Spain Film Connect

Madrid, Madrid, Spain, Europe

20 - 22 Nov, 2020


Feature, Short

Spain Film Connect logo
Spain Film Connect

Madrid, Madrid, Spain, Europe

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General Information



Contact details

Paseo de la Chopera Madrid, Madrid 28045 Spain



Web & social

About the festival

"Due to the Covid 19, this year we will make live premieres, on our own online television."


Spain Film Connect is an independent film network that links to different international festivals located in Palma de Mallorca, London and New York. Screenings and awards are given at external festivals linked to our collaboration network. Our job is to increase the visibility of the projections by creating our own section in new festivals, and to expand.


Spain Film Connect is a global platform to give access to film festivals, schools and universities, distribution companies, producers and investors from around the world, focusing on events for the new talents of the film industry.


Las proyecciones de los trabajos finalistas del primer certamen de cine independiente "Spain Film Connect" se llevaran acabo durante el segundo semestre del 2020 en diferentes festivales y centros adheridos a nuestra red.


Spain Film Connect es una plataforma global para dar acceso a festivales de cine, centros escolares y universitarios, empresas de distribución, productoras e inversores de todo el mundo, centrándose en eventos para los nuevos talentos de la industria del cine.

La entrega de premios tendrá lugar a finales 2020. (Lugar aun por confirmar)
The awards ceremony will take place at the end of 2020. (Place still to be confirmed)

Se anunciarán los ganadores de las siguientes categorías:
The winners of the following categories will be announced:

- Best International Feature Film
- Best National Feature Film
- Best Balearic Feature Film

- Best International Short Film
- Best National Short Film
- Best Balearic Short Film

- Best Animation Feature Film
- Best Documental feature film
- Best Experimental feature film
- Best Biography feature film
- Best feature film of Comedy
- Best feature film Terror / Thriller
- Best feature film Drama
- Best feature film Science Fiction

- Best Documental Short Film
- Best Experimental Short Film
- Best Biography Short Film
- Best Animation Short Film
- Best Short Film of Comedy
- Best Short Film Terror / Thriller
- Best hort Film Drama
- Best Short Film Science Fiction

- Mejor Guion de Cortometraje (Castellano)
- Mejor Guión de Largometraje (Castellano)

- Best Web Serie
- Best Television series

- Best Music Video

- Best Director
- Best Screenplay
- Best Actor
- Best Actress
- Best Cinematography
- Best Sound
- Best Original Soundtrack
- Best Production Management

- Best Human Rights Film
- Best European Film
- Best American Film
- Best Asian Film
- Best African Film
- Best Oceania Film

Habra estatuillas, diplomas y 500 euros en servicios de distribución.


"Due to the Covid 19, this year we will make live premieres, on our own online television."


Spain Film Connect is an independent film network that links to different international festivals located in Palma de Mallorca, London and New York. Screenings and awards are given at external festivals linked to our collaboration network. Our job is to increase the visibility of the projections by creating our own section in new festivals, and to expand.


Spain Film Connect is a global platform to give access to film festivals, schools and universities, distribution companies, producers and investors from around the world, focusing on events for the new talents of the film industry.


Las proyecciones de los trabajos finalistas del primer certamen de cine independiente "Spain Film Connect" se llevaran acabo durante el segundo semestre del 2020 en diferentes festivales y centros adheridos a nuestra red.


Spain Film Connect es una plataforma global para dar acceso a festivales de cine, centros escolares y universitarios, empresas de distribución, productoras e inversores de todo el mundo, centrándose en eventos para los nuevos talentos de la industria del cine.

La entrega de premios tendrá lugar a finales 2020. (Lugar aun por confirmar)
The awards ceremony will take place at the end of 2020. (Place still to be confirmed)

Se anunciarán los ganadores de las siguientes categorías:
The winners of the following categories will be announced:

- Best International Feature Film
- Best National Feature Film
- Best Balearic Feature Film

- Best International Short Film
- Best National Short Film
- Best Balearic Short Film

- Best Animation Feature Film
- Best Documental feature film
- Best Experimental feature film
- Best Biography feature film
- Best feature film of Comedy
- Best feature film Terror / Thriller
- Best feature film Drama
- Best feature film Science Fiction

- Best Documental Short Film
- Best Experimental Short Film
- Best Biography Short Film
- Best Animation Short Film
- Best Short Film of Comedy
- Best Short Film Terror / Thriller
- Best hort Film Drama
- Best Short Film Science Fiction

- Mejor Guion de Cortometraje (Castellano)
- Mejor Guión de Largometraje (Castellano)

- Best Web Serie
- Best Television series

- Best Music Video

- Best Director
- Best Screenplay
- Best Actor
- Best Actress
- Best Cinematography
- Best Sound
- Best Original Soundtrack
- Best Production Management

- Best Human Rights Film
- Best European Film
- Best American Film
- Best Asian Film
- Best African Film
- Best Oceania Film

Habra estatuillas, diplomas y 500 euros en servicios de distribución.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

El Festival (Competición) presupone que los titulares de los cortometrajes presentados ostentan todos los derechos de exhibición y promoción de las obras y material que representan, y declina cualquier responsabilidad respecto a la infracción de esta norma.

La organización del festival se reserva la posibilidad de realizar una copia digital, aceptando el participante su exhibición pública en el festival así como su difusión como material informativo o en ámbitos culturales eximiendo del pago/cobro de cualquier tasa derivada de derechos que pudieran generarse. En todo caso, las obras pasarán a formar parte del archivo del festival.


The Festival (Competition) presupposes that the owners of the presented short films hold all rights of exhibition and promotion of the works and material they represent, and declines any responsibility with respect to the infraction of this norm.

The organization of the festival reserves the right to make a digital copy, accepting the participant's public exhibition at the festival as well as its dissemination as information material or in cultural areas exempting from payment / collection of any fee derived from rights that may be generated. In any case, the works will become part of the festival archive.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Best International Feature Film
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $32

Best International Short Film
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $20
Late (31st March, 2020) $22

Best Spanish Feature Film
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $25
Late (31st March, 2020) $27

Best Spanish Short Film
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $15
Late (31st March, 2020) $17

Only Spain

Balears Film Connect
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Solo Cineastas de las Illes Baleares. Socios de Cine Art y ACIB tasa gratuita.

Mejor Guion de Cortometraje (Solo en Castellano)
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Scripts only in Spanish

Mejor Guion de Largometraje (Solo en Castellano)
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Scripts only in Spanish

Series & Short Web content
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Music Video
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Best Biography
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Documentary
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Drama
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Comedy
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Horror / Thriller
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Sci-Fi
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Experimental
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Director
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Actress
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Actor
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Human Rights Film
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best European Film
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best American Film
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films

Best Asian Film
Early Bird (28th December, 2019) $30
Late (31st March, 2020) $40

Short Films or Feature Films


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals