Proxy Act Festival

Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Europe

01 Sep, 2020 - 10 Oct, 2020

Proxy Act Festival logo
Proxy Act Festival

Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Europe

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Contact details

Berlin, Berlin Germany


+49 152 2798 1960

Web & social

About the festival

PROXY ACT is now calling for artists to submit their work for the sixth season of our international exhibition and screening events in 2020.

We are interested in material that portraits a vision into a new world. A vision of change that triggers responsible acts for a global change that brings nature to the center of our identity. A collection of new ways of living within efficiency, sufficiency and unity.

Our selection will be released in our yearly Proxy Act festival (Germany, late summer 2020) joining forces with DUKA Film Festival. A unique film festival hosted in a Neo-gothic castle built in 1840 in Brandenburg Germany. With an open-air screen, a main-hall screen, a video art projection room and a stage for live performances, we want to bring films, music and nature together in a unique responsible act for change.

Proxy Act selection is also screened throughout the year of selection in different partner events and venues around the world (England, Germany, Italy, Colombia, S. Korea). Our interest is to offer an inter- and multi-cultural audience that decodes the selected material under its own life perspectives and worldview.

PROXY ACT has partnered with venues and other festivals in Colombia, Italy, England and Germany. Other projects organised by us include ProxySYNC: a unique event with an artistic programme happening simultaneously in Bogotá (Colombia) and Caserta (Italy). We are looking to expand to North America, Asia and Oceania.

Our selection of short-films and media art has given our events a wide variance of cultural freshness to the way audiovisual material is constructed.

PROXY ACT is a young international network of artists and performers based in London and Berlin. We are constantly developing our own artistic projects through films and performances. For this we interact and collaborate with artists that have been selected by ProxyAct. Our latest production was shown in South Korea during the PADAF 2015. We are currently working in a new production that brings together performance, music, storytelling and video, having as inspiration the realities that native indigenous traditions still maintain alive.


PROXY ACT is now calling for artists to submit their work for the sixth season of our international exhibition and screening events in 2020.

We are interested in material that portraits a vision into a new world. A vision of change that triggers responsible acts for a global change that brings nature to the center of our identity. A collection of new ways of living within efficiency, sufficiency and unity.

Our selection will be released in our yearly Proxy Act festival (Germany, late summer 2020) joining forces with DUKA Film Festival. A unique film festival hosted in a Neo-gothic castle built in 1840 in Brandenburg Germany. With an open-air screen, a main-hall screen, a video art projection room and a stage for live performances, we want to bring films, music and nature together in a unique responsible act for change.

Proxy Act selection is also screened throughout the year of selection in different partner events and venues around the world (England, Germany, Italy, Colombia, S. Korea). Our interest is to offer an inter- and multi-cultural audience that decodes the selected material under its own life perspectives and worldview.

PROXY ACT has partnered with venues and other festivals in Colombia, Italy, England and Germany. Other projects organised by us include ProxySYNC: a unique event with an artistic programme happening simultaneously in Bogotá (Colombia) and Caserta (Italy). We are looking to expand to North America, Asia and Oceania.

Our selection of short-films and media art has given our events a wide variance of cultural freshness to the way audiovisual material is constructed.

PROXY ACT is a young international network of artists and performers based in London and Berlin. We are constantly developing our own artistic projects through films and performances. For this we interact and collaborate with artists that have been selected by ProxyAct. Our latest production was shown in South Korea during the PADAF 2015. We are currently working in a new production that brings together performance, music, storytelling and video, having as inspiration the realities that native indigenous traditions still maintain alive.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

This season we are interested in material that portraits a vision into a new world. A vision of change that triggers responsible acts for a global change that brings nature to the center of our identity. A collection of new ways of living within efficiency, sufficiency and unity. A manifestation of Alternative Realities.

With this we are aiming to find a selection that touches the following topics and similar:
-indigenous world-views
-technology as detachment from nature
-spirituality as technology
-origin of a patriarchal society
-ancient medicine
-the human and the universe
-religions' points of intersection

If you have short films or artistic projects that you would like to exhibit at one of our events and you believe it is not necessary to have the original physical format of the work on display, we can exhibit for you by screening your work as digital images and/or sound in partner galleries or in our events within the space of our exhibitions. With that we bring your work in front of the eyes and ears of a new audience.

We are also open to performance and presentation ideas in which art and technology converge. There is no limitation to discipline or genre.

The selected material will be screened and exhibited on our different events through our season 2020-2021 which runs for one year. We will have screenings in different venues, events and festivals in different countries.

We are also open to work in collaboration and bring artistic teams together with different skills that can bring unique creations alive. For this send us a direct email.


The Proxy Act

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Short Film (Documentary)
Early Bird (19th December, 2019) $9
Regular (3rd July, 2020) $15
Late (1st August, 2020) $9

Less than 20 minutes length (before credits)

Short Film (Fiction)
Early Bird (19th December, 2019) $9
Regular (3rd July, 2020) $15
Late (1st August, 2020) $9

Less than 20 minutes length (before credits)

Short Film (Sound Based)
Early Bird (19th December, 2019) $9
Regular (3rd July, 2020) $15
Late (1st August, 2020) $9

Less than 10 minutes length (before credits)

Short Film (Performance)
Early Bird (19th December, 2019) $9
Regular (3rd July, 2020) $15
Late (1st August, 2020) $9

Less than 10 minutes length (before credits)

Music and Audio archives
Early Bird (19th December, 2019) $9
Regular (3rd July, 2020) $15
Late (1st August, 2020) $9

Sound archives that can be considered music or sound art. No longer than 8 minutes long.

VR short-films and experiences
Early Bird (19th December, 2019) $9
Regular (3rd July, 2020) $15
Late (1st August, 2020) $9

Less than 6 minutes length (before credits).


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals