Tulum World Environment Film Festival

Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico, North America

18 - 26 Sep, 2020


Feature, Short

Tulum World Environment Film Festival logo
Tulum World Environment Film Festival

Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico, North America

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General Information



Contact details

Tulum, Quintana Roo 77780 Mexico




Web & social

About the festival

Tulum World Environment Film Festival (c)
T U L U M. WE (TM)

* Please Read Rules*

The T U L U M WE Film Festival
was born thanks to the Social Need of Promoting the creation and Publication of conscious Ambiental Films trough the Voice of Art And Film Creation as a way of achieving a public communication and Conversation that Festival hopes makes effect into our daily lives.

Tulum Sol in June

Festival Screenings will be held in June 2021 n Tulum, Mexico due to Virus.
At Different Locations in Tulum .

Tulum Festival encourage Ambientalist, Climate Change , Green Social Awareness, Human Rights, Nature Exploration and Research, Nature and Wildlife Conservation works of Cinema.

All Genres are Welcome and encourage to submit.

YES Hospitality *
NO Economic Awards *

Tulum WE Film Festival will donate in materials to the " Casa de la Cultura Tulum " for the Support of their Activities.
and Tulum WE Film Festival will support Foundations in Tulum and Rivera Maya that work among other things cleaning of Sargassum, Turtle Conservation and oher Environmental Activities in the Rivera Maya.

Film Awards Certificated Recognition :

Tulum Sol Best TWEFF Feature Film
Tulum Sol Best TWEFF Midzise Film
Tulum Sol Best TWEFF Short Film

Best Feature Film Environment Conservation
Best Short Film Environment Conservation

Best Feature Film Climate Change
Best Short Film Climate Change

Best Feature Film Ocean and wildlife conservation
Best Short Film Ocean and wildlife conservation

Best Feature Film Research Exploration
Best Short Film Research Exploration

Best Feature Film Technologies for Nature Sustainability
Best Short Film Technologies for Nature Sustainability

Best Male Director Feature Film
Best Female Director Feature Film

Best Male Director Short Film
Best Female Director Short Film

Best Music Video
Best Animation
Best Writer
Best Edition

Best Original Music Score Feature Film
Best Original Music Score Short Film

Best Cinematography Feature Film
Best Cinematography Short Film


Tulum World Environment Film Festival (c)
T U L U M. WE (TM)

* Please Read Rules*

The T U L U M WE Film Festival
was born thanks to the Social Need of Promoting the creation and Publication of conscious Ambiental Films trough the Voice of Art And Film Creation as a way of achieving a public communication and Conversation that Festival hopes makes effect into our daily lives.

Tulum Sol in June

Festival Screenings will be held in June 2021 n Tulum, Mexico due to Virus.
At Different Locations in Tulum .

Tulum Festival encourage Ambientalist, Climate Change , Green Social Awareness, Human Rights, Nature Exploration and Research, Nature and Wildlife Conservation works of Cinema.

All Genres are Welcome and encourage to submit.

YES Hospitality *
NO Economic Awards *

Tulum WE Film Festival will donate in materials to the " Casa de la Cultura Tulum " for the Support of their Activities.
and Tulum WE Film Festival will support Foundations in Tulum and Rivera Maya that work among other things cleaning of Sargassum, Turtle Conservation and oher Environmental Activities in the Rivera Maya.

Film Awards Certificated Recognition :

Tulum Sol Best TWEFF Feature Film
Tulum Sol Best TWEFF Midzise Film
Tulum Sol Best TWEFF Short Film

Best Feature Film Environment Conservation
Best Short Film Environment Conservation

Best Feature Film Climate Change
Best Short Film Climate Change

Best Feature Film Ocean and wildlife conservation
Best Short Film Ocean and wildlife conservation

Best Feature Film Research Exploration
Best Short Film Research Exploration

Best Feature Film Technologies for Nature Sustainability
Best Short Film Technologies for Nature Sustainability

Best Male Director Feature Film
Best Female Director Feature Film

Best Male Director Short Film
Best Female Director Short Film

Best Music Video
Best Animation
Best Writer
Best Edition

Best Original Music Score Feature Film
Best Original Music Score Short Film

Best Cinematography Feature Film
Best Cinematography Short Film

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Submissions Tulum 2021 :

Notification on and Before : Sep 1th, 2021

Event Date : 17th Sep - 1st Oct

General Information :

All type of Short films – Video media less 30 min

Fee : 5 Dlls

All type of mid size Films above 30 min - below 50 min

Fee : 7 Dlls

All Type of Feature Films, Documentaries

Fee : 8 Dlls - Exclusive price to support Filmmakers -


Tulum SOL 2020
Official Selection & Winners


Follow :

RAGFF Facebook

RAGFF Instagram

aka TULUM WE Film Festival

– Organization
The Tulum World Environment Film Festival aka TWEEF is an independent and Private Organization
Owned Completely on its own, not influenced, not in bias, not in affiliation to any Political or Religious entity.

The Festival mission is of promoting, propagating and exploring the
understanding of every form of expression relevant to cinema with the main priority of every Environment / also
Art expressions that moves forward at the edge of new forms of human expression
through Visual Arts and Moving Sound Image ( Experimental Audio Visuals, Short Film, Feature
Film, documentaries, public encounters, educational encounters ) throughout the year.

Festival brings Human Communion between different Cultures and Societies for the growth and better of the human condition. Art and Environment Conscious Films are our Communion.

2.- Film Submissions :

We Need Files :
MP4, Mov, Files or else to be send to us at the moment of Selection or Allow us to
download the files from platforms.


At the moment of Selection, if we do not find a link downloadable ready on our emails or platform does not have a file to be ready for download then :

Feature-Length, Documentary Films :

Not Restrictions

Short Films, Medium-Length Films, Music Visuals, Music Videos :

Not Restrictions

3.- Categories

Feature Length films or Short Films to be Encourage to participate are :

Climate Change
World Cultural
Human Rights
Avant Garde,
Music Visuals,
Science Fiction,
Any other New form of “ Sound Visual Art “ are encourage to participate.
“ Only in Particular cases, at the discretion of the Artistic Director, may exceptions be made to the
above-mentioned conditions for admission.”

4 . – Waiver Agreement

The Festival is open to Public. All Participants and / or guest of the
Festival acknowledge that Multimedia Channels, web and accredited television channels and other
media partners will / might cover the Festival for Television, Radio, Web,
Newspaper, Digital News. By agreeing to take part in the Festival, all participants relinquish, free of
charge, their broadcasting rights to any filmed footage and recorded audio, allowing the media
partners to make such use of the above materials as they see fit.

5.- General Rules

Participation in the Festival automatically entails observance of the present
Producers, distributors or other parties who submit films must guarantee that they are legally
authorized to represent the film and get any responsibility if fail to do so, as well as if any copyright
or Trademark infringement is due to act within the film they representing, also they guarantee that
they are legally authorized to register the film in the TWEFF .
TWEFF Committee, Artist Director, Aggregators and Affiliates will carry Not Responsibility if any
infringement on copyright or Trademark is made by any of the Invited films as well as Participating
films or films from the pre-selection phase and during and after TWEFF screenings.
The Director of TWEFF reserves the right to settle any cases not covered by the present

The festival accept applications by adults only. We don’t accept applications from individuals under 18.
The festival and its sponsors cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to entry materials.
TWEFF at this moment Give only Awards by Recognition, NO cash prize, No funding.
You understand and agree, that we will not offer you or pay screening fees.
We don’t accept any other material after the submission.

Should any dispute arise regarding the interpretation of any article of these regulations, the English
Version is Binding by the State laws, and jurisdiction of New York City, NY, USA.

All rights Reserved.

Tulum World Environment Film Festival aka TWEFF . Copyright (c)2020

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

TULUM SOL to Best Feature Film, Documentary, Fiction, Experimental
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $7
Regular (31st August, 2021) $8
Late (1st September, 2021) $7

No Restrictions

TULUM SOL to Best Short Film, Documentary, Fiction, Experimental
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

No Restricitions

TULUM SOL to Best Midsize Film, Documentary, Fiction, Experimental
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $6
Regular (31st August, 2021) $7
Late (1st September, 2021) $6

No Restrictions

Environment Conservation
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Climate Change
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Ocean and Wildlife Conservation
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Research Exploration
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Technologies for Nature Sustainability
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Human Stories
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Every Story of Humans doing good !

Best all genres Short Film / Feature Film
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

This is the only Fiction Category in all festival.. Drama, Action, Horror, Comedy, Historical etc

Best Music Video
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Best Writer
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Best Animation
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Best Director
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Best Original Music / Score
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Best Cinematography

Best Cinematography
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5

Best Edition
Early Bird (6th August, 2019) $5
Regular (31st August, 2021) $5
Late (1st September, 2021) $5


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

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How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals