Tampere International Short Film Festival

Tampere, Finland, Europe

10 - 14 Mar, 2020

Academy Award ® Qualifying European Film Award Qualifying FIAPF


short, academy award qualifying, finland, FIAPF-accredited, EFA-qualifying




Animation, Comedy, Drama, Experimental

Tampere International Short Film Festival logo
Tampere International Short Film Festival

Tampere, Finland, Europe

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General Information






Jukka-Pekka Laakso

festival director

Laura Laaksonen

executive director

Päivi Räsänen


Contact details

Tampere Film Festival

Tullikamarin aukio 2

Tampere Finland 33100


Web & social


30000 people


Festival reimburses/covers:
- Travel expenses
- Accommodation expenses
- Meals

About the festival

Tampere Film Festival brings together over 30,000 film enthusiasts, be it professionals or amateurs, every year in March. Tampere Film Festival is ranked amongst the top three most important short film festivals in the world.

Short Film Competitions

The heart of the programme is formed by International and National Short Film Competitions. The festival receives approximately 4000 submissions annually. Out of those, an estimated 110 films from 40 countries are selected.

The International Competition is amongst the most acknowledged short film competitions in the world. Tampere Film Festival’s International Competition is an Oscar®, BAFTA and EFA qualifying short film competition, meaning the world’s most trusted film organisations let us nominate films for their award categories. The National Competition showcases current feature-length documentaries alongside Finnish short films and is one of the most important platforms for Finnish filmmakers.

Special Programmes and Events

Films are screened outside of the competition series in Special Programmes. Retrospectives, tributes, guest curators, documentary films, you name it! To add to your festival experience, Tampere Film Festival offers a plethora of panels, seminars and workshops for professionals and the public alike.

When your head is filled with ideas and your butt is getting sore from sitting, head out to art exhibitions or clubs with live music performances – after all, it’s the people you meet (and party with!) that makes the festival truly special!

The 51st Tampere Film Festival 10-14 March 2021

The Tampere Film Festival is carried out by the Tampereen elokuvajuhlat – Tampere Film Festival association. The association was founded by film enthusiasts in 1969 and first under the name of Tampereen Elokuvataide ry. The same year the first national short film event was organised. The first international film festival was held in 1970. In 1982, the title of the association changed to its current form Tampere Film Festival, but the mission is still the same: to bring film enthusiast around the world together under one roof.

Outside the festival season, Tampere Film Festival is very active on bilateral activities regarding promotion, programming and consulting with a number of European and Asian festivals. Promoting Finnish and European Short Film is one of the festival’s primary missions.


Tampere Film Festival brings together over 30,000 film enthusiasts, be it professionals or amateurs, every year in March. Tampere Film Festival is ranked amongst the top three most important short film festivals in the world.

Short Film Competitions

The heart of the programme is formed by International and National Short Film Competitions. The festival receives approximately 4000 submissions annually. Out of those, an estimated 110 films from 40 countries are selected.

The International Competition is amongst the most acknowledged short film competitions in the world. Tampere Film Festival’s International Competition is an Oscar®, BAFTA and EFA qualifying short film competition, meaning the world’s most trusted film organisations let us nominate films for their award categories. The National Competition showcases current feature-length documentaries alongside Finnish short films and is one of the most important platforms for Finnish filmmakers.

Special Programmes and Events

Films are screened outside of the competition series in Special Programmes. Retrospectives, tributes, guest curators, documentary films, you name it! To add to your festival experience, Tampere Film Festival offers a plethora of panels, seminars and workshops for professionals and the public alike.

When your head is filled with ideas and your butt is getting sore from sitting, head out to art exhibitions or clubs with live music performances – after all, it’s the people you meet (and party with!) that makes the festival truly special!

The 51st Tampere Film Festival 10-14 March 2021

The Tampere Film Festival is carried out by the Tampereen elokuvajuhlat – Tampere Film Festival association. The association was founded by film enthusiasts in 1969 and first under the name of Tampereen Elokuvataide ry. The same year the first national short film event was organised. The first international film festival was held in 1970. In 1982, the title of the association changed to its current form Tampere Film Festival, but the mission is still the same: to bring film enthusiast around the world together under one roof.

Outside the festival season, Tampere Film Festival is very active on bilateral activities regarding promotion, programming and consulting with a number of European and Asian festivals. Promoting Finnish and European Short Film is one of the festival’s primary missions.


Awards & Winners


National Competition (Winner)

Something to Remember (2020) Director(s):

Best Fiction Category Prize (Winner)

Omé (2020) Director(s):

Terms and rules


▪ all genres
▪ maximum length 30 minutes (including credits)
▪ completed 1st of January 2019 or later
▪ completed productions only (working copies will not be previewed)
▪ film can be submitted only once
▪ premiere not required
▪ accepted screening formats DCP or Digital File (Apple ProRes 422 or H.264)
▪ screening copy must be in or subtitled in English
▪ by submitting the film, you commit to the screening if the film is selected
▪ no screening fee for selected films
▪ Earlybird deadline 31st of August, submission fee 9 €/film
▪ Regular deadline 31st of October, submission fee 11 €/film
▪ Final deadline 1st of December, submission fee 13 €/film

▪ deadline 1st of December 2020 (late submissions will not be previewed)
▪ submissions can be done via FilmFreeway
▪ register to the site (if not done earlier)
▪ fill in the submission form
▪ upload at least one still photo of the film (300 dpi)
▪ make sure the preview file is working correctly
▪ preview file must be in or subtitled in English
▪ submit to Tampere Film Festival – International Competition 2021
▪ make the payment
▪ final selection is announced on 2nd of February 2021 at www.tamperefilmfestival.fi
▪ only the submitters of the selected films will be notified personally

The organizers will nominate an International Jury of five members. The following prizes will be given to the film directors:

▪ Grand Prix: 5000 € and Festival trophy "Kiss" for the best film in competition
▪ three Category Prizes; fiction, animation, documentary (categories include experimental): each 1500 € and Festival trophy "Kiss"
▪ EFA Tampere Candidate according to the regulations set by the European Film Academy
▪ Special Mentions
▪ Audience Award

In addition to the prizes mentioned above and with the approval of the festival, it is also possible for other organizations and associations to award films in the International Competition.

▪ please note that ONLY the submitters of the selected films will be notified personally
▪ information given in the entry form (synopsis, credits etc.) will be used as such in all printed publications and on the website
▪ screening copy must be delivered at least 2 weeks before the festival starts
▪ films will be electronically subtitled in Finnish
▪ screening copy must have English subtitles and be identical to the preview copy
▪ festival is authorized to make one excerpt not exceeding 10% or max. 3 minutes of the total running time of the selected films to be used in promoting the festival in various medias and the Internet
▪ festival will insure the screening copy while in the festival's possession (The insurance will follow the regulations of FIAPF)
▪ festival will cover the return expenses of the screening copy if needed
▪ festival offers the representative of the film (1 person) accommodation for 3 nights in Tampere during the festival

Films selected to International Competition can automatically be entered into Tampere Film Festival’s online Film Library without separate notification. Online Film Library is available for accredited professionals only and is open for one month, March 2021.

Any such cases not mentioned in these regulations will be left to the festival's consideration (in accordance with FIAPF International Regulations). By submitting the entry form the submitter acknowledges that they have read, understood and accepted the regulations without reservation.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

International Competition
Early Bird (31st August, 2020) €9
Regular (31st October, 2020) €11
Late (1st December, 2020) €13
Runtime - 30 minutes
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Any country
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films No
First films No

Animation, Documentary, Experimental, Fiction short films under 30 min, completed after 1st of January 2019 or later.

National Competition
Early Bird (31st August, 2020) €9
Regular (31st October, 2020) €11
Late (1st December, 2020) €13
Runtime - 30 minutes
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Finland
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films No
First films No

ONLY for Finnish directors or Finnish productions/co-productions. Films under 30 minutes will automatically take part to the preselection of International Competition.

Best Fiction Category Prize
Regular (31st October, 2020) €11
Age restriction No age restriction
Country Any country
Director's age No restriction
Director's gender Any gender
Student films No
First films No


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals