Västerås Filmfestival

Västerås 722, Sweden, Europe

06 - 20 Mar, 2021

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Västerås Filmfestival

Västerås 722, Sweden, Europe

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About the festival

NOTICE Sept 17th, 2020:
Due to the Corona situation, we have decided to change the festival days from March to June. The Coronavirus is still not under control and there might be a second wave now, with the uncertainty surrounding it, we have decided to push the festival forward to June 5-20 th. The hope is that things will have changed sufficiently so that we can arrange our film festival then.
We will extend the deadline for submissions to March 31st, but we will not raise the submission fee, it will remain what it is for the old deadline.


Next Event: 5-20 th JUNE 2021

Västerås Film Festival is an international film festival held in autumn every year since 2015. The festival will be moved to the summer and June month permanently. Västerås film festival shows films in different genres from around the world. We have prizes in different categories. The festival also contains workshops, lectures, debates, film cafés and exhibitions. Västerås Film Festival is one of the most interesting festivals in northern Europe.

2015-2019 International and National prizes
2021- International and Nordic prizes (new prize category)
2021- Short film award, 10 new award and category (International and Nordic)
2021- Web/ New media category and award (International)
2021- Artistic new award and category (two prizes International and Nordic)


Winners 2019

Best National Short Film

Best National Documentary
Kindertransports to Sweden

Best National Female Actor
Susanna Helldén

Best National Male Actor
Peter Sjöquist, Lantisar

Best National Photo
Iga Mikler, Finding Alice

Best National Screenplay
Göran Parkrud, Bunden

Best National Directing
Malin Dahl, Lantisar

Best Nordic Feature Film

Best International Short Film
Amaro (Germany)

Best International Animation
The Tree of Poison (Russia)

Best International Documentary
Servais (Belgium)

Best Music Video
Imagination (USA)

Best International 1-Minute Film
I Just Need Love (UK)

Best International Female Actor
Silvia Espigado, No News (Spain)

Best International Male Actor
Karim Theilgaard, Dream State (Denmark)

Best International Photo
Beto Casillas, Two Times You (Mexico)

Best International Screenplay
Dimitar Stoyanovich, A Picture with Yuki (Bulgaria)

Best International Directing
Lachezar Avramov, A Picture with Yuki (Bulgaria)

Best International Feature Film
A Picture with Yuki (Bulgaria)

Årets Barnskådespelare: Miranda Grassman
Årets Talang: Sune Eskelinen
Årets Regionpris: Robert Reinholdsson
Årets Stjärnskott: Therese Eriksson
Filmmaker Of The Year: Melissa Skirboll
Årets Hederspris: Helena Bergström, Colin Nutley

Festival Certificate/ 38 prizes
Special Award
Miniroom.se children and youth talent prize (under 18 years)

Jury Talent Award:
Swedish Talent Prize (over 18 years old)

The New Star Prize (over 18 years old actor/actress)

Jury Honorary Award:
Swedish Honorary Prize

Filmmaker Of The Year
International Prize

Artistic Award (two prize International and Nordic)

The best Swedish feature film released during the year 2018


International Short Film Awards

Best International Director
Best International Cinematographer
Best International Actor
Best International Actress
Best International Screenplay Writer (of a produced film)
Best International Short Film

International Feature Film Awards

Best International Director
Best International Cinematographer
Best International Actor
Best International Actress
Best International Screenplay Writer (of a produced film)
Best International Feature film

International Various Awards

Best International One minute film
Best International Documentary Film
Best International Animation film
Best International Music Video
Best International Web/New Media Production
Best International Artistic Film
Best International Commercial

Nordic Short Film Awards

Best Nordic Director
Best Nordic Cinematographer
Best Nordic Actor
Best Nordic Actress
Best Nordic Screenplay Writer (of a produced film)
Best Nordic Short film


Nordic feature film Awards

Best Nordic Director
Best Nordic Cinematographer
Best Nordic Actor
Best Nordic Actress
Best Nordic Screenplay Writer (of a produced film)
Best Nordic Feature film

Nordic Various Award

Best Nordic Artistic Film
Best Nordic Documentary film
Best Nordic Commercial


NOTICE Sept 17th, 2020:
Due to the Corona situation, we have decided to change the festival days from March to June. The Coronavirus is still not under control and there might be a second wave now, with the uncertainty surrounding it, we have decided to push the festival forward to June 5-20 th. The hope is that things will have changed sufficiently so that we can arrange our film festival then.
We will extend the deadline for submissions to March 31st, but we will not raise the submission fee, it will remain what it is for the old deadline.


Next Event: 5-20 th JUNE 2021

Västerås Film Festival is an international film festival held in autumn every year since 2015. The festival will be moved to the summer and June month permanently. Västerås film festival shows films in different genres from around the world. We have prizes in different categories. The festival also contains workshops, lectures, debates, film cafés and exhibitions. Västerås Film Festival is one of the most interesting festivals in northern Europe.

2015-2019 International and National prizes
2021- International and Nordic prizes (new prize category)
2021- Short film award, 10 new award and category (International and Nordic)
2021- Web/ New media category and award (International)
2021- Artistic new award and category (two prizes International and Nordic)


Winners 2019

Best National Short Film

Best National Documentary
Kindertransports to Sweden

Best National Female Actor
Susanna Helldén

Best National Male Actor
Peter Sjöquist, Lantisar

Best National Photo
Iga Mikler, Finding Alice

Best National Screenplay
Göran Parkrud, Bunden

Best National Directing
Malin Dahl, Lantisar

Best Nordic Feature Film

Best International Short Film
Amaro (Germany)

Best International Animation
The Tree of Poison (Russia)

Best International Documentary
Servais (Belgium)

Best Music Video
Imagination (USA)

Best International 1-Minute Film
I Just Need Love (UK)

Best International Female Actor
Silvia Espigado, No News (Spain)

Best International Male Actor
Karim Theilgaard, Dream State (Denmark)

Best International Photo
Beto Casillas, Two Times You (Mexico)

Best International Screenplay
Dimitar Stoyanovich, A Picture with Yuki (Bulgaria)

Best International Directing
Lachezar Avramov, A Picture with Yuki (Bulgaria)

Best International Feature Film
A Picture with Yuki (Bulgaria)

Årets Barnskådespelare: Miranda Grassman
Årets Talang: Sune Eskelinen
Årets Regionpris: Robert Reinholdsson
Årets Stjärnskott: Therese Eriksson
Filmmaker Of The Year: Melissa Skirboll
Årets Hederspris: Helena Bergström, Colin Nutley

Festival Certificate/ 38 prizes
Special Award
Miniroom.se children and youth talent prize (under 18 years)

Jury Talent Award:
Swedish Talent Prize (over 18 years old)

The New Star Prize (over 18 years old actor/actress)

Jury Honorary Award:
Swedish Honorary Prize

Filmmaker Of The Year
International Prize

Artistic Award (two prize International and Nordic)

The best Swedish feature film released during the year 2018


International Short Film Awards

Best International Director
Best International Cinematographer
Best International Actor
Best International Actress
Best International Screenplay Writer (of a produced film)
Best International Short Film

International Feature Film Awards

Best International Director
Best International Cinematographer
Best International Actor
Best International Actress
Best International Screenplay Writer (of a produced film)
Best International Feature film

International Various Awards

Best International One minute film
Best International Documentary Film
Best International Animation film
Best International Music Video
Best International Web/New Media Production
Best International Artistic Film
Best International Commercial

Nordic Short Film Awards

Best Nordic Director
Best Nordic Cinematographer
Best Nordic Actor
Best Nordic Actress
Best Nordic Screenplay Writer (of a produced film)
Best Nordic Short film


Nordic feature film Awards

Best Nordic Director
Best Nordic Cinematographer
Best Nordic Actor
Best Nordic Actress
Best Nordic Screenplay Writer (of a produced film)
Best Nordic Feature film

Nordic Various Award

Best Nordic Artistic Film
Best Nordic Documentary film
Best Nordic Commercial

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

By submitting, you agree to these rules and terms:

Copyrights, screening rights:

- You have the full rights to submit the film to our film festival and to give Västerås Film Festival the rights to screen the film at the festival
- We can use trailers, stills, and other submitted information for marketing purposes on websites, newsletters, social media, flyers, posters, etc.
- If your film is nominated, we can use both trailers and parts from the film to create a nomination trailer, with final permission from you, to be shown at the award ceremony
- We do not pay any screening fees
-The submission fee is non-refundable


- To be considered for the competition, the film must have been completed 2019 or 2020. Otherwise, it can still be considered for screening outside competition.


- If the film is not in English or Swedish, subtitles in one of those two languages are required.
- Films in English are encouraged to have Swedish subtitles.


- All films must be in HD format or 2K

Category range.

- 1 Minute film (1 min.),
- Short film (1 to 59 min.)
- Feature film (60 min. or longer)
- Documentary (National, regional, film school)

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Short film 1-10 min Fiction (International)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $8
Regular (29th February, 2020) $9
Late (30th April, 2020) $10

1-10 min. Fiction. No animated films

Shortfilm 10+ min (International)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $10
Regular (29th February, 2020) $11
Late (30th April, 2020) $12

10 min and up. Fiction.

Animation 1-10 min (International)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $8
Regular (29th February, 2020) $9
Late (30th April, 2020) $10

Animation 1-10 min (international)

Feature film Fiction (International)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $12
Regular (29th February, 2020) $13
Late (30th April, 2020) $14

60 min or longer. Fiction. No animated films.

Documentary film 1-10 min (International)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $10
Regular (29th February, 2020) $11
Late (30th April, 2020) $12

1-10 min. Documentary

Documentary film 10+ min (international)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $10
Regular (29th February, 2020) $11
Late (30th April, 2020) $12

10 min and up. Documentary.

One Minute Film (International) (No animation)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $2
Regular (29th February, 2020) $3
Late (30th April, 2020) $4

1 min films

Music Video (International)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $8
Regular (29th February, 2020) $9
Late (30th April, 2020) $10

Max 5 min Original works, with permission from the copyright holder of the music.

Web/New media (international)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $8
Regular (29th February, 2020) $9
Late (30th April, 2020) $10

International entertainment online production. Peoples vote on the web (www.vasterasfilmfestival.com)

Feature Film (Nordic countries)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $12
Regular (29th February, 2020) $13
Late (30th April, 2020) $14

60 min and up. Feature films from the Nordic countries only. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland No animations. Fiction

Short film 1-10 min (Nordic countries)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $8
Regular (29th February, 2020) $9
Late (30th April, 2020) $10

1-10 minutes Films from the Nordic countries only. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland. Fiction (No animation)

Short film 10+ min (Nordic countries)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $10
Regular (29th February, 2020) $11
Late (30th April, 2020) $12

10 minutes + min Films from the Nordic countries only. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland. Fiction (No animation)

Documentary 1-10 min (Nordic countries)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $8
Regular (29th February, 2020) $9
Late (30th April, 2020) $10

Documentary 1-10 min Nordic Documentary Films from the Nordic countries only. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland. Fiction (No animation)

Documentary 10+ min (Nordic countries)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $10
Regular (29th February, 2020) $11
Late (30th April, 2020) $12

Nordic Documentary Only movies more than 10 min Films from the Nordic countries only. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland. Fiction (No animation)

Commercial (Nordic countries)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $12
Regular (29th February, 2020) $13
Late (30th April, 2020) $14

TV commercial.

Commercial (International)
Early Bird (31st December, 2019) $12
Regular (29th February, 2020) $13
Late (30th April, 2020) $14

TV commercial.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals