The Fatherhood Image Film Festival

New York, NY, United States, North America

23 - 24 Oct, 2020

The Fatherhood Image Film Festival logo
The Fatherhood Image Film Festival

New York, NY, United States, North America

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About the festival

Fatherhood Image Film Festival (FIFF) is a Film Festival which features screenings from emerging producers, videographers, and filmmakers from all over the world—highlighting and showcasing films from the past and present with the goal to impact, gauge and assess the images of Fathers in media.

We are looking featured films, shorts, narratives, and documentaries in all categories with a special emphasis on fatherhood. We believe people are moved to emotions and we implement that inertia into the mission at FIFF to forge progress and growth.

Proceeds of FIFF go the Fatherhood Image Film Project which focuses on transparency in parenting and responsibilities. Essentially, deliberately lending understanding and intent to the important development necessary to parent.

Awards will be presented to the winner in each category at the Closing Night Awards Ceremony.
Best Feature Film
Best Documentary
Best Short Film
Best Cinematographer
Best Animated Short
Best Direction
and Best Subject Matter


Fatherhood Image Film Festival (FIFF) is a Film Festival which features screenings from emerging producers, videographers, and filmmakers from all over the world—highlighting and showcasing films from the past and present with the goal to impact, gauge and assess the images of Fathers in media.

We are looking featured films, shorts, narratives, and documentaries in all categories with a special emphasis on fatherhood. We believe people are moved to emotions and we implement that inertia into the mission at FIFF to forge progress and growth.

Proceeds of FIFF go the Fatherhood Image Film Project which focuses on transparency in parenting and responsibilities. Essentially, deliberately lending understanding and intent to the important development necessary to parent.

Awards will be presented to the winner in each category at the Closing Night Awards Ceremony.
Best Feature Film
Best Documentary
Best Short Film
Best Cinematographer
Best Animated Short
Best Direction
and Best Subject Matter

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Fatherhood Image Film Festival accepts no responsibility for loss or damage of entries during shipment to our festival.
If accepted, we will notify filmmakers by email. After acceptance, the final presentational format must be received prior to August 7, 2019.
Film Festival entries must be submitted on NTSC DVD.
Foreign films must be dubbed in English or presented in their original language with English language subtitles. In addition to your entry, please enclose film synopsis, film stills, press release, etc. any press kits, reviews, or publicity materials if available.
[ ] ENTRY FEE (see information above)
[ ] *Two DVD (Region 1) Preview Copy of film
[ ] High Resolution digital images from the film
[ ] Synopsis (Under 100 Words) [ ] Complete / Cast / Credit List
[ ] Disc with trailer and/or link to online trailer: Trailer URL: _____________
[ ] Completed & Signed Entry Form
[ ] Filmmaker Bio
*Please send COPIES ONLY. Make sure you preview your film. We will only consider films submitted in the correct format.

Submission of your work confirms that Fatherhood Image Film Festival is hereby granted the right to utilize any film including promotional stills and information submitted and accepted during the Festival and/or at any other Festival event for promotional purposes in Fatherhood Image Film Festival 2016.

The individual or corporation submitting the film hereby warrants that it is authorized to commit the film for screening, and understands and accepts these requirements and regulations for participation in Fatherhood Image Film Festival. The individual or corporation warrant the submission of work and there are no disputes regarding the ownership of the submission and this film is not subject to any litigation nor is any litigation threatened. The individual or corporation also warrant the submitted material does not defame or invade the rights of any person living or dead and will indemnify and hold harmless Fatherhood Image Film Festival, National Association of Each One Teach One, Harlem Professionals Inc, its directors, management, staff, and sponsors, and defend them against all claims, demands, losses damages, judgments, liabilities and expenses (including attorney's fees) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening, and loss of or damage to the screening videos screened or entered arising out of FIFFF’s exhibition and promotion of said film- should such film be programmed as part of the 2016 Fatherhood Image Film Festival.


Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Feature Film
Early Bird (20th October, 2019) $0
Regular (1st February, 2020) $15
Late (6th July, 2020) $25

1-2 hour renditions of either documentary, story driven narratives or celebratory pieces on fathers.

Short Film
Early Bird (20th October, 2019) $0
Regular (1st February, 2020) $10
Late (6th July, 2020) $25

3-20 minute renditions of either documentary, story driven narratives or celebratory pieces on fathers.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals