Reggio Calabria FilmFest

Reggio Calabria, Calabria, Italy, Europe

Reggio Calabria FilmFest logo
Reggio Calabria FilmFest

Reggio Calabria, Calabria, Italy, Europe

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General Information




Michele Geria


Flaminia Luccardi

Line Producer

Mimmo Calopresti

Artistic Director

Andrea Geria

Production Manager

Contact details

Via Amerigo Vespucci n. 9 Reggio Calabria, Calabria 89100 Italy



Web & social

About the festival

Independent RCFF was founded in 2004 in Reggio Calabria at the behalf of Gianluca Curti, president of Minerva Pictures, and Michele Geria, president of the Cultural Association E20, to promote independent audiovisual products and the territory. Over the past thirteen editions it has set itself the goal of discovering new talents in the sector and today it represents a fairly significant national reality, involving actors, producers, directors, set designers, scriptwriters, and costume designers who together have contributed to pursuing the educational purpose on novelties in evolution that the audiovisual has lived in these years. And thus also promoting web products. For this reason the president of the E20 association and general director of the festival has assigned the artistic direction to the experience and sensitivity of the Italian director Mimmo Calopresti, already on the jury in international festivals such as Cannes and Venice, which is also president of the jury of award of the silver Bergamot prize. The festival since its first edition has decided to promote sites and locations of high cultural value at the territory level. The Cultural Association E20 has therefore thought of a "Mediterranean street for art" where festival guests can visit and learn about sites such as the archaeological museum of Reggio Calabria, home of the eighth wonder of the world: the Riace Bronzes, the whose 50th anniversary of the discovery will be celebrated in 2022. Following Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, better known as Piazza Italia, the seat elected for the preparation of the elegant red carpet, where the protagonists of the festival of this new 14th edition will parade. The Aragonese castle, central point of the city, dedicated to photographic exhibitions. The Francesco Cilea theater, returned to the throne of Dale 2003 following the restoration of the theater where the evenings destined for the awards for the winners of the competition are held after the afternoon and evening screenings. Miramare, the hall of mirrors, a strategic location because it overlooks what the Italian poet Gabriele D’annunzio defined “the most beautiful kilometer in Italy. The festival includes 5 days in the calendar organized into five sections, the independent feature film competition, the Bergamot silver awards, to which interested parties can also subscribe via the FreeWay platform (link) at a cost of 90 euros per feature film. Masterclass section divided into four / five events dedicated to direction, scenography, dubbing, seriality and production. The section "a book for the cinema" intended for the knowledge of the steps necessary for the transformation of a literary work into an audiovisual work. The ReggioFoodFest section aimed at promoting local food and wine products. The video clip competition section created for new young video makers. The cinema section inside the walls is a section strongly desired by the president of the cultural association e20, Michele Geria, and the criminal lawyer, Agostino Siviglia, guarantor of the rights of prisoners for the Calabria Region, the section includes three events in the district houses of three works selected on the basis of a high cultural value inherent in the work to collaborate in the re-educational activity and reintegration of prisoners under the profile of art. 27 of the constitution. The prizes awarded during the 14th edition are: Silver Bergamot for the best feature in competition, Raf Vallone prize awarded for best actor, Leopoldo Trieste award for best emerging actor / actress, Oreste Lionello award for best voice actor, Città Metropolitan award for Reggio Calabria for best director, CiakCalabria award for best performance of the Calabrian workers, out-of-competition prize "Rieducazione e Solidarietà Reggio Calabria" cinema section inside the walls.

Best feature film "Bergamotto d'argento" award
Best short film "Millennial Movie" award
Best actor "Raf Vallone" award
Best upcoming actor/actress "Leopoldo Trieste" award
Best voice actor "Oreste Lionello" award
Best director "Città Metropolitana" award
Best workmanship "CiakCalabria" award


Independent RCFF was founded in 2004 in Reggio Calabria at the behalf of Gianluca Curti, president of Minerva Pictures, and Michele Geria, president of the Cultural Association E20, to promote independent audiovisual products and the territory. Over the past thirteen editions it has set itself the goal of discovering new talents in the sector and today it represents a fairly significant national reality, involving actors, producers, directors, set designers, scriptwriters, and costume designers who together have contributed to pursuing the educational purpose on novelties in evolution that the audiovisual has lived in these years. And thus also promoting web products. For this reason the president of the E20 association and general director of the festival has assigned the artistic direction to the experience and sensitivity of the Italian director Mimmo Calopresti, already on the jury in international festivals such as Cannes and Venice, which is also president of the jury of award of the silver Bergamot prize. The festival since its first edition has decided to promote sites and locations of high cultural value at the territory level. The Cultural Association E20 has therefore thought of a "Mediterranean street for art" where festival guests can visit and learn about sites such as the archaeological museum of Reggio Calabria, home of the eighth wonder of the world: the Riace Bronzes, the whose 50th anniversary of the discovery will be celebrated in 2022. Following Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, better known as Piazza Italia, the seat elected for the preparation of the elegant red carpet, where the protagonists of the festival of this new 14th edition will parade. The Aragonese castle, central point of the city, dedicated to photographic exhibitions. The Francesco Cilea theater, returned to the throne of Dale 2003 following the restoration of the theater where the evenings destined for the awards for the winners of the competition are held after the afternoon and evening screenings. Miramare, the hall of mirrors, a strategic location because it overlooks what the Italian poet Gabriele D’annunzio defined “the most beautiful kilometer in Italy. The festival includes 5 days in the calendar organized into five sections, the independent feature film competition, the Bergamot silver awards, to which interested parties can also subscribe via the FreeWay platform (link) at a cost of 90 euros per feature film. Masterclass section divided into four / five events dedicated to direction, scenography, dubbing, seriality and production. The section "a book for the cinema" intended for the knowledge of the steps necessary for the transformation of a literary work into an audiovisual work. The ReggioFoodFest section aimed at promoting local food and wine products. The video clip competition section created for new young video makers. The cinema section inside the walls is a section strongly desired by the president of the cultural association e20, Michele Geria, and the criminal lawyer, Agostino Siviglia, guarantor of the rights of prisoners for the Calabria Region, the section includes three events in the district houses of three works selected on the basis of a high cultural value inherent in the work to collaborate in the re-educational activity and reintegration of prisoners under the profile of art. 27 of the constitution. The prizes awarded during the 14th edition are: Silver Bergamot for the best feature in competition, Raf Vallone prize awarded for best actor, Leopoldo Trieste award for best emerging actor / actress, Oreste Lionello award for best voice actor, Città Metropolitan award for Reggio Calabria for best director, CiakCalabria award for best performance of the Calabrian workers, out-of-competition prize "Rieducazione e Solidarietà Reggio Calabria" cinema section inside the walls.

Best feature film "Bergamotto d'argento" award
Best short film "Millennial Movie" award
Best actor "Raf Vallone" award
Best upcoming actor/actress "Leopoldo Trieste" award
Best voice actor "Oreste Lionello" award
Best director "Città Metropolitana" award
Best workmanship "CiakCalabria" award

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules


1) Short Films must have been completed before January 1, 2020

2) It will be an award for the best short film

3) The Giury, choose between actors, producers, critics, cinematographic authors and school's students of the "Città Metropolitana di Reggio Calabria", will assign the awards to his unquestionable judgment, without the possibility of ex aequo.

4) Each Filmmaker can introduce just one project, and will be admitted projects that are already been introduced or rewarded to other festivals.

5) Short Films already submitted to previous RCFF editions will not be accepted.

The Millenial Movie is divided into two section: Student and Professional.

Millennial Movie – international short films competition without limitations about the topic, made by student or under 35 peoples. These works may last no longer than 30 minutes.

Juries and Awards:

The jury panel of industry professionals (whose names will be forwarded at the deadline on the festival website) will award the following prizes

Millennial Movie
Best Short Film € 1000 in executive production

To submit your short film, there is a small fee:

Earlybird Deadline > December 30, 2018 € 12,00
Regular Deadline > January 30, 2019 € 15,00
Late Deadline > March 1, 2019 € 18,00

How to Subscribe

Is mandatory the online entries submitted via, which provides cost-saving, paperless submission to film festivals around the world. There’s no extra cost to you, and by submitting, you’ll join FilmFreeway’s global filmmaker community and stay in the loop about international exhibition opportunities. Go directly to, or to
Send us an online video, follow the instructions on (through FilmFreeway you can also link a vimeo video with private password).
Ordinary mail with DVD will not accepted.

Italian subtitles are not required but recommended, English subtitles are required.
If you will be selected, dialogue lists in English are due to be sent.

The short films will be selected by pre-selection committee of the festival. Selected authors will be notified by e-mail. If you will be selected, we prefer to download through Vimeo or others a private link of your movie. In alternative, you can send us a Quicktime (H264) .mov or (H264) .mp4 movie file 1920x1080p (Pal 25fps or Ntsc 23.98 or 24fps) to


1. Each work (in Italian or with Italian subtitles) must have a minimum duration of 75 minutes.

2. The "Bergamotto d´Argento" prize will be assigned to the best feature film.

3. The Jury, chosen among critics, producers, actors, film authors, school teachers, will assign the prizes to his unquestionable judgment, without the possibility of ex aequo.

4. Each Filmaker can present only one feature; are admitted feature films already presented or rewarded in other competitions.

5. The deadline for the presentation of feature films is 15 February 2020 (the date of the event will prevail postmark or sending via pec).

6. The date of the selection, as well as the names of the jury will be announced on March 4, 2019.

7. The winner will be offered the trip and stay in Reggio Calabria for the collection of the prize.

8. Each author is responsible for the contents of the work presented and the dissemination of music protected by copyright.

9. The works sent will not be returned.

10. To give adequate visibility, the best feature film presented (and not only to the one awarded) will be able to
be totally or partially screened for educational-cultural-informative uses.

11. The organization is not responsible for damage or loss of the works sent. It is therefore not recommended sending the originals.

12. The participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these Rules.

Ratings & Reviews


What is the title of your film?

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Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

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What is the genre of your film?

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What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

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Monetary award

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Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals