Women's Adventure Film Tour

Crows Nest, NSW, Australia, Oceania

01 Sep, 2020 - 28 Feb, 2021


Short, Feature

Women's Adventure Film Tour logo
Women's Adventure Film Tour

Crows Nest, NSW, Australia, Oceania

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General Information



Contact details

133 Holtermann Street Crows Nest, NSW 2065 Australia




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About the festival

NEW TRAILER HER: https://youtu.be/zxPJjSj-Kt8

Films featuring women's adventure activities (e.g. mountaineering, climbing, hiking, skiing, exploration, surfing, kayaking, paragliding and more).
Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Israel, Taiwan and more.
Touring from September 2020 and all year round.

The Women's Adventure Film Tour features some of the world's most inspiring women in adventure. This festival is a celebration of the fantastic women around us who are doing extraordinary things.

In a global first it was launched to a sell-out crowd in Sydney in May 2017 before touring to packed theatres around Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. We are pleased to be now bringing the Women's Adventure Film Tour back for a fourth season in 2020 and are looking for films to include as we expand the Women's Adventure Film Tour to new locations.

Partnering with Jean Hailes for Women's Health in Australia, this is an extraordinary chance to have your films included in an event that is advocating for diversity and inclusion in the outdoor industry.

Each night of the Women's Adventure Film Tour includes up to 2 hours of short films that can range from 2 minutes in length up to 30-40 mins.


We will be presenting the women's adventure film awards to the best women's films. We are looking for films that feature women doing adventure activities and / or that are produced by women focused on adventurous activities in the outdoors.

Films from all over the world will be considered and we would love to see ethnic and cultural diversity represented in the film submissions.

The overall winner of the Women's Adventure Film Awards each year will receive AUD$2,000 worth of camera / filming equipment as well as recognition as the status of Women's Adventure Film Award winner.

Laurel recognition will be awarded to all other directors whose films are selected for inclusion in the festival.


NEW TRAILER HER: https://youtu.be/zxPJjSj-Kt8

Films featuring women's adventure activities (e.g. mountaineering, climbing, hiking, skiing, exploration, surfing, kayaking, paragliding and more).
Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Israel, Taiwan and more.
Touring from September 2020 and all year round.

The Women's Adventure Film Tour features some of the world's most inspiring women in adventure. This festival is a celebration of the fantastic women around us who are doing extraordinary things.

In a global first it was launched to a sell-out crowd in Sydney in May 2017 before touring to packed theatres around Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. We are pleased to be now bringing the Women's Adventure Film Tour back for a fourth season in 2020 and are looking for films to include as we expand the Women's Adventure Film Tour to new locations.

Partnering with Jean Hailes for Women's Health in Australia, this is an extraordinary chance to have your films included in an event that is advocating for diversity and inclusion in the outdoor industry.

Each night of the Women's Adventure Film Tour includes up to 2 hours of short films that can range from 2 minutes in length up to 30-40 mins.


We will be presenting the women's adventure film awards to the best women's films. We are looking for films that feature women doing adventure activities and / or that are produced by women focused on adventurous activities in the outdoors.

Films from all over the world will be considered and we would love to see ethnic and cultural diversity represented in the film submissions.

The overall winner of the Women's Adventure Film Awards each year will receive AUD$2,000 worth of camera / filming equipment as well as recognition as the status of Women's Adventure Film Award winner.

Laurel recognition will be awarded to all other directors whose films are selected for inclusion in the festival.

Awards & Winners

There are no winners yet for this festival

Terms and rules


We are looking for submissions that celebrate inspiring women participating in adventure activities. Stories can come from any region. Your piece can be of any length ranging from <5 mins (Clip), 5-25 mins (Short Film) or greater than 25 mins (Feature Film)

There are no time constraints for when the film was produced, nor are there location constraints for where the film takes place, however, priority will be given to films produced in the last 12 months.

Online screeners and digital submissions preferred. Submission by mail will gladly be accepted, but please consider the environment in choosing your packaging material. For formats, please contact the organiser prior to submission of the preferred format (DVD, NTSC, blue ray etc). If a film is in a language other than English it must have English subtitles or dubbing to be considered.

Please include the following in your submission: synopsis of the film and a copy of the film. If your film is selected for inclusion in the Women's Adventure Film Tour you must also provide a trailer extract and still imagery for use in promotion.

By submitting your film, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the following terms:

1. You have all intellectual property rights to all content in the submission and you have the performing rights for any music contained in the film.
2. If requested you will provide evidence of intellectual property ownership should it be required.
3. You agree to allow Adventure Entertainment Pty Ltd and its related bodies corporate, successors, licensees and assignees to use your film and any associated photos or extracts in the Women's Adventure Film Tour or any associated women's focused adventure programming in any digital format including cinema projection, video on demand, DVD/Blu-Ray and streaming compilations, anywhere in the world in perpetuity. Films may be shown at multiple screenings. Segments of the films may be used in trailers and marketing. Photographs, screen grabs or filmmaker submitted images may be used in promotional material and social media. Adventure Entertainment may sub-licence this right without further consent.
4. To the best of your knowledge, all of the statements in this document are true.
5. The film submitted is not subject to litigation nor is threatened by any litigation.
6. You are duly authorised to submit this film to the festival and its competition.
7. You understand that the Women's Adventure Film Tour and its owner Adventure Film Tours are not responsible for any type of loss or damage to you pertaining to the film or its use by Adventure Entertainment.
8. Final decision on the award winners and films included in the Women's Adventure Film Tour will be at the absolute discretion of the Event Organisers.

Ratings & Reviews

Categories and fees

Women's Adventure Clip
Early Bird (4th October, 2020) $1
Regular (28th August, 2021) $2
Late (31st August, 2021) $1

Clips matching the festival genre. Films should be less than 5 minutes in length. It can be from any region in the world.

Women's Adventure Short Film
Early Bird (4th October, 2020) $1
Regular (28th August, 2021) $2
Late (31st August, 2021) $1

Clips matching the festival genre. Films should be between 5 and 25 minutes in length. It can be from any region in the world.

Women's Adventure Feature Film
Early Bird (4th October, 2020) $1
Regular (28th August, 2021) $2
Late (31st August, 2021) $1

Clips matching the festival genre. Films should be greater than 25 minutes in length. Films of all lengths will be considered for the award, however, we can only show films in the Women's Adventure Film Tour that are around a max length of 40 mins. If you have a longer film and wish it to be considered for inclusion, you would need to work with us to produce a shorter edit. Films can be from any region in the world.

Australian Women's Adventure Film
Early Bird (4th October, 2020) $1
Regular (28th August, 2021) $2
Late (31st August, 2021) $1

Films of any length produced / directed by an Australian woman or featuring Australian women.

Student Women's Adventure Film
Early Bird (4th October, 2020) $1
Regular (28th August, 2021) $2
Late (31st August, 2021) $1

Films of any length produced / directed by an Australian student.


What is the title of your film?

Type in your film's title

Choose a film to find matches for

Choose one of your film that you're already created, or create a new one to find matches for.

How long is your film?

Tell us your film’s duration


What type of category does your film fall into?

Select one from the following list

What is the genre of your film?

You can select multiple genres

What should be the main focus of your festival strategy?

Please select one option

Monetary award

Select one from the following list

Festival qualifications that you're interested in

You can select multiple options

How much money would you spend on festival submissions?

Define us your submission budget


Start date of submission

Please enter a date when you plan to start submitting your film to festivals