Nashik International Short Film Festival

Nashik, Maharashtra, India, Asia

10 - 12 Oct, 2020

Nashik International Short Film Festival logo
Nashik International Short Film Festival

Nashik, Maharashtra, India, Asia

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General Information



Contact details

Old Agra Road, Zilla Parishad Rd, G.P.O. Road, Near Ganjmal Signal, Shalimar Nashik, Maharashtra 422001 India



Web & social

About the festival

NISFFI is a Film Festival that BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER to recognize and value the Filmmakers.

We welcome movie producers from everywhere throughout the world to present their movies to our universal short film celebration which will occur in NISFFI. Our judges value the auteur Cinema – films made with an extraordinary aesthetic vision. The goal of our festival is to find new talented filmmakers who will be able to approach the heights of cinematography created by geniuses.

Established in 2017, the Nashik International Short Film Festival serves as a networking occasion with a yearly participation of more than 500 people. Nashik Short Film Festival is an autonomous film celebration that puts the focus on short movies – a classification that lamentably doesn’t get the standard consideration it needs. We acknowledge entries from around the globe and urge you to bring the outing down-under to celebrate with your film and commitment with us.

Winners will receive certificates, laurels, and advice on upcoming film projects.

Films selected as Finalists are eligible for Grand Prize Awards and Audience Choice Awards.

Best Short Film Winner
Best Short Documentary Film Winner
Best Global Film Winner
Best Web Series Winner
Best Music Video Winner
Best Student Film Winner
Outstanding Spirit Award Winner
Best Director M/F
Best cinematographer M/F
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Child Actor
Best Child Actress


NISFFI is a Film Festival that BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER to recognize and value the Filmmakers.

We welcome movie producers from everywhere throughout the world to present their movies to our universal short film celebration which will occur in NISFFI. Our judges value the auteur Cinema – films made with an extraordinary aesthetic vision. The goal of our festival is to find new talented filmmakers who will be able to approach the heights of cinematography created by geniuses.

Established in 2017, the Nashik International Short Film Festival serves as a networking occasion with a yearly participation of more than 500 people. Nashik Short Film Festival is an autonomous film celebration that puts the focus on short movies – a classification that lamentably doesn’t get the standard consideration it needs. We acknowledge entries from around the globe and urge you to bring the outing down-under to celebrate with your film and commitment with us.

Winners will receive certificates, laurels, and advice on upcoming film projects.

Films selected as Finalists are eligible for Grand Prize Awards and Audience Choice Awards.

Best Short Film Winner
Best Short Documentary Film Winner
Best Global Film Winner
Best Web Series Winner
Best Music Video Winner
Best Student Film Winner
Outstanding Spirit Award Winner
Best Director M/F
Best cinematographer M/F
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Child Actor
Best Child Actress

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

* Submission Rules *

1. No bareness, obvious sexuality, or foulness will be acknowledged.
2. Student films must be submitted online in the Student classification or they can’t be considered as an Student film.
3. There is no limit to the number of entries you may submit. A separate entry and entry fee must accompany each work.
4. No refunds will be given on submission fees.
5. All short films must be submitted in English or with English captions.
6. By submitting to us, you give us the privilege to screen your film before a live crowd.
7. All movies nominated for each class.
8. Short Films chosen for screening will be told by means of email. On the off chance that you got a Nomination email, yet no Official Selection email, it implies your film won’t be screened, yet is as yet a contender for an honor in its classification.
9. We hold the privilege to change the date and scene of the celebration under uncommon conditions. All filmmakers will be notified about any progressions through our online notifications.
10. We place no limitations on your work as far as debut status or whether your work has been made accessible on the web.

* Terms and Conditions *
1. All films should have been completed within any Years.
2. All awards are based on the overall merit of the entry. Decisions by the judges are final.
3. Festival does not deal with any copyright issues. All copyright issues should be resolved by the film authors.
4. Filmmakers and screenwriters retain 100% all of the rights to their projects and materials that they submit to the Nashik International Short Film Festival.
5. Festival organizers have the right to use extracts of the film for promotional purposes.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Short Films
Early Bird (30th November, 2020) €700
Regular (31st December, 2020) €800
Late (20th January, 2021) €900

Only Short Films from 1 min to 50 min are accepted Nashik Short Film Festival is an autonomous film celebration that puts the focus on short movies – a classification that lamentably doesn’t get the standard consideration it needs.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals