New Zealand's Vision Feast Film Festival

Auckland, New Zealand, Oceania

14 - 15 May, 2021

New Zealand's Vision Feast Film Festival logo
New Zealand's Vision Feast Film Festival

Auckland, New Zealand, Oceania

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General Information



Contact details

Grafton Auckland 1023 New Zealand



Web & social

About the festival

Chompy is turning 5! Join us for the 5th incredible mind melting Vision Feast!

Here at the Vision Feast, we want to recognize filmmakers who have poured blood, sweat and tears into their projects; filmmakers who show an aptitude for creative storytelling fused with technical understanding and of course, a stroke of madness.

Our spotlight categories each year offer special reduced entries fees. This year they are:
SPOTLIGHT COUNTRY: France (30 mins or under)
SPOTLIGHT GENRE: Horror / Thriller Films of any length
SPOTLIGHT CATEGORY: Documentary (30 mins or under)

like our Facebook and Instagram to stay posted as well as hear about special discounts.

Get your Visions ready!

Best: Short Film
Best: Music Video
Best: Animation
Best: Student Film
Best: Experimental
Best: Motion Graphics

Visionary: Director
Visionary: Cinematography
Visionary: Acting
Visionary: Editing
Visionary: VFX
Visionary: Sound Design
Visionary: Makeup/Special Effects
Visionary: Art Direction

Visionary Project
Audience Choice award
Best: New Zealand Project
Best: French Project
Best: Documentary
Best: Horror/Thriller

More announcements to come


Chompy is turning 5! Join us for the 5th incredible mind melting Vision Feast!

Here at the Vision Feast, we want to recognize filmmakers who have poured blood, sweat and tears into their projects; filmmakers who show an aptitude for creative storytelling fused with technical understanding and of course, a stroke of madness.

Our spotlight categories each year offer special reduced entries fees. This year they are:
SPOTLIGHT COUNTRY: France (30 mins or under)
SPOTLIGHT GENRE: Horror / Thriller Films of any length
SPOTLIGHT CATEGORY: Documentary (30 mins or under)

like our Facebook and Instagram to stay posted as well as hear about special discounts.

Get your Visions ready!

Best: Short Film
Best: Music Video
Best: Animation
Best: Student Film
Best: Experimental
Best: Motion Graphics

Visionary: Director
Visionary: Cinematography
Visionary: Acting
Visionary: Editing
Visionary: VFX
Visionary: Sound Design
Visionary: Makeup/Special Effects
Visionary: Art Direction

Visionary Project
Audience Choice award
Best: New Zealand Project
Best: French Project
Best: Documentary
Best: Horror/Thriller

More announcements to come

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Vision Feast – Terms and conditions

Please note: The following points are just a summary of the most important points from our terms and conditions and not legally valid. To see our full and legally valid terms and conditions please refer to our website: .


1.) You own all the necessary rights of your submission project and your project was created by yourself, after January 1st 2018.

2.) You can submit as many projects as you would like to while you have to pay a fee for each submission. These fees are not refundable.

3.) Your submission must not violate any laws of any country including New Zealand.

4.) Submissions begin being accepted on August 1st, 2020 and stop being accepted on March 31, 2021.

5.) Your project should be initially submitted via FilmFreeway or using such platforms as YouTube and Vimeo.

6.) The Vision Feast film festival may use your project or segment of your projects to promote your work if it should be selected. The Vision Feast may create a monetized viewable collection ‘best of’. This collection is mainly used for advertisement of your selection and for the festival as well as to perform one or more online screenings for the festival. If the project is shown in this collection you have no entitlement to any remuneration as a result of the revenues associated with this collection.

7) Read our concept art submission rules here - this is NON video entry.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Early Bird (30th July, 2020) $20
Late (30th November, 2020) $20

Animated content: Stop motion, 3D animation, 2d animation, any frame by frame work.

Music Video
Early Bird (30th July, 2020) $20
Late (30th November, 2020) $20

Music Videos, Music Films.

Short Film
Early Bird (30th July, 2020) $20
Late (30th November, 2020) $20

Short Films of any genre.

Early Bird (30th July, 2020) $20
Late (30th November, 2020) $20

Experimental, Abstract, Art House, Video Art, Museum Installation, Gallery Films, technology exploration.

Motion Graphics
Early Bird (30th July, 2020) $10
Late (30th November, 2020) $10

Any piece of media that is contains a dominant section of motion graphics. Media can be any length. It could be a animated loop, a short commercial, an info-graphic, film credits, onscreen titles, or anything that screams motion graphics. Your clip may contain live action footage however it will only be judged on the motion graphic content.

SPECIAL: NZ Filmmaker
Early Bird (30th July, 2020) $15
Late (30th November, 2020) $15

For NZ Citizens or Permanent Residents only. Your work will be moved to the specific category once you have submitted here.

SPOTLIGHT COUNTRY: France - Courts Métrages
Early Bird (30th July, 2020) $5
Late (30th November, 2020) $5

Country spotlight: FRANCE - Films made by anyone in France or of French language. Cette catégorie est réservée aux courts métrages français. Si vous habitez en France ou que vous venez de France, vous pouvez soumettre ici. La langue peut être en français mais ce n'est pas indispensable. Tous les genres de films sont acceptés. Films do not have to feature French content or language but must be made by film Makers of French origin. All genres accepted.

SPOTLIGHT GENRE: Horror / Thriller Films
Early Bird (30th July, 2020) $10
Late (30th November, 2020) $10

Any work that contains strong Horror or Thriller themes and content - of any length. Films not containing this will be red flagged and disqualified.

Early Bird (30th July, 2020) $5
Late (30th November, 2020) $5

Category spotlight: Documentary - Documentaries only. We are introducing a new category this year! Documentaries! its been a wild year and we want your stories about how it is out there.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals