TimeLine Film Festival

Carate Brianza, Milano, Italy, Europe

TimeLine Film Festival logo
TimeLine Film Festival

Carate Brianza, Milano, Italy, Europe

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General Information




Antonio Risoluto

Festival Director

Giancarlo Zagone

Festival Director

Contact details

via de Gasperi 1 Carate Brianza, Milano 20841 Italy




Web & social

About the festival

The TLFF aims to promote and stimulate creativity and innovation through film production, to educate young students in reading and critique the modern languages of mass communication.

The competition is open to secondary schools, universities, film schools and filmmakers.

Awards Best Short Film:
• Middle school
• High school
• University/Film school
• Filmmaker

• Environment and Sustainable Development
• Human Rights and Legality
• Intercultural and Integration
• Food and Sustainability
• Youth and Sports
• Cultural Heritage Promotion


The TLFF aims to promote and stimulate creativity and innovation through film production, to educate young students in reading and critique the modern languages of mass communication.

The competition is open to secondary schools, universities, film schools and filmmakers.

Awards Best Short Film:
• Middle school
• High school
• University/Film school
• Filmmaker

• Environment and Sustainable Development
• Human Rights and Legality
• Intercultural and Integration
• Food and Sustainability
• Youth and Sports
• Cultural Heritage Promotion

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

The competition is open to secondary schools, universities, film schools and filmmakers. The age of the authors shall not exceed 30 years. For film schools / University and filmmaker only independent productions will be accepted

Each school may enter a maximum of two film produced January 1, 2017 onwards.
The duration of each film must not exceed 12 minutes.

The TLFF is an international festival; therefore, English subtitles are mandatory even in Italian films.


The eleventh edition of the competition includes the following sections:

Secondary school (11-13 years) and High school (14 -18 years) / Universities / Filmmakers
• Environment and Sustainable Development
• Human Rights and Legality
• Intercultural and Integration
• Youth and Sports
• Health Education
• Cultural Heritage Promotion

• Free Topic

Deadline 29/2/2020

(Full version of Rules and Terms on : www.timelinefilmfestival.eu)

Ratings & Reviews


What is the title of your film?

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How long is your film?

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What type of category does your film fall into?

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What is the genre of your film?

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What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

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Monetary award

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals