Twister Alley Film Festival

Woodward, OK, United States, North America

29 Apr, 2021 - 01 May, 2021

Twister Alley Film Festival logo
Twister Alley Film Festival

Woodward, OK, United States, North America

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About the festival

2017 MovieMaker Magazine Top 50 Film Festivals Worth The Entry Fee
2017-2018 FilmFreeway Top 100 Best Reviewed Film Festivals

Once a year an amazing collection of creative and inspiring filmmakers and actors venture off the beaten path and flock to the quiet small town of Woodward in remote Northwest Oklahoma, and fill the beautiful and historic Woodward Arts Theater for an action packed weekend of networking, movie watching and partying. Twister Alley provides the perfect setting for filmmakers and movie fans alike to congregate and celebrate the world of independent film. All selected films screen on the big screen at the Woodward Arts Theater & we host a staged reading for our screenplay contest finalist.

"This is by far a favorite festival! Twister manages to bring in some of the most amazing films and the teams behind those films are all such lovely welcoming people. A must submit, and if you are lucky enough to be selected, a must attend." Natalie Lynch & Tara Jayn, Actor/Producers, 'Panic Button' & 'Imaginary Friends'

"Twister Alley is phenomenal- a collection of great filmmakers from all over the world surrounded by a welcoming Oklahoma community that truly loves film. Twister was one of our earliest stops with our film and I can say without hesitation." John Psathas, Writer/Director 'Bernadette'

"Twister Alley was a wonderful experience. Their love of indie film shines through the entire festival and I left feeling uplifted and inspired." Kelly Tatham, Writer/Director, 'Multiverse Dating For Beginners'

"I've been to several festivals myself, and I can tell you, this was by far the best film festival I have ever attended. PERIOD." David Bryant Perkins...screenplay finalist

"Twister Alley was hands down the best festival I've been to (not exaggerating!) I've never been treated so well for merely having a little short film showing in a sea of films." Anthony Stratton...Actor...Nesting Grounds

"Going to Woodward was one of the best film fest experiences I've ever had. The town was very cordial and it's only going to get bigger and better from here." Tom Radovich...Producer...Nobody

"The hospitality Josh and his team have is a special touch that leaves you feeling embraced in a warm hug by the festival. The majestic vibe is so thick, that parting is the only disappointment you will feel." Mike Kelleher-Screenplay Finalist

"It was awesome and perfect. " Elyse Cantor...Actor...The Life and Death of an Unhappily Married Man

Kids Flix (films for the whole family)
Twisted Toons (Animated films for grown folks)
Midnight Films (Weird, Dark and/or Twisted)
Music Video
Screenplay Contest (short, feature, webseries and TV Pilot screenplays of all genres accepted)

Crystal Twister Audience Award
Best Comedy Film (Feature & Short)
Best Drama Film (Feature & Short)
Best College Film
Best WTF Film (Weird, Dark and/or Twisted...Feature & Short)
Best Animated Film (Feature & Short)
Best Documentary (Feature & Short)
Best Foreign Film (Feature & Short)
Best Kid Flix
Best Oklahoma Film
Best Music Video
Best Actor/Actress (Feature & Short)
Best Ensemble (Feature & Short)
Best Contest Screenplay (Feature & Short)
Best Director
Best Movie Poster


2017 MovieMaker Magazine Top 50 Film Festivals Worth The Entry Fee
2017-2018 FilmFreeway Top 100 Best Reviewed Film Festivals

Once a year an amazing collection of creative and inspiring filmmakers and actors venture off the beaten path and flock to the quiet small town of Woodward in remote Northwest Oklahoma, and fill the beautiful and historic Woodward Arts Theater for an action packed weekend of networking, movie watching and partying. Twister Alley provides the perfect setting for filmmakers and movie fans alike to congregate and celebrate the world of independent film. All selected films screen on the big screen at the Woodward Arts Theater & we host a staged reading for our screenplay contest finalist.

"This is by far a favorite festival! Twister manages to bring in some of the most amazing films and the teams behind those films are all such lovely welcoming people. A must submit, and if you are lucky enough to be selected, a must attend." Natalie Lynch & Tara Jayn, Actor/Producers, 'Panic Button' & 'Imaginary Friends'

"Twister Alley is phenomenal- a collection of great filmmakers from all over the world surrounded by a welcoming Oklahoma community that truly loves film. Twister was one of our earliest stops with our film and I can say without hesitation." John Psathas, Writer/Director 'Bernadette'

"Twister Alley was a wonderful experience. Their love of indie film shines through the entire festival and I left feeling uplifted and inspired." Kelly Tatham, Writer/Director, 'Multiverse Dating For Beginners'

"I've been to several festivals myself, and I can tell you, this was by far the best film festival I have ever attended. PERIOD." David Bryant Perkins...screenplay finalist

"Twister Alley was hands down the best festival I've been to (not exaggerating!) I've never been treated so well for merely having a little short film showing in a sea of films." Anthony Stratton...Actor...Nesting Grounds

"Going to Woodward was one of the best film fest experiences I've ever had. The town was very cordial and it's only going to get bigger and better from here." Tom Radovich...Producer...Nobody

"The hospitality Josh and his team have is a special touch that leaves you feeling embraced in a warm hug by the festival. The majestic vibe is so thick, that parting is the only disappointment you will feel." Mike Kelleher-Screenplay Finalist

"It was awesome and perfect. " Elyse Cantor...Actor...The Life and Death of an Unhappily Married Man

Kids Flix (films for the whole family)
Twisted Toons (Animated films for grown folks)
Midnight Films (Weird, Dark and/or Twisted)
Music Video
Screenplay Contest (short, feature, webseries and TV Pilot screenplays of all genres accepted)

Crystal Twister Audience Award
Best Comedy Film (Feature & Short)
Best Drama Film (Feature & Short)
Best College Film
Best WTF Film (Weird, Dark and/or Twisted...Feature & Short)
Best Animated Film (Feature & Short)
Best Documentary (Feature & Short)
Best Foreign Film (Feature & Short)
Best Kid Flix
Best Oklahoma Film
Best Music Video
Best Actor/Actress (Feature & Short)
Best Ensemble (Feature & Short)
Best Contest Screenplay (Feature & Short)
Best Director
Best Movie Poster

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules


Films of all lengths (short & feature) and all genres (family, animated, comedy, drama, sci-fi, action, horror, documentary, foreign, music video) are welcome to submit.

Screenplays (short, feature, webseries, TV pilot) of all genres are welcome to submit. Screenplays must be unproduced as of the date of the film festival. (April 29, 2021)

Screener films should be submitted on digital file (Mov, Mp4).

Films in language other than English must include English subtitles.

Although an Oklahoma premiere of your film is not required, it is preferred.

No feedback on submissions can be given.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Feature Film
Early Bird (1st January, 2021) $25
Regular (1st February, 2021) $30
Late (1st March, 2021) $40

Feature Films of all genres (Comedy, Drama, Family/Animated action, Sci-fi, Horror, Foreign & Documentary) may submit.

Short Film
Early Bird (1st January, 2021) $20
Regular (1st February, 2021) $25
Late (1st March, 2021) $35

Short films of all genres (Comedy, Drama, Family/Animated, Action, Sci-Fi, Horror, Foreign & Documentary) may submit.

Early Bird (1st January, 2021) $25
Regular (1st February, 2021) $30
Late (1st March, 2021) $40

Screenplays of all length and genres are welcome to submit. Screenplay must not have been produced by date of film festival (April 24, 2015)

Screenplay-TV Pilot, Episode or Web Series
Early Bird (1st January, 2021) $25
Regular (1st February, 2021) $30
Late (1st March, 2021) $40

Music Video
Early Bird (1st January, 2021) $10
Regular (1st February, 2021) $15
Late (1st March, 2021) $25

Original music videos of all genres welcome to submit

Student Film - College - University ID Required
Early Bird (1st January, 2021) $10
Regular (1st February, 2021) $20
Late (1st March, 2021) $25

All short film genres created by college students.

Oklahoma Short
Early Bird (1st January, 2021) $15
Regular (1st February, 2021) $20
Late (1st March, 2021) $30


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals