Reel Girls Film Festival

Toronto, ON, Canada, North America



Reel Girls Film Festival logo
Reel Girls Film Festival

Toronto, ON, Canada, North America

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General Information




Sophie Zawadzki

Festival Director

Contact details

Toronto, ON Canada



Web & social

About the festival

The Reel Girls Film Festival is the first-ever all-girls international student film festival. It is devoted entirely to encouraging and supporting young female filmmakers. The 2020 Reel Girls Film Festival received submissions from over 400 young women in 40 different countries. The panel of all-female judges included positive female role models from within the industry, that each took time to speak and encourage the Reel Girls Filmmakers.

RGFF honors the passion and creativity of highschool aged girls and younger. Reel Girls believes that a community devoted to young female filmmakers allows them to thrive and develop their unique voices and visions, these are the roots for establishing gender equality in the film industry. It's also a great way to make friends and find role models.

No Entry fee for Early Birds.

No Entry fee for Screenwriters!

The festival awards prizes in the following judged categories broken into two age groups (Highschool and ages 9-14):

​Audience Favorite

Best Narrative Short

Best Documentary Short

Best Music Video

Best Screenplay

Best Animation

Additionally, RGFF often gives awards for Rising Star, Spirit, and Maple Leaf (Best Canadian) awards


The Reel Girls Film Festival is the first-ever all-girls international student film festival. It is devoted entirely to encouraging and supporting young female filmmakers. The 2020 Reel Girls Film Festival received submissions from over 400 young women in 40 different countries. The panel of all-female judges included positive female role models from within the industry, that each took time to speak and encourage the Reel Girls Filmmakers.

RGFF honors the passion and creativity of highschool aged girls and younger. Reel Girls believes that a community devoted to young female filmmakers allows them to thrive and develop their unique voices and visions, these are the roots for establishing gender equality in the film industry. It's also a great way to make friends and find role models.

No Entry fee for Early Birds.

No Entry fee for Screenwriters!

The festival awards prizes in the following judged categories broken into two age groups (Highschool and ages 9-14):

​Audience Favorite

Best Narrative Short

Best Documentary Short

Best Music Video

Best Screenplay

Best Animation

Additionally, RGFF often gives awards for Rising Star, Spirit, and Maple Leaf (Best Canadian) awards

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

1) Only submissions created by CURRENT HIGH SCHOOL AND MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS will be accepted (18 years of age or younger). Please fill out the FilmFreeway custom form during entry citing your school, gender, and age. All films must have been produced and completed in the 12 months prior to the film festival, while the director was enrolled in a secondary or middle school. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS CAN NOT COMPETE. Sorry!

2) Please include a short bio in your FilmFreeway cover letter that includes your school, age, and something about yourself.

3) Films must be submitted in the English language. However, foreign-language films with English subtitles will be accepted.

4) The festival will only accept films that are 5 minutes in length or shorter.

5) Films cannot contain any copyrighted materials, such as still photographs not taken by the filmmakers, advertisements, brand logos, moving images or music. Popular songs and music cannot be used within the production without the expressed written consent from the copyright holder. Most record labels charge exorbitant fees for use of music, even in student non-profit productions. It is best to go the royalty-free route. There are several sites where free music is available.

6) Students will submit their films via

7) Films will be previewed and judged by event organizers/ selection committee. We reserve the right to refuse any film on any grounds.

8) Students will agree to release their films for viewing by a general audience. Selected films will also be made available on the Festival website after the conclusion of the festival.

9) Selected films will be listed on the website and filmmakers will be notified via email within two weeks prior to the festival. If your film is selected for the live screening, you will be required to submit a DCP format of your film. If you do not have a DCP format of your film, Reel Girls Film Fest can assist you in obtaining one. Filmmakers are encouraged to attend the festival. Filmmakers do not need to be present to win some of the awards.

10) Laurels and Awards will be awarded by the festival after being judged by an impartial panel whose decisions will be final. Entries will be judged on technical, creative, and content elements.

11) Submitted films may be broadcast on local access television, website, social media and other promotional venues/materials. Only those films that meet certain broadcast specs may be eligible.

12) We understand that the junior category participants will often have adult supervision or work within an arts program. These films are eligible if the majority of work is done by the young directors. Please include the info with your submission in the custom form.

13) Festival committee reserves the right to move festival to an entirely online event or modify dates as needed. Currently, we are hoping for a hybrid event with both online and in-person components.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Narrative Short Film (AGE 9-14)
Early Bird (7th December, 2020) $0
Regular (1st February, 2021) $5
Late (21st February, 2021) $10

Narrative Short Film (AGE 15-18)
Early Bird (7th December, 2020) $0
Regular (1st February, 2021) $5
Late (21st February, 2021) $10

Documentary (AGE 9-14)
Early Bird (7th December, 2020) $0
Regular (1st February, 2021) $5
Late (21st February, 2021) $10

Documentary (AGE 15-18)
Early Bird (7th December, 2020) $0
Regular (1st February, 2021) $5
Late (21st February, 2021) $10

Music Video (AGE 9-14)
Early Bird (7th December, 2020) $0
Regular (1st February, 2021) $5
Late (21st February, 2021) $10

Music Video (AGE 15-18)
Early Bird (7th December, 2020) $0
Regular (1st February, 2021) $5
Late (21st February, 2021) $10

Screenplay (AGE 9-14)
Early Bird (7th December, 2020) $0
Regular (1st February, 2021) $0
Late (21st February, 2021) $0

Screenplay (AGE 15-18)
Early Bird (7th December, 2020) $0
Regular (1st February, 2021) $0
Late (21st February, 2021) $0

Animation (AGE 9-14)
Early Bird (7th December, 2020) $0
Regular (1st February, 2021) $5
Late (21st February, 2021) $10

Animation (AGE 15-18)
Early Bird (7th December, 2020) $0
Regular (1st February, 2021) $5
Late (21st February, 2021) $10


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals