Proceso de Error - Festival Internacional de Video Experimental

Valparaíso, Chile, South America

23 - 27 Sep, 2020



Proceso de Error - Festival Internacional de Video Experimental logo
Proceso de Error - Festival Internacional de Video Experimental

Valparaíso, Chile, South America

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General Information



Contact details

Calle Clave 417 Valparaíso Chile



Web & social

About the festival

PROCESO DE ERROR is a non-competitive festival focused on the Experimental Video that is made since 2014 in Valparaiso, we make exhibitions in movie theaters, in cultural spaces, on the sea, in museums, etc., in Chile and abroad. It is organized by INVE, Plataforma Experimental de Artes, our goal is to bring this type of works to the largest audience through free screenings and talks.

We look for works linked to the experimentation in the image and sound and that have thematic and formal coherence. PROCESO DE ERROR will be carried out from September 23 to September 27, 2020, as always in the city of Valparaiso, after those dates, we will make screenings in other cities of Chile.

*** Due to the global health contingency, this year we will do an online exhibition.

We have different categories in which we group the works we receive, such as:

Textures of Reality (creative and/or experimental documentary)

Other Forms (experimental cinema and/or video art)

Body Images (video performance and/or video dance)

Vibrant Traces (experimental animation and painted films)

Experimental Feature Films

We can only receive works in single-channel format. The final selection will be made by our curators. We want to watch your work!!!


PROCESO DE ERROR es un festival no competitivo enfocado en el Video Experimental que se realiza desde 2014 en Valparaíso, realizamos exhibiciones en salas de cine, en espacios culturales, sobre el mar, en museos, etc., en Chile y el extranjero. Es organizado por INVE, Plataforma Experimental de Artes, nuestro objetivo es acercar este tipo de obras a la mayor cantidad de público a través de muestras gratuitas y charlas.

Buscamos trabajos vinculados a la experimentación en la imagen y el sonido y que posean coherencia temática como formal. PROCESO DE ERROR se llevará a cabo desde el 23 al 27 de septiembre de 2020, como siempre en la ciudad de Valparaíso, posterior a esas fechas, realizaremos muestras en otras ciudades de Chile.

***Debido a la contingencia sanitaria mundial, este año realizaremos una exhibición online.

Tenemos distintas categorías en que agrupamos las obras que recibimos, como:

Texturas de la realidad (documental creativo y/o experimental)

Otras formas (cine experimental y/o videoarte)

Imágenes cuerpo (video performance y/o video danza)

Trazos vibrantes (animación experimental y películas pintadas)

Largometraje experimental

Sólo podemos recibir obras en formato monocanal. La selección final será realizada por nuestros curadores. ¡¡¡Queremos ver tu trabajo!!!

Non-competitive festival


Festival no competitivo


PROCESO DE ERROR is a non-competitive festival focused on the Experimental Video that is made since 2014 in Valparaiso, we make exhibitions in movie theaters, in cultural spaces, on the sea, in museums, etc., in Chile and abroad. It is organized by INVE, Plataforma Experimental de Artes, our goal is to bring this type of works to the largest audience through free screenings and talks.

We look for works linked to the experimentation in the image and sound and that have thematic and formal coherence. PROCESO DE ERROR will be carried out from September 23 to September 27, 2020, as always in the city of Valparaiso, after those dates, we will make screenings in other cities of Chile.

*** Due to the global health contingency, this year we will do an online exhibition.

We have different categories in which we group the works we receive, such as:

Textures of Reality (creative and/or experimental documentary)

Other Forms (experimental cinema and/or video art)

Body Images (video performance and/or video dance)

Vibrant Traces (experimental animation and painted films)

Experimental Feature Films

We can only receive works in single-channel format. The final selection will be made by our curators. We want to watch your work!!!


PROCESO DE ERROR es un festival no competitivo enfocado en el Video Experimental que se realiza desde 2014 en Valparaíso, realizamos exhibiciones en salas de cine, en espacios culturales, sobre el mar, en museos, etc., en Chile y el extranjero. Es organizado por INVE, Plataforma Experimental de Artes, nuestro objetivo es acercar este tipo de obras a la mayor cantidad de público a través de muestras gratuitas y charlas.

Buscamos trabajos vinculados a la experimentación en la imagen y el sonido y que posean coherencia temática como formal. PROCESO DE ERROR se llevará a cabo desde el 23 al 27 de septiembre de 2020, como siempre en la ciudad de Valparaíso, posterior a esas fechas, realizaremos muestras en otras ciudades de Chile.

***Debido a la contingencia sanitaria mundial, este año realizaremos una exhibición online.

Tenemos distintas categorías en que agrupamos las obras que recibimos, como:

Texturas de la realidad (documental creativo y/o experimental)

Otras formas (cine experimental y/o videoarte)

Imágenes cuerpo (video performance y/o video danza)

Trazos vibrantes (animación experimental y películas pintadas)

Largometraje experimental

Sólo podemos recibir obras en formato monocanal. La selección final será realizada por nuestros curadores. ¡¡¡Queremos ver tu trabajo!!!

Non-competitive festival


Festival no competitivo

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

We set up a small fee to recover the production costs of the Festival.
We will no longer accept file submissions over the Internet, please use only FilmFreeway.

Title, director, duration, synopsis of no more than 30 words and contact information (telephone and email), as well as at least one .jpg image in 300 dpi.

We accept works through Vimeo, YouTube or the file upload system of FilmFreeway, with or without a password. Once the work has been selected, a digital exhibition file will be requested.
There is no limit of works by author.
Each work whose main language is not Spanish must be subtitled in Spanish (we can watch your film subtitled in english, but if you are selected, you should send us a spanish subtitled version).
If your work is selected, you accept that we can use images to do promotion of the screenings as flyers and videos.
Your work can be part of other screenings in Chile and abroad, we will notify you if so.


Instauramos una pequeña tarifa para recuperar los gastos de producción del Festival.
Ya no aceptaremos envíos de archivos por Internet, por favor, utilice sólo FilmFreeway.

Título, director, duración, sinopsis de no más de 30 palabras y la información de contacto (teléfono y correo electrónico), así como al menos una imagen .jpg en 300 dpi.

Aceptamos obras a través de Vimeo, YouTube o el sistema de carga de archivos de FilmFreeway, con o sin contraseña. Una vez seleccionada la obra, se notificará y se solicitará un archivo de exhibición digital.
No hay límite de obras por autor.
Cada obra que su lenguaje principal no sea español debe ser subtitulado al español.
Si tu obra es seleccionada, aceptas que podemos usar imágenes para promocionar las proyecciones como flyers y videos.
Tu trabajo puede ser parte de otras muestras en Chile y el extranjero, te notificaremos.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Textures of Reality
Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $0
Regular (1st April, 2020) $5
Late (1st May, 2020) $8

Experimental (or creative) documentary. So if your work is linked to reality as we know it through our senses, this is your category.

Other Forms
Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $0
Regular (1st April, 2020) $5
Late (1st May, 2020) $8

Experimental cinema and Videoart. We know the complexity of defining these concepts (which become broader over the years), but if you think this is your category, go for it.

Body Images
Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $0
Regular (1st April, 2020) $5
Late (1st May, 2020) $8

Video Performance or Video Dance. If your work is linked to the poetry and the plasticity of the body, this is your category.

Vibrant Traces
Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $0
Regular (1st April, 2020) $5
Late (1st May, 2020) $8

Experimental animation. We accept animations of different types (stop motion, pixilation, rotoscopy, etc.), and also painted films in this category.

Experimental Feature Films
Early Bird (1st March, 2020) $0
Regular (1st April, 2020) $5
Late (1st May, 2020) $8

This is the place if you have a work that could fit in any of our other categories but can not for the duration, although we have a very limited quota of works for this category.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals