UCLAxFilmFest: UCLA Extension Entertainment Studies Film Festival

14 - 16 Aug, 2020

UCLAxFilmFest: UCLA Extension Entertainment Studies Film Festival logo
UCLAxFilmFest: UCLA Extension Entertainment Studies Film Festival

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About the festival

UCLAxFilmFest 2020 is going Virtual!

August 14th, 15th and 16th.

Watch bold, ground breaking films from the comfort of your living room, anywhere in the world.

This year marks our fifth annual UCLAxFilmFest. Organized by the UCLA Extension Entertainment Studies team, the festival is designed to showcase the best short films by our current and former Entertainment Studies students.

Films that are chosen to be screened at UCLAxFilmFest will be eligible to win in any category, including:

Best Film
Best Director
Best Unique and Artistic Film
Entertainment Studies Staff Pick
Audience Choice

The winner of each award will receive free enrollment for any one (1) UCLA Extension class in any department. The winner of "Best Film" may use their one (1) free enrollment toward the Independent Study program where the winner will have the opportunity to work on his or her own film projects under the mentorship of a UCLA Extension instructor. The Festival may add additional award categories, to be announced during the submission window.


UCLAxFilmFest 2020 is going Virtual!

August 14th, 15th and 16th.

Watch bold, ground breaking films from the comfort of your living room, anywhere in the world.

This year marks our fifth annual UCLAxFilmFest. Organized by the UCLA Extension Entertainment Studies team, the festival is designed to showcase the best short films by our current and former Entertainment Studies students.

Films that are chosen to be screened at UCLAxFilmFest will be eligible to win in any category, including:

Best Film
Best Director
Best Unique and Artistic Film
Entertainment Studies Staff Pick
Audience Choice

The winner of each award will receive free enrollment for any one (1) UCLA Extension class in any department. The winner of "Best Film" may use their one (1) free enrollment toward the Independent Study program where the winner will have the opportunity to work on his or her own film projects under the mentorship of a UCLA Extension instructor. The Festival may add additional award categories, to be announced during the submission window.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Requirements and Guidelines:

-You must have taken at least one (1) class with UCLA Extension Entertainment Studies within the last five (5) years
-The duration of your film must be 15 minutes or less (including credits)
-You must be the writer, director, or producer of the film you are submitting
-You must include with your submission a jpeg file of your film’s poster or a trailer for your film no longer than 30 seconds
-Your film must have been completed within five (5) years of the festival date.
-All non-English films must have English subtitles
-Filmmakers may only submit one (1) film
-We will not accept films that have received distribution in the United States of America prior to the date of the festival
-Notifications are done via e-mail only

Please read the full list of 2020 Festival Rules below before submitting your film:

The Regents of the University of California,
By and on Behalf of its Campus in Los Angeles ("UCLA")

2020 Festival Rules

1. General:
UCLAxFilmFest celebrates and supports the young filmmakers of today who will become the industry professionals of tomorrow.
The mission of this film festival (the "Festival") is to showcase the best short films by current and previous students of the Entertainment Studies unit at UCLA Extension. Because your submission of any film, short, documentary or other work (the "Film") to the Festival constitutes acceptance of these rules (the "Rules"), please review the Rules very carefully.

2. Key Dates:
• Mid-November: submission window opens. Submissions must be sent digitally via the FilmFreeway portal, as described in Paragraph 4.
• March 1, 2020 (11:59 p.m.): Deadline for Submissions.
• April 1, 2020: Notifications of Films selected for the Festival are sent by email.
• May 2, 2020: Festival takes place at the Darryl F. Zanuck Theater on the Fox Studio Lot. (10201 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064).

3. Eligibility:
To be eligible for consideration:
• You must fully comply with these Rules, including all deadlines, Film length, entry material, and other requirements.
• You must have taken at least one (1) class in the Entertainment Studies program or the Screenwriting program at UCLA Extension within the last five (5) years.
• Films may be no longer than 15 minutes, including credits.
• You must be the writer, director, or producer of the Film you are submitting.
• With your submission, you must include a .jpeg file of the Film's poster, or a downloadable trailer for the Film no longer than 30 seconds in length.
• Films that contain significant non-English spoken dialogue must provide on-screen English subtitles.
• You may submit only one (1) Film.
• Films must have been completed within five (5) years of the Festival date.
• We highly recommend that the Film be encoded for 5.1 surround sound.
• We will accept Films that have been screened at other festivals.
• We will not accept films that have received distribution in the United States of America prior to the date of the festival.
• Films broadcast on TV or that have received a theatrical release in the United States of America, or that are available on DVD or VOD, are not eligible for consideration.
• We strongly encourage that filmmakers make sure they are able to attend the film festival in May or send a representative in their place.
Should you submit an updated version of your Film to the Festival after having submitted a previous version of the same work, the Festival is under no obligation to view any or all of the updated version.

4. How to Enter:
Entries must be submitted through the FilmFreeway platform at https://filmfreeway.com/festival/uclaxfilmfest by March 1, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. No late or incomplete applications will be accepted.

5. Entry Materials:
All entries must include the following:
 A FilmFreeway Profile, properly completed. A complete FilmFreeway Profile includes:
• Your Film as a link or attachment.
• Either a .jpeg file of your Film's poster, or a trailer for the Film no longer than 30 seconds in length.
• An official Festival submission form, found under "Submit Now" at https://filmfreeway.com/festival/uclaxfilmfest, properly completed.
PLEASE NOTE: It is your sole responsibility to ensure that your FilmFreeway Profile and Festival submission form are properly submitted, using formats that are fully functional, in a timely manner. If the Festival determines that a submission does not meet all of the above criteria, or if the Festival otherwise determines that the submission is not eligible, the submission will be disqualified. Physical entry materials received by the Festival will not be returned and will be destroyed or discarded by the Festival.

6. Submission Format:
We highly recommend that the Film be encoded for 5.1 surround sound.
If your film is accepted into the film festival, your final submission should meet the following specifications:

File Type: QuickTime .mov
Video Codec: ProRes 422 HQ
Resolution: 1920X1080 (Please maintain original aspect ratio of film with letterboxing)
Frame Rate: 23.98
Audio Codec: PCM Uncompressed
Audio Bit Depth: 24
Audio Sample Rate: 48kHz
Audio Channel Configuration: 5.1 Surround (2.0 Stereo OK if 5.1 not available)

File type: .mov or .mp4
Video Codec: H.264
Video Bitrate: 6500 kbps or higher
Resolution: 1920X1080
Frame Rate: 23.98
Audio Codec: AAC
Audio Bitrate: 192kbps or higher
Audio Sample Rate: 48kHz
Audio Channel Configuration: 5.1 Surround (2.0 Stereo OK if 5.1 not available
*** Frame rates and formats other than 1080p, 23.98 can be used, however they will need to be converted and we cannot guarantee the quality ***

7. Entry Fees:
No entry fees are required to submit a Film to the Festival.

8. Prizes and Awards:
Films that are chosen to be screened at the Festival will be eligible to win in any award category, including:
Best Film
Best Director
Best Unique and Artistic Film
Audience Choice
The winner of each award will receive free enrollment for any one (1) UCLA Extension class in any department. The winner of "Best Film" may use their one (1) free enrollment toward the Independent Study program where the winner will have the opportunity to work on his or her own film projects under the mentorship of a UCLA Extension instructor.
The Festival may add additional award categories, to be announced during the submission window.
Award winners will be announced at the Festival. In order to receive an award at the film festival, filmmakers must be present or send a representative in their place.

9. Authorizations, Permissions and Clearances:
A. Generally
• Ensuring that you have obtained the necessary authorizations, permissions and clearances relating to filmmaking is complicated and should be something that you consider early on in your processes. Please keep in mind that screening your Film at the Festival will be a "public performance" under U.S. copyright law, and you must have copyright licenses and other permissions in place before you submit your Film for consideration, or your use of third-party content is clearly protected under the "fair use" doctrine of U.S. copyright law. Moreover, by submitting your Film you are promising that you have obtained all necessary authorizations, permissions, and clearances for the Film, including licenses to use any music or other third-party content (such as clips from other films), as well as location permits and other required documents.
• You, alone, are financially and legally responsible for any legal problems relating to your Film. For example, you will need written agreements with others contributing to your Film, including, but not limited to, the scriptwriter(s), songwriter(s), producer(s), director(s), camera operator(s), editor(s), and anyone else who is making a creative contribution, as they may have an ownership interest in the Film and may control what you are able to do with it. You should also obtain written permission from the property owner of the location(s) you use to film.
• You should also enter into the appropriate performer agreement from every actor, musician, or singer who performs and, if there is any pre-existing content in the film such as film clips, artwork on the walls, or pre-existing music, you may need written permission of the copyright t owner to include such content in your Film (or related materials).
• Please consult with an attorney to ensure that you have obtained the appropriate permissions before submitting your Film to the Festival. If you are a UCLA student, you may want to consider contacting UCLA Student Legal Services to determine if they are able to advise you regarding these Rules, your Film, and its submission to the Festival.
B. Your Responsibility for Third-Party Claims
• You, alone, are solely responsible for securing authorization and permission from the copyright owner(s) of any and all copyrighted content or materials included within the Film. UCLA expressly disavows any responsibility for, and will not be held responsible for, any unauthorized inclusion of any copyrighted content or materials within or relating to the Film, including any content or materials that are or may become the basis for any third-party claims for copyright infringement. UCLA reserves the right to disqualify without refund any Film with any unauthorized inclusion of copyrighted content or materials. In the event that any claim, dispute, action, or proceeding is brought or asserted by any person or entity that alleges that the Film makes unauthorized or unlawful use of any copyrighted content or material, you shall fully indemnify and defend UCLA, the Festival, and the students, employees, officers, directors and agents of each, from any liability in connection with the Film and from any fees and expenses (including attorneys' fees), that any of them may incur relating to your Film.
• You, alone, are solely responsible for securing authorization and permission from the owner(s) of any and all trademarked content or materials included within the submitted Film. UCLA expressly disavows any responsibility for, and will not be held responsible for, any unauthorized inclusion of any trademarked content or materials within or relating to the submitted Film, including any content or materials that are or may become the basis for any third-party claims for trademark infringement, trademark dilution or unfair competition. UCLA reserves the right to disqualify, without refund, any Film with any unauthorized inclusion of trademarked content or materials. In the event that any claim, dispute, action or proceeding is brought or asserted by any person or entity that alleges that the Film makes unauthorized or unlawful use of any trademarked content or material, you shall fully indemnify and defend UCLA, the Festival, and the students, employees, officers, directors and agents of each, from any liability in connection with the Film and from any fees and expenses (including attorneys' fees), that any of them may incur relating to your Film.
• You, alone, are solely responsible for clearing all content of the Film from any and all actual or potential legal claims and issues, including, without limitation, claims based upon theories of libel, defamation, invasion of privacy, violation of rights of publicity, theft of trade secrets, breach of confidence, breach of confidential relationship, and breach of express or implied contract ("Third-Party Claim(s)"). UCLA expressly disavows any responsibility for, and will not be held responsible for the inclusion of any content or materials within or relating to the submitted Film that are or may be the basis for any Third-Party Claims based upon any of the foregoing legal theories or others. UCLA reserves the right to disqualify, without refund, any Film that is or may become the subject of any Third-Party Claim(s). If any Third-Party Claim(s) are asserted by any person or entity, you shall fully indemnify and defend UCLA, the Festival, and the students, employees, officers, directors and agents of each, from any liability in connection with the Film and from any fees and expenses (including attorneys' fees), that any of them may incur relating to your Film.

10. UCLA Use and Releases:
By submitting your film to the Festival:
• You represent and warrant that you have obtained the appropriate authorizations, permissions, and clearances to allow UCLA to use the Film and related materials externally, in any and all media, in perpetuity.
• You give UCLA the right to screen and broadcast clips and/or entire length of your film, and to include any part of it in a version to be sold, and/or in related promotional materials. You also warrant that you understand that UCLA may choose not to use your film at all.
• You understand that the final selection of films to be screened is at the discretion of UCLA.
• You warrant that you have the right to submit this film and that the rights granted to UCLA will not violate or infringe upon any right of any person or entity. You hold harmless and indemnify UCLA from and against any and all third-party claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including legal fees and expenses arising out of or related to any breach of warranties by you of these Festival Rules.
• You grant to UCLA your unlimited, irrevocable permission to use or reproduce your name, likeness, identity, voice, photographic image, film, digital and/or videographic images, and testimonials, oral or recorded statements in any and all forms of media, means, manner, platforms, or publications of of UCLA intended for research, educational, promotional, fundraising, or other use, on any format now known or yet to be invented, including without limitation: composite or modified representations, film broadcast, printed publications, webpages and web-based publications, associated with UCLA.

11. Organizer Contact:
The Festival is organized by UCLA Extension's Entertainment Studies unit. Should you have any questions, please contact Liesl Davis at ldavis@uclaextension.edu.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Best Film
Early Bird (18th November, 2019) €0
Regular (18th June, 2020) €0
Late (14th August, 2020) €0

Films that are chosen to be screened at the UCLA Extension Student Film Festival will be eligible to win in any category, including Best Film and Audience Choice, which will have two winners. Please submit your film under the "Best Film" category. All films that are selected for the festival and are therefore eligible to win in all categories will be chosen in April.

Best Director
Early Bird (18th November, 2019) €0
Regular (18th June, 2020) €0
Late (14th August, 2020) €0

Best Unique and Artistic Film
Early Bird (18th November, 2019) €0
Regular (18th June, 2020) €0
Late (14th August, 2020) €0

Audience Choice
Early Bird (18th November, 2019) €0
Regular (18th June, 2020) €0
Late (14th August, 2020) €0


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals