WILDsound FEEDBACK Film and Screenplay Festival

Toronto, Ontario M4T, Canada, North America


Short, Feature

WILDsound FEEDBACK Film and Screenplay Festival logo
WILDsound FEEDBACK Film and Screenplay Festival

Toronto, Ontario M4T, Canada, North America

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General Information



Contact details

20 Carlton Street Toronto, Ontario M4T 1N6 Canada




Web & social

About the festival

NOTE: This festival is still taking place each week despite the COVID-19 virus. All festival dates have been relegated to private screenings with the same Audience FEEDBACK videos made for the short films, and recorded script readings performed by professional actors for the screenplays.

As soon as it is safe for the cinemas to re-open, we will be shifting to weekly film festival events with guaranteed full crowds.

WILDsound Writing and Film Festival - Daily Deadlines

Short Film Festival - Occurs at least 4 times a month in Chicago, Los Angeles and Toronto

Your film will get screened in front of a large, broad audience.

- We are a feedback festival and you will actually hear what people and film lovers think of your film. Our festival has been sold out 68 out of our last 70 events.

- Your film is screened and then talked about with the audience, lead by a Professional Industry moderator.

NEW Showcase: Submit your FEATURE FILM and receive an audience feedback promotional/testimonial video of your film. Great video to use to get into more festivals and/or promote your film. All submissions receive feedback on their film no matter what.

SEE EXAMPLES FROM OUR PAST FESTIVALS at: https://www.youtube.com/wildsoundfest

All festival videos garner 100s of views and set the film and filmmaker up to be accepted at 100s of more festivals from around the world.

Writing Festival - WEEKLY Screenplay Festival Events.

Accept stories from all over the world. FULL FEEDBACK on all entries from a committee of Professional writers, consultants, and producers. WINNERS get their stories read by professional actors at the monthly Writing Festival events. See deadlines below for screenplay, TV, novel, short story, stage play contests.

We perform at least 20 screenplay readings a month.

Read recent testimonials:

WILDsound is a screenwriter's treasure! They take enormous time to provide the most expert, detailed feedback, even allowing my choice to incorporate all the committee's ideas or stay with my draft. With caring support, they've honored each deadline and every award they promised, and I'm forever grateful for their right-on insightful niggles to enhance my story. WILDsound provides everything a screenwriter needs to find the way to a story's successful completion. I'm forever grateful!
- Elan Carlton, Cahoots, Feature Script

It was an amazing experience. I’m really grateful for this opportunity and I loved the way the actors brought the characters to life. I was so surprised at how they got it! They interpreted it exactly the way I was thinking it when I was writing.
- Lauren Hoekstra (Yellow Touch Red, You're Dead)

I was thrilled to finally have the opportunity to see real people react to the film. All the feedback I have had so far has often been either critical or negative (in the case of many professors at my school) or effusive (because I have been present in person at many of the projections). The WILDsound audience could speak freely and honestly and so their impressions were a joy to see. I was also over the moon to see that many in the audience seemed to have grasped and engaged with the main story arc but also with some of the sub-themes of the film. I took a risk by making a film that is somewhat open-ended and one which depends more on visual and musical communication rather than verbal communication. I am delighted to see that, for some in the audience, this paid off.
- Director Don Duncan (A SIGN)

I thought that the feedback video was one of the best gifts this short film could bring me. Everything the audience said was so precise, every emotion… They captured the essence of the film! I never thought it could go so far. It really inspired me to keep on working.
– Director Laura Garcia (ALEX)

It made me so happy to watch the feedback of my film. I wish I could have been there. I love people who are open minded and ready to see with their heart. And I love cinema. As most of the people there love movies too.
- Director Laura Lehmus (Alienation)

I loved hearing all the different interpretations from the different audience members. Everyone comes to a screening with different backgrounds and history, and that all informs the way in which they receive and perceive a film; it was fascinating to me, and I thought everyone had very valuable things to say.
– Filmmaker Sarah Deakins (Greece)

I entered the FEEDBACK Festival because it was recommended on moviebytes.com. It was highly rated, and I liked that I would receive feedback regardless of the outcome of my script. Good feedback is hard to find, and so I decided to do it. The feedback received was very valid and constructive.
- Screenwriter Niel Thompson (FAUST)

I have to admit, when “Flat Pennies” performs well in some of the huge competitions this year, I will have to give WILDsound much credit for making my script stronger and far better. – Writer Robert Ward (Flat Pennies)

I had my table read party for Crime Extraordinaire with a group of friends and writers and everyone was truly amazed at the energy and authenticity that your cast brought to the characters. Thank you for choosing the right cast -- they all did an impeccable job!
- Howard Fridkin (Crime Extraordinaire)

I really loved how vocal and astute the audience was. People were picking up on little details and pointing them out and I couldn’t help but smile as I sat in the back of the theater. I kinda liked that no one knew that I was there until after the feedback session, really assured me the comments were real and genuine, not at all influenced by my presence at the festival.
- Filmmaker Jarek Zabczynski (Jack is Pretty)

Watch Audience FEEDBACK Video, plus read transcript for the short film "The Mega Plush" that played at the festival (see what you get when you submit and get accepted): http://wildsoundfestivalreview.com/2016/03/01/read-audience-transcript-of-the-short-film-the-mega-plush

Writing Festival Winners get their story performed by professional actors.

Short Film Festival Winners get their film screened in front of a sold out audience with feedback from the audience after the film is completed. Then the audience feedback video goes online for festival promotion.


NOTE: This festival is still taking place each week despite the COVID-19 virus. All festival dates have been relegated to private screenings with the same Audience FEEDBACK videos made for the short films, and recorded script readings performed by professional actors for the screenplays.

As soon as it is safe for the cinemas to re-open, we will be shifting to weekly film festival events with guaranteed full crowds.

WILDsound Writing and Film Festival - Daily Deadlines

Short Film Festival - Occurs at least 4 times a month in Chicago, Los Angeles and Toronto

Your film will get screened in front of a large, broad audience.

- We are a feedback festival and you will actually hear what people and film lovers think of your film. Our festival has been sold out 68 out of our last 70 events.

- Your film is screened and then talked about with the audience, lead by a Professional Industry moderator.

NEW Showcase: Submit your FEATURE FILM and receive an audience feedback promotional/testimonial video of your film. Great video to use to get into more festivals and/or promote your film. All submissions receive feedback on their film no matter what.

SEE EXAMPLES FROM OUR PAST FESTIVALS at: https://www.youtube.com/wildsoundfest

All festival videos garner 100s of views and set the film and filmmaker up to be accepted at 100s of more festivals from around the world.

Writing Festival - WEEKLY Screenplay Festival Events.

Accept stories from all over the world. FULL FEEDBACK on all entries from a committee of Professional writers, consultants, and producers. WINNERS get their stories read by professional actors at the monthly Writing Festival events. See deadlines below for screenplay, TV, novel, short story, stage play contests.

We perform at least 20 screenplay readings a month.

Read recent testimonials:

WILDsound is a screenwriter's treasure! They take enormous time to provide the most expert, detailed feedback, even allowing my choice to incorporate all the committee's ideas or stay with my draft. With caring support, they've honored each deadline and every award they promised, and I'm forever grateful for their right-on insightful niggles to enhance my story. WILDsound provides everything a screenwriter needs to find the way to a story's successful completion. I'm forever grateful!
- Elan Carlton, Cahoots, Feature Script

It was an amazing experience. I’m really grateful for this opportunity and I loved the way the actors brought the characters to life. I was so surprised at how they got it! They interpreted it exactly the way I was thinking it when I was writing.
- Lauren Hoekstra (Yellow Touch Red, You're Dead)

I was thrilled to finally have the opportunity to see real people react to the film. All the feedback I have had so far has often been either critical or negative (in the case of many professors at my school) or effusive (because I have been present in person at many of the projections). The WILDsound audience could speak freely and honestly and so their impressions were a joy to see. I was also over the moon to see that many in the audience seemed to have grasped and engaged with the main story arc but also with some of the sub-themes of the film. I took a risk by making a film that is somewhat open-ended and one which depends more on visual and musical communication rather than verbal communication. I am delighted to see that, for some in the audience, this paid off.
- Director Don Duncan (A SIGN)

I thought that the feedback video was one of the best gifts this short film could bring me. Everything the audience said was so precise, every emotion… They captured the essence of the film! I never thought it could go so far. It really inspired me to keep on working.
– Director Laura Garcia (ALEX)

It made me so happy to watch the feedback of my film. I wish I could have been there. I love people who are open minded and ready to see with their heart. And I love cinema. As most of the people there love movies too.
- Director Laura Lehmus (Alienation)

I loved hearing all the different interpretations from the different audience members. Everyone comes to a screening with different backgrounds and history, and that all informs the way in which they receive and perceive a film; it was fascinating to me, and I thought everyone had very valuable things to say.
– Filmmaker Sarah Deakins (Greece)

I entered the FEEDBACK Festival because it was recommended on moviebytes.com. It was highly rated, and I liked that I would receive feedback regardless of the outcome of my script. Good feedback is hard to find, and so I decided to do it. The feedback received was very valid and constructive.
- Screenwriter Niel Thompson (FAUST)

I have to admit, when “Flat Pennies” performs well in some of the huge competitions this year, I will have to give WILDsound much credit for making my script stronger and far better. – Writer Robert Ward (Flat Pennies)

I had my table read party for Crime Extraordinaire with a group of friends and writers and everyone was truly amazed at the energy and authenticity that your cast brought to the characters. Thank you for choosing the right cast -- they all did an impeccable job!
- Howard Fridkin (Crime Extraordinaire)

I really loved how vocal and astute the audience was. People were picking up on little details and pointing them out and I couldn’t help but smile as I sat in the back of the theater. I kinda liked that no one knew that I was there until after the feedback session, really assured me the comments were real and genuine, not at all influenced by my presence at the festival.
- Filmmaker Jarek Zabczynski (Jack is Pretty)

Watch Audience FEEDBACK Video, plus read transcript for the short film "The Mega Plush" that played at the festival (see what you get when you submit and get accepted): http://wildsoundfestivalreview.com/2016/03/01/read-audience-transcript-of-the-short-film-the-mega-plush

Writing Festival Winners get their story performed by professional actors.

Short Film Festival Winners get their film screened in front of a sold out audience with feedback from the audience after the film is completed. Then the audience feedback video goes online for festival promotion.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules

Short Film Festival

The RULES are simple:

1. Make a film. We screen SHORTS and FEATURES of any genre. Length of films screened are from 10 seconds to 3 hours!

2. Send in your film link and press kit to info@wildsound.ca, or add it to your FilmFreeway submission.

Writing Festival

The RULES are simple.

1. Write and edit your script or story.

2. Send it to the festival for feedback and a reading performed by professional actors.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

FEEDBACK Short Film Festival
Early Bird (30th August, 2020) $40
Regular (14th October, 2020) $40
Late (4th November, 2020) $45

Submit on FilmFreeway. Your film is screened and then talked about with the audience, lead by a Professional Industry moderator.

Early Bird (30th August, 2020) $25
Regular (14th October, 2020) $30
Late (4th November, 2020) $33

Are you just starting off your screenplay and want immediate feedback on your first scenes/first moments of your script? Send your first scene (or first moments - 10pg. limit) and get feedback. Winners (at least 20 a year) get their first scene read at the MONTHLY WILDsound Screenplay Festival. FULL FEEDBACK on all entries.

Early Bird (30th August, 2020) $50
Regular (14th October, 2020) $50
Late (4th November, 2020) $55

0ffers screenwriters at all levels the fantastic opportunity to hear their scripts read aloud using TOP PROFESSIONAL ACTORS and showcased online for 1000s to see. FULL FEEDBACK on your script on all entries.

Early Bird (30th August, 2020) $50
Regular (14th October, 2020) $50
Late (4th November, 2020) $55

0ffers screenwriters at all levels the fantastic opportunity to hear their original TV PILOT or TV SPEC from a TV show read aloud using TOP PROFESSIONAL ACTORS and showcased online for 1000s to see. FULL FEEDBACK on your script on all entries.

Early Bird (30th August, 2020) $40
Regular (14th October, 2020) $40
Late (4th November, 2020) $45

0ffers screenwriters at all levels the fantastic opportunity to hear their scripts read aloud using TOP PROFESSIONAL ACTORS and showcased online for 1000s to see. FULL FEEDBACK on your script on all entries.

Early Bird (30th August, 2020) $100
Regular (14th October, 2020) $110
Late (4th November, 2020) $120

NEW Showcase: Submit your FEATURE FILM and receive an audience feedback promotional/testimonial video of your film. Great video to use to get into more festivals and/or promote your film. All submissions receive feedback on their film no matter what.

Submit your Feature Screenplay for a full performance reading
Early Bird (30th August, 2020) $650
Regular (14th October, 2020) $750
Late (4th November, 2020) $775

Submit your feature screenplay and we will perform the entire script by professional actors. Then we will edit it and send you the link of the full reading. Email us at forwards@wildsoundfestival.com for further questions.

EXTRA Feedback Screenplay Submission
Early Bird (30th August, 2020) $100
Regular (14th October, 2020) $110
Late (4th November, 2020) $120

Submit for TWO AND A HALF times the feedback of a regular submission from our constant stream of industry professional screenwriters and story editors. Screenplay also submitted to the festival for a chance for a performance reading by professional actors.

Submit 2 screenplays deal
Early Bird (30th August, 2020) $70
Regular (14th October, 2020) $70
Late (4th November, 2020) $75

If you have two screenplays, we will give you 30% off for the combined submissions. Full feedback on all submissions. Get a chance for a screenplay reading. Submit one script here. Then email the other script to forwards@wildsoundfestival.com

Submit 3 screenplays deal
Early Bird (30th August, 2020) $105
Regular (14th October, 2020) $105
Late (4th November, 2020) $110

If you have three screenplays, we will give you 40% off for the combined submissions. Full feedback on all submissions. Get a chance for a screenplay reading. Submit one script here. Then email the other scripts to forwards@wildsoundfestival.com


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals