Superfest International Disability Film Festival

San Francisco, CA, United States, North America

17 - 18 Oct, 2020

Superfest International Disability Film Festival logo
Superfest International Disability Film Festival

San Francisco, CA, United States, North America

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Contact details

1600 Holloway Ave San Francisco, CA 94132 United States



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About the festival

Superfest Disability Film Festival is the longest running disability film festival in the world. Since it first debuted in a small Los Angeles showcase in 1970 it has become an eagerly anticipated international event—hosted by San Francisco's Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability at San Francisco State University. For more than 30 years, Superfest has celebrated cutting-edge cinema that portrays disability through a diverse, complex, unabashed and engaging lens. Superfest is one of the few festivals worldwide that is accessible to disabled filmgoers of all kinds.

Best of Festival: Full Length Feature
A work of exceptional quality. The film judged to be the most outstanding full length feature film.

Best of Festival: Short Film (under 45 minutes)
A work of exceptional quality. The film judged to be the most outstanding short film.

P.K. Walker Award in Innovation in Craft
Film judged to make the most innovative use of narrative, cinematography, or other filmmaking techniques to encourage exploration of the experiences of people with disabilities. Added in 2006, this award recognizes Pamela K. Walker’s many contributions to Superfest as its leader from 1998-2002.

Disabled Filmmaker Award
Film judged to be an outstanding work in which a person with a disability has a significant role in producing the film, e.g. producer, director or writer.

Advocacy Award
Film judged to have the most powerful message for disability justice.

Artistry Award
Film that best links disability and the arts.

Access Award
Film with the best accessibility through captioning and audio description.

Liane Yasumoto Jury's Choice Award
Named for the former festival director Liane Yasumoto, this award is presented to the finalist deemed by the judges to be singularly outstanding film that is not recognized in other award categories.

Travel awards may be available.


Superfest Disability Film Festival is the longest running disability film festival in the world. Since it first debuted in a small Los Angeles showcase in 1970 it has become an eagerly anticipated international event—hosted by San Francisco's Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability at San Francisco State University. For more than 30 years, Superfest has celebrated cutting-edge cinema that portrays disability through a diverse, complex, unabashed and engaging lens. Superfest is one of the few festivals worldwide that is accessible to disabled filmgoers of all kinds.

Best of Festival: Full Length Feature
A work of exceptional quality. The film judged to be the most outstanding full length feature film.

Best of Festival: Short Film (under 45 minutes)
A work of exceptional quality. The film judged to be the most outstanding short film.

P.K. Walker Award in Innovation in Craft
Film judged to make the most innovative use of narrative, cinematography, or other filmmaking techniques to encourage exploration of the experiences of people with disabilities. Added in 2006, this award recognizes Pamela K. Walker’s many contributions to Superfest as its leader from 1998-2002.

Disabled Filmmaker Award
Film judged to be an outstanding work in which a person with a disability has a significant role in producing the film, e.g. producer, director or writer.

Advocacy Award
Film judged to have the most powerful message for disability justice.

Artistry Award
Film that best links disability and the arts.

Access Award
Film with the best accessibility through captioning and audio description.

Liane Yasumoto Jury's Choice Award
Named for the former festival director Liane Yasumoto, this award is presented to the finalist deemed by the judges to be singularly outstanding film that is not recognized in other award categories.

Travel awards may be available.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

By submitting to Superfest, filmmakers are granting permission to show their film at the festival and to exhibit all or portions of their film at Superfest Showcases. Filmmakers are also required to provide captioning and audio-description for accessibility to the widest possible audience.​

All films screened at Superfest 2020 will receive an honorarium. Short films receive $100 and features $200.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Early Bird
Early Bird (1st December, 2019) $20
Regular (1st March, 2020) $40
Late (30th June, 2020) $20

Submissions received by January 15th

Shoestring Budget
Early Bird (1st December, 2019) $20
Regular (1st March, 2020) $20
Late (30th June, 2020) $20

Films made for less than $10,000


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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

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