Rethinking Race Film Festival

Akron, Ohio, United States, North America

25 - 29 Aug, 2021

Rethinking Race Film Festival logo
Rethinking Race Film Festival

Akron, Ohio, United States, North America

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General Information



Contact details

302 Buchtel Common Akron, Ohio 44325 United States



Web & social

About the festival

The theme of the film festival centers around the definition of race and our perceptions of race. The word “race” is broadly defined as distinct societal groupings based on shared physical or social attributes. The organizing committee kindly asks that all submissions consider the definition of race as purely a social construct for the manifestation of the concept of identity. The organizing committee especially welcomes submissions with a perspective beyond the ideational constructs designed by socially dominant groups, i.e. extending beyond topics focused on black – white race relations.

The film festival is held as part of Rethinking Race, a forum held at The University of Akron, dedicated to discussing and examining, in-depth, race and race-related issues.

A banquet will be held in honor of the film makers who contributed their work to the film festival as well as the presentation of awards to the best film in each category. Plaques will be presented to the best picture winner in each category.


The theme of the film festival centers around the definition of race and our perceptions of race. The word “race” is broadly defined as distinct societal groupings based on shared physical or social attributes. The organizing committee kindly asks that all submissions consider the definition of race as purely a social construct for the manifestation of the concept of identity. The organizing committee especially welcomes submissions with a perspective beyond the ideational constructs designed by socially dominant groups, i.e. extending beyond topics focused on black – white race relations.

The film festival is held as part of Rethinking Race, a forum held at The University of Akron, dedicated to discussing and examining, in-depth, race and race-related issues.

A banquet will be held in honor of the film makers who contributed their work to the film festival as well as the presentation of awards to the best film in each category. Plaques will be presented to the best picture winner in each category.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Finished film projects will be given full consideration. All submissions must meet the criteria of being relevant to the definition of race. Film formats considered for the RTR Film Festival include: animation, short film, documentary, visual art and feature length. Selected films will only be shown for the duration of the film festival. Films will be screened free of charge.

A short preview of some advanced selections will be made during the Spring Rethinking Race forum, held from February 21 - March 6, as part of the screening process in anticipation of the Rethinking Race Film Festival.

There is no entry fee for film submissions. Entries are welcomed from novice to established film makers. Entries are especially encouraged from film students.

Only films that meet the definition of race will be considered for review.

The word “race” is broadly defined as distinct societal groupings based on shared physical or social attributes. The organizing committee kindly asks that all submissions consider the definition of race as purely a social construct for the manifestation of the concept of identity. The organizing committee especially welcomes submissions with a perspective beyond the ideational constructs designed by socially dominant groups, i.e. extending beyond topics focused on black – white race relations.


Web & Social

Festival website

Social media


Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Early Bird (15th November, 2019) €0
Regular (1st May, 2021) €0
Late (25th August, 2021) €0

Short film

Early Bird (15th November, 2019) €0
Regular (1st May, 2021) €0
Late (25th August, 2021) €0

Animated film

Early Bird (15th November, 2019) €0
Regular (1st May, 2021) €0
Late (25th August, 2021) €0


Visual Art
Early Bird (15th November, 2019) €0
Regular (1st May, 2021) €0
Late (25th August, 2021) €0

Feature Length
Early Bird (15th November, 2019) €0
Regular (1st May, 2021) €0
Late (25th August, 2021) €0



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How long is your film?

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What type of category does your film fall into?

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Monetary award

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

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