Slash Night

Bremerton, WA, United States, North America

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Slash Night

Bremerton, WA, United States, North America

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General Information



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Bremerton, WA United States



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About the festival

Gritty horror on the big screen!

Selected films will be screened at SLASH NIGHT in Bremerton, WA to an enthusiastic late-night crowd.

We show a lot of wild and crazy stuff. We hope you share your work with us!

Selected films will receive a film festival laurel and the admiration of our discerning crowd of horror hounds!


Gritty horror on the big screen!

Selected films will be screened at SLASH NIGHT in Bremerton, WA to an enthusiastic late-night crowd.

We show a lot of wild and crazy stuff. We hope you share your work with us!

Selected films will receive a film festival laurel and the admiration of our discerning crowd of horror hounds!

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

The general category is Horror/Slasher, but you can blend in other genre elements (e.g. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, Comedy, Action.)

Overall, we are looking for gritty Grindhouse-style films that are fun and fast-paced.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Grindhouse Shorts - under 30 minutes
Early Bird (4th April, 2020) $9
Late (31st August, 2020) $25

All films must be 30 minutes or less (the shorter the better!) The general category is Horror/Slasher, but you can blend in other genre elements (e.g. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, Comedy, Action.) Overall, we are looking for gritty Grindhouse-style shorts that are fun and fast-paced.

Grindhouse Featurettes - 30 to 60 minutes
Early Bird (4th April, 2020) $15
Late (31st August, 2020) $31

Tell us a twisted tale! This is for projects over 30 minutes and under 60 minutes. The general category is Horror/Slasher, but you can blend in other genre elements (e.g. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, Comedy, Action.) Overall, we are looking for gritty Grindhouse-style shorts that are fun and fast-paced. We're open to ultra low-budget films, as well as older films. So make it fun, make it fast paced, and knock our socks off!

Grindhouse Features - 60 to 120 minutes
Early Bird (4th April, 2020) $19
Late (31st August, 2020) $36

Tell us a twisted tale! This is for projects over 60 minutes and under 120 minutes. The general category is Horror/Slasher, but you can blend in other genre elements (e.g. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, Comedy, Action.) Overall, we are looking for gritty Grindhouse-style shorts that are fun and fast-paced. We're open to ultra low-budget films, as well as older films. So make it fun, make it fast paced, and knock our socks off!

Weird Documentaries - any length
Early Bird (4th April, 2020) $15
Late (31st August, 2020) $31

The stranger the better! Can be horror-related, true crime, or just a profile of a strange and intriguing character.

*NEW CATEGORY!* YouTube Horror Series
Early Bird (4th April, 2020) $15
Late (31st August, 2020) $31

Are you a YouTuber with a horror-related series? If so, we wanna see your stuff! It can be a show where you review horror movies, a filmed podcast, a narrative horror web series, a monster makeup/SFX tutorial...we're open to it all as long as it's horror/grindhouse-related. Send us a sample episode that's under 60 minutes.

Grindhouse Photography
Early Bird (4th April, 2020) $7
Late (31st August, 2020) $12

Weird photos and provocative movie posters! There will be one winner in the "Weird" photo category, and one winner in the "Movie Poster" category. All selected entries will receive a laurel. *You will submit digital files online.

Grindhouse Screenplays
Early Bird (4th April, 2020) $19
Late (31st August, 2020) $39

Movie screenplay. Any length. Under the umbrella of "Grindhouse", your script can include elements of Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, Mystery, Comedy and/or Erotica. It must be "Exploitation" style. Don't make it too classy. The more lurid the better. The winning screenplay will receive a seven-page graphic design "Look Book" package to help you market and sell your screenplay.

*NEW CATEGORY!* Punk Rock Music Videos
Early Bird (4th April, 2020) $1
Late (31st August, 2020) $299

Get punk af and send us your stuff! This is for music videos we'll be playing at the event between blocks of film. They can be new or old. Let us promote your band! *And to keep it extra Punk, we're keeping the entry fees extra low in this category.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals