Torino Film Festival

Torino, Italy, Europe


youth, innovative





Torino Film Festival logo
Torino Film Festival

Torino, Italy, Europe

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About the festival

Torino Film Festival is an international film festival held in Turin, Italy every November. it is the second largest film festival in Italy. It was founded in 1982 by film critic and academic Gianni Rondolino as Festival Internazionale Cinema Giovani or the Festival of Young Cinema. Since its origins, thirty-eight years ago, the festival has been known internationally as one of the most established events devoted to new cinema. Thanks to its commitment to the support of independent filmmaking and personal vision, and for its numerous and in depth retrospectives, Torino has become a point of reference for both emerging and established filmmakers all over the world.
Beside Gianni Rondolino, the festival's directors have been: Ansano Giannarelli, Alberto Barbera, Stefano della Casa, Giulia d'Agnolo Vallan, Roberto Turigliatto, Nanni Moretti, Gianni Amelio, Paolo Virzì and Emanuela Martini.

The Torino Film Festival is currently directed by Stefano Francia di Celle. Documentary competitions and Italian short films competition are curated by Davide Oberto, while Luca Andreotti is responsible for programming.

Torino 38:
Best Film - 18.000,00 euros
Special Jury Award - 7.000,00 euros
Best Actress Award
Best Actor Award
Best Screenplay Award
Audience Award

Torino 38 Shorts:
Best International Short Film Award
Special Jury Award
Rai Cinema Channel Award (awarded by Rai Cinema)

Documentary competitions:
Best International Documentary Award - 6.000,00 euros
Best Italian Documentary Award - 6.000,00 euros
Special Jury Awards

Italiana.corti Competition:
Best Film - 2.000,00 euros
Special Jury Award


Torino Film Festival is an international film festival held in Turin, Italy every November. it is the second largest film festival in Italy. It was founded in 1982 by film critic and academic Gianni Rondolino as Festival Internazionale Cinema Giovani or the Festival of Young Cinema. Since its origins, thirty-eight years ago, the festival has been known internationally as one of the most established events devoted to new cinema. Thanks to its commitment to the support of independent filmmaking and personal vision, and for its numerous and in depth retrospectives, Torino has become a point of reference for both emerging and established filmmakers all over the world.
Beside Gianni Rondolino, the festival's directors have been: Ansano Giannarelli, Alberto Barbera, Stefano della Casa, Giulia d'Agnolo Vallan, Roberto Turigliatto, Nanni Moretti, Gianni Amelio, Paolo Virzì and Emanuela Martini.

The Torino Film Festival is currently directed by Stefano Francia di Celle. Documentary competitions and Italian short films competition are curated by Davide Oberto, while Luca Andreotti is responsible for programming.

Torino 38:
Best Film - 18.000,00 euros
Special Jury Award - 7.000,00 euros
Best Actress Award
Best Actor Award
Best Screenplay Award
Audience Award

Torino 38 Shorts:
Best International Short Film Award
Special Jury Award
Rai Cinema Channel Award (awarded by Rai Cinema)

Documentary competitions:
Best International Documentary Award - 6.000,00 euros
Best Italian Documentary Award - 6.000,00 euros
Special Jury Awards

Italiana.corti Competition:
Best Film - 2.000,00 euros
Special Jury Award

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules


The rules and regulations for participating are subject to the “Regulations for International Film Festivals” laid down by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (F.I.A.P.F.), which recognizes the Torino Film Festival as a specialized competitive festival.

The Torino Film Festival is organized by the National Cinema Museum. Its principal subsidies are provided by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Piedmont Region, the City of Torino, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and the CRT Foundation. Additional financing is provided by associations and private sponsors.

The Torino Film Festival’s purpose is to constitute a meeting point for contemporary international cinema and to provide the opportunity for a discussion on all its perspectives and artistic trends. The Festival pays particular attention to emerging cinemas and young filmmakers. In its competitive sections, it promotes films by new directors whose works are characterized by strong formal and stylistic innovation.

The 38th Torino Film Festival will be held from Friday, November 20th to Saturday, November 28th, 2020, for a total of nine days.

The Festival is divided into four competitive sections:
Torino 38: International Feature Films and Documentaries Competition.
Torino 38 Shorts: International Short Films Competition.
TFFdoc: dedicated to documentaries, it features two separate competitions (international competition and Italian competition) as well as out-of-competition screenings.
Italiana.corti: Italian Short Films Competition.

and the following non-competitive sections:
Out-of-competition: dedicated to the most interesting films of the current year.
Rol’s Rooms: dedicated to horror, science-fiction, noir, midnight movies, as well as serial productions.
Back to Life: dedicated to restored films.
Retrospective New Horror
Special Screenings.

5. TORINO 38
a) The selection of the films, which is final and binding, is conducted by the Festival Organizers.
b) Entry to this section is open to feature-length films and documentaries which were completed after September 1st, 2019.
The date of the film’s first public screening is determinant.
The Festival excludes from participation works that have already been screened in any way in Italy, as well as works that have participated in main competitions at major international film festivals such as Cannes, Berlin and Locarno.
c) The Festival will nominate an International Jury composed of at least five people. The Jury will award the following prizes:
• Best Film Award
• Special Jury Award
• Best Actress Award
• Best Actor Award

a) The selection of the films, which is final and binding, is conducted by the Festival organizers.
b) Entry to this section is open to films and videos from any Country which were completed after September 1st, 2019. These works may last no longer than 15 minutes (credits included). There are no limitations regarding style or genre.
Works that have already been screened in any way in Italy are not eligible.
No more than two films of the same author may be submitted.
c) The Festival will nominate a Jury composed of at least three people. The Jury will award the following prizes:
• Best International Short Film Award
• Special Jury Award

7. TFFdoc
a) The selection of the films, which is final and binding, is conducted by the Festival Organizers.
b) Entry to this section is open to Italian and international documentaries which were completed after September 1st, 2019. The documentaries need to have a minimum length of 40 minutes.
The Festival excludes from participation works that have already been screened in any way in Italy. Documentaries are considered Italian if their directors were born in or resided in Italy at the time the documentaries were made, and/or if the films were produced or co-produced in Italy.
c) The Festival Organizers will nominate two juries:
an International Documentary Jury composed of at least three people, who will award the following prizes:
Best International Documentary Award
Special Jury Award
and an Italian Documentary Jury composed of at least three people, who will award the following prizes:
Best Italian Documentary Award
Special Jury Award

a) The selection of the films, which is final and binding, is conducted by the Festival Organizers.
b) Entry to this section is open to Italian films and videos which were completed after September 1st, 2019. These works may last no longer than 40 minutes (credits included). There are no limitations regarding style or genre.
Works that have already been screened in any way in Italy are not eligible.
Short films are considered Italian if their directors were born in or resided in Italy at the time the films were made, and/or if the films were produced or co-produced in Italy.
No more than two films of the same author may be submitted.
c) The Festival will nominate a Jury composed of at least three people. The Jury will award the following prizes:
• Best Italian Short Film Award
• Special Jury Award

a) The selection of the films, which is final and binding, is conducted by the Festival Organizers.
b) Entry to these sections is open to feature-length films and documentaries which were completed after September 1st, 2019. The date of the film’s first public screening is determinant. The Festival excludes from participation works that have already been screened in any way in Italy.

a) There is a film registration fee of 15 euros for films up to 40 minutes long and 30 euros for longer films (for administrative expenses). Films will be considered only if the fee is paid.
b) The official Festival registration form must be filled out online via FilmFreeway ( Submission fee is requested during the registration process. If a film is not selected, the submission fee cannot be refunded.
c) Copyright holders of the films who intend to participate in the Festival (in any section) must send a streaming link following the procedures indicated on the entry form, by and no later than September 4th, 2020.

a) Exclusively for the films invited to the Festival: the Programming Office will send a request for complete documentation and provide a list of required material.
b) Prints of films and videos invited to the Festival must arrive in Torino by and no later than November 6th, 2020, as per instructions which will be provided by the Programming Office.
c) Return shipping instructions must be communicated by and no later than December 4th, 2020.

a) The program and screening times will be established by the Festival Organizers. Each film may be screened up to 5 times.
b) Foreign films will be screened in their original version with Italian subtitles. For non-English speaking films, the producers are invited - when possible - to provide an English subtitled print.
c) The Festival Organizers will publish a general catalog of all the participating films.
d) Copyright holders of the films participating in the Festival are asked to deposit a DVD or the file sent for the selection process in the Festival Archive or in another local film archive, for research purposes only.

All the Festival prizes are awarded to the directors of the winning films (except for best actor/actress awards).

Torino 38:
Best Film
Special Jury Award
Best Actress Award
Best Actor Award
Best Screenplay Award (awarded by Scuola Holden’s students)
Audience Award (awarded by people attending the screenings)
Torino 38 Shorts:
Best International Short Film Award
Special Jury Award
Rai Cinema Channel Award (awarded by Rai Cinema)
Best International Documentary Award
Best Italian Documentary Award
Special Jury Awards
Best Italian Documentary Award
Special Jury Award

a) In accordance with the TFF’s commitments under the 5050x2020 Initiative (the “Gender Equality Protocol”), the TFF will compile and make public via its website the gender and ethnic profiles for:
- the directors of submitted films;
- members of the selection committees, programmers, consultants and juries;
- festival management and board members.
b) Shipping costs to and from Torino will be covered by the entrant, except when other agreements have been made with the Programing Office.
c) Films and videos are covered by an “all damages” insurance policy (including loss and theft) underwritten by the Festival while in their keeping. In case of misplacement or damage, the Festival Organizers will be responsible for the cost of a new copy according to current Italian rates.
d) The present rules and regulations have been drawn up in Italian and English. In case of dispute, the Italian version will be final.
e) Application for entry to the Festival constitutes unconditional agreement to all the rules and regulations herein, in agreement with the F.I.A.P.F. regulations.
f) The Festival Organizers reserve the right to make decisions on matters not specified herein.
Any legal disputes shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Torino Courts.

Updated on April 6th, 2020.

Via Montebello 15, 10124 Torino
Tel: 011 8138811

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

up to 40 minutes
Early Bird (16th April, 2020) €15
Regular (30th October, 2020) €15
Late (20th November, 2020) €15

All the films (fiction and non fiction) between 0 and 40 minutes length should follow this category.

longer than 40 minutes
Early Bird (16th April, 2020) €30
Regular (30th October, 2020) €30
Late (20th November, 2020) €30

all the films (fiction and non fiction) longer than 40 minutes should follow this category


What is the title of your film?

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How long is your film?

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What type of category does your film fall into?

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What is the genre of your film?

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What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

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Monetary award

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Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

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Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals