming team, and selected films will be invited to NIFF2020. NIFF will provide Japanese subtitling service for the selected films. NIFF celebrates emerging filmmakers by providing opportunity to present in the festival, and after the festival, we continue to support NARA-wave films to participate other film festivals and screening events. The first prized director of the NARA-wave competition will be awarded with the Golden KOJIKA Award and will receive a right to make a project proposal for the 2022 NARAtive film making program along with other award winners. We are looking forward to discovering aspiring talent of an up and coming generation of filmmakers.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

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Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

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What is the genre of your film?

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What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

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Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals