Can This Be Love

'Can This Be Love', 2005

Two very unlikely individual can't help but fall in love with each other deeply the more they hate about each other. Ryan (Hero Angeles) and Daisy (Sandara Park) are just among the many ...

Two very unlikely individual can't help but fall in love with each other deeply the more they hate about each other. Ryan (Hero Angeles) and Daisy (Sandara Park) are just among the many ...


106 minutes




Comedy, Romance


question in title, title based on song, working student, term paper, nursing student

Movie poster image
Can This Be Love

Jose Javier Reyes, 2005

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Maria Clara Awards



Best Musical Score

AFAA Award

Cairo International Film Festival



New Category from award


Two very unlikely individual can't help but fall in love with each other deeply the more they hate about each other. Ryan (Hero Angeles) and Daisy (Sandara Park) are just among the many ...

Two very unlikely individual can't help but fall in love with each other deeply the more they hate about each other. Ryan (Hero Angeles) and Daisy (Sandara Park) are just among the many students in the Filipino University Belt. Ryan is a part-time typist of term papers, while Daisy is a Korean immigrant studying in the Philippines. Ryan encounters what he thinks is the worst term paper ever written. At that same day, he also comes across a cellphone ad. He contacts the person selling the phone and eventually became friends with her. Then he discovers that the girl he is talking with on the phone and the owner of the term paper is one and the same- the Korean girl. Ryan and Daisy develop an instant irritation towards each other. The cultural differences and the language barrier add to their frustration. But since they have also developed a friendship through their text messages before they met, both decide to give love a chance.


Two very unlikely individual can't help but fall in love with each other deeply the more they hate about each other. Ryan (Hero Angeles) and Daisy (Sandara Park) are just among the many ...


Two very unlikely individual can't help but fall in love with each other deeply the more they hate about each other. Ryan (Hero Angeles) and Daisy (Sandara Park) are just among the many students in the Filipino University Belt. Ryan is a part-time typist of term papers, while Daisy is a Korean immigrant studying in the Philippines. Ryan encounters what he thinks is the worst term paper ever written. At that same day, he also comes across a cellphone ad. He contacts the person selling the phone and eventually became friends with her. Then he discovers that the girl he is talking with on the phone and the owner of the term paper is one and the same- the Korean girl. Ryan and Daisy develop an instant irritation towards each other. The cultural differences and the language barrier add to their frustration. But since they have also developed a friendship through their text messages before they met, both decide to give love a chance.


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Hero Angeles


Sandara Park


Joross Gamboa



Jose Javier Reyes


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