Seminci - Valladolid International Film Festival

Valladolid, Spain, Europe

24 - 31 Oct, 2020

European Film Award Qualifying


spain, short, international, feature, EFA-qualifying, debut films


Documentary, Short, Animation, Comedy, Romance, Sport, Action, Drama, Crime, Experimental, Fantasy, Historical/Epic, Musical/dance, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Music Video

Seminci - Valladolid International Film Festival logo
Seminci - Valladolid International Film Festival

Valladolid, Spain, Europe

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General Information






Javier Angulo


Denise O’Keeffe

Assistant Director

Contact details

Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid

Teatro Calderón - Calle Leopoldo Cano, s/n, 4°

ValladolidSpain 47003

+34 983 42 64 60

Web & social

About the festival

The Valladolid International Film Festival is one of the oldest and most consolidated in the whole of Europe. It was born on 20 March 1956 as an additional feature of the Easter celebrations named the “Religious Film Week”, according to an understanding of the seventh art as a vehicle for the transmission of Catholic moral values.

The demand for quality that already since the Festival’s beginnings became its enduring mark of identity was not always matched by a sufficient quantity of scheduled films: in other words, quite often there were not enough films to fill the Festival’s programme –not, in any case, of religious subject-matter. This situation led to the first turning point in the history of the Festival, which four years after its inception was converted into the International “Religion & Human Values” Film Week The name reflects the major novelty introduced in the Festival at that time: the admission of films where the emphasis lay on human values and a sense of committment.

The second turning point took place in 1973, when the Festival adopted its permament denomination as the Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid or –in a literal rendering— Valladolid’s International Film Week. The new name involved getting rid of the Festival’s religious orientation in the wake of developments influenced by two major factors: the rise in the number of films entering competition and the fact that producers were beginning to arrange for the premiere of their films to take place in the Valladolid Film Week.

As for the source of the acronym by which the Festival is generally known at home –SEMINCI— , the story is fairly anecdotal, since rather than the result of the modern urge for single terms capable of blending full phrases, it was born out of a much more prosaic need: that of saving words in telegrams.


The Valladolid International Film Festival is one of the oldest and most consolidated in the whole of Europe. It was born on 20 March 1956 as an additional feature of the Easter celebrations named the “Religious Film Week”, according to an understanding of the seventh art as a vehicle for the transmission of Catholic moral values.

The demand for quality that already since the Festival’s beginnings became its enduring mark of identity was not always matched by a sufficient quantity of scheduled films: in other words, quite often there were not enough films to fill the Festival’s programme –not, in any case, of religious subject-matter. This situation led to the first turning point in the history of the Festival, which four years after its inception was converted into the International “Religion & Human Values” Film Week The name reflects the major novelty introduced in the Festival at that time: the admission of films where the emphasis lay on human values and a sense of committment.

The second turning point took place in 1973, when the Festival adopted its permament denomination as the Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid or –in a literal rendering— Valladolid’s International Film Week. The new name involved getting rid of the Festival’s religious orientation in the wake of developments influenced by two major factors: the rise in the number of films entering competition and the fact that producers were beginning to arrange for the premiere of their films to take place in the Valladolid Film Week.

As for the source of the acronym by which the Festival is generally known at home –SEMINCI— , the story is fairly anecdotal, since rather than the result of the modern urge for single terms capable of blending full phrases, it was born out of a much more prosaic need: that of saving words in telegrams.


Awards & Winners


Puento de Encuentro (Winner)

Best Director of Photography (Winner)

Öndög (2019)  Director(s): Quan'an Wang

Best New Director (Winner)

Special Mention (Nominated)

Sociograph Award (Winner)

Blogos de Oro Award (Winner)

Dunia Ayaso Award (Nominated)

Dunia Ayaso Award (Nominated)

Dunia Ayaso Award (Nominated)

Dunia Ayaso Award (Nominated)

Special Mention (Winner)

Terms and rules

The Festival consists of the following sections:

  • OFFICIAL, offering a panorama of current international cinema. The feature-lengths and shorts in this section may participate either in or out of competition.
  • MEETING POINT, a competitive parallel showcase of first and second fiction films worthy of special attention for their subject matter or style. Short films are also programmed.
  • TIME OF HISTORY, a competitive section for documentaries.
  • DOC. SPAIN, a competitive section for Spanish documentaries.
  • SHORTS FROM CASTILE & LEON, a competitive section for shorts made or produced in the region, or made by directors who were born or live there.
  • FEATURES FROM CASTILE & LEON, a non-competitive showcase of fiction feature-lengths or documentaries either made or produced in the region or by directors born there.
  • SIDEBARS, devoted to the presentation and analysis of directors, genres, styles, a nation's cinema, cinema and wine, etc.
  • SEMINCI JOVEN, a competitive section of films for a teenage public (12 to 18 year-olds).
  • MINIMINCI, a non-competitive showcase of films for 7 to 12 year-olds.



All films entered for the OFFICIAL, MEETING POINT, TIME OF HISTORY and DOC. SPAIN sections must comply with the following conditions:

  • They must be produced in 2019 or during the last three months of 2018 and must be Spanish premieres (no previous commercial, DVD, video, TV or online screening in Spain).
  • They must not have been screened at any other film festival in Spain, neither in nor out of competition, nor have been presented in any kind of event.
  • Formats acceptable for screening during the event depend on the installations of the venues where the film will be screened. Films participating in the Festival should preferably be DCP, although, exceptionally another format may be possible.
    Either the producers or the person submitting the film should provide the technical team of the Festival ( with the appropriate KDMs for each screening venue. The Festival will not cover the costs of generating these keys.
    Films will be screened in their original language version with Spanish or English subtitles. When the film is not Spanish spoken, a transcript of the English subtitles/dialogue list and a downloadable link of the film must be supplied beforehand in order to permit preparation of electronic subtitles in Spanish.
  • Films submitted may be feature-lengths, medium-length or shorts. Films over 60 minutes will be considered feature-lengths. Short films must not exceed a running time of 30 minutes.



An International Jury will decide the winners of the following awards from those feature-lengths and shorts selected for participation in competition in the OFFICIAL SECTION. None of these awards may be declared void:


* GOLDEN SPIKE and SILVER SPIKE with cash awards of 75.000 € and 25.000 €, respectively, for the Spanish distributors of these films.

* 'PILAR MIRÓ' PRIZE TO THE BEST NEW DIRECTOR, competing with a first or second feature-length for the cinema. The filmmaker receives a cash award of 10.000 €.

* 'RIBERA DEL DUERO' PRIZE TO THE BEST DIRECTOR . The filmmaker receives a cash award of 6.000 €.





* GOLDEN SPIKE and SILVER SPIKE with cash awards of 6.000 € and 3.000 €, respectively, for the director of each film.

* 'EFA SHORT FILM CANDIDATE' Prize. The winner will receive 2.000 €, and is selected as one of the candidates in the category 'European Short Film' at the European Film Awards.

Only one joint prize is permitted within the Awards to feature-lengths and one within the shorts category. Cash prizes, in this case, will be split equally. The 'EFA Short Film Candidate' prize cannot be awarded jointly.

A Jury of three professionals will award a prize for the BEST FEATURE and one for the BEST FOREIGN SHORT in the MEETING POINT section. The director of the feature will receive 20.000 € and the director of the short 3.000 €. The subsection 'A Night of Spanish Shorts' will have a separate cash award of 3.000 € for the director of the winning film, also awarded by the Jury.

SEMINCI JOVEN: A Prize of 6.000 € is awarded to the director of the winning film, according to the votes of the young spectators.

A Jury of three professionals will award a prize of 25.000 € to the filmmaker of the BEST DOCUMENTARY in the TIME OF HISTORY section. The Jury will also award a SECOND PRIZE of 15,000 €, also for the filmmaker and a trophy plus 3, 000 € to the Best Short Documentary. All prizes must be conferred.

Another Jury of three Spanish professionals will award a prize of 6.000 € to the filmmaker of the BEST DOCUMENTARY in the DOC. Spain section.

RAINBOW AWARD: A separate Jury will give this Award to the film which shows the most sensitivity towards the LGBT community.

GREEN AWARD: A separate Jury will give this Award to the film which best raises awareness of the need to protect our planet and environment.



Award-winning films must feature the festival logo specifying the award won in Valladolid on all posterior prints, DVDs or Blu-rays of the film and on all publicity material.



Valladolid International Film Festival does not charge entry fees and films should be submitted as follows:

Films being submitted for preview by the Selection Committee

Films must be submitted online via the Festival web page: (link Eventival). An initial entry form must be filled in and a secure link with password must be provided.

If your submission is successful you will be informed by the beginning of September.

Films already officially invited by the Selection Committee

  • The invitation sent for each film selected by the Festival must remain strictly confidential between the Festival management and the participant until the Festival makes an official announcement to this regard.
  • You must fill the complete entry form which is available on our web page (link Eventival) and provide the dialogue/subtitles list and promotional material requested.
  • Prints should be forwarded by courier to:


Teatro Calderón.

Calle Leopoldo Cano, s/n.

The Festival must be informed of transport details immediately afterwards. All prints should ideally arrive before October 1st, 2019.

  • Press material and publicity for each film must also reach the Festival Office by October 1st. A press-book, stills and a three-minute trailer should be sent electronically for insertion on the Festival web page. 10 posters should be sent by post to the festival office.



Unless negotiated otherwise, all transportation costs incurred in sending the print to and from Spain must be borne by the entity or individual(s) registering it for participation.

The Festival insurance policy covers fire, theft, damage and destruction of the print for the period spanning its arrival until its return.

The Festival will only accept claims on any print within a period of ONE MONTH after the date it was returned.



The Festival Direction will determine the order and date of the screening of all films. Once a film has been registered for participation, it cannot be withdrawn or screened elsewhere in Spain, as specified in Art. 4, prior to its screening at Valladolid.

Participation in the Festival implies the unconditional acceptance of all the aforementioned regulations. The interpretation of the regulations will be the exclusive responsibility of the Direction of the Valladolid International Film Festival. In any event of doubt, the Spanish version of these regulations will be deemed binding.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals