Anita Takes a Chance

'Anita no perd el tren', 2001

Anita has been working at a cinema box office for almost three decades, but the building is demolished to give way to a cinema complex, and she is forced into early retirement because she does not fit into the new company's image.

Anita has been working at a cinema box office for almost three decades, but the building is demolished to give way to a cinema complex, and she is forced into early retirement because she does not fit into the new company's image.


Ventura Pons


89 minutes




Comedy, Drama


love, cinema, theater, talking to an inanimate object, narrated by title character

Movie poster image
Anita Takes a Chance

Ventura Pons, 2001

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Aspect ratio

1.85 : 1



Screening formats

35 mm


No displayable awards available.


Anita has been working at a cinema box office for almost three decades, but the building is demolished to give way to a cinema complex, and she is forced into early retirement because she does not fit into the new company's image.

Anita sees how the over three decades that she has been working at a cinema box office are literally devastated: the building is demolished to give way to a cinema complex, and she is forced into early retirement because she does not fit into the new company's image. Incapable of getting over the shock, and by inertia, she continues going back to the empty lot every day, where the cinema used to be and where a construction company is building the new complex. By mere chance, she ends up in love and involved with a man who drives a bulldozer at the construction site. A tender and bittersweet affair comes about, which is carried out in the dark, inside a trailer where the company has its offices. He is married and does not hide it. But, despite that, and thanks to their secret meetings, they are both able to open a door to hopes for the future. This is a relationship without perspectives, but in Anita's case, at her early fifties, it helps her to mark a before and after in her life.


Anita has been working at a cinema box office for almost three decades, but the building is demolished to give way to a cinema complex, and she is forced into early retirement because she does not fit into the new company's image.


Anita sees how the over three decades that she has been working at a cinema box office are literally devastated: the building is demolished to give way to a cinema complex, and she is forced into early retirement because she does not fit into the new company's image. Incapable of getting over the shock, and by inertia, she continues going back to the empty lot every day, where the cinema used to be and where a construction company is building the new complex. By mere chance, she ends up in love and involved with a man who drives a bulldozer at the construction site. A tender and bittersweet affair comes about, which is carried out in the dark, inside a trailer where the company has its offices. He is married and does not hide it. But, despite that, and thanks to their secret meetings, they are both able to open a door to hopes for the future. This is a relationship without perspectives, but in Anita's case, at her early fifties, it helps her to mark a before and after in her life.


No displayable logline available

Cast & crew


Rosa Maria Sardà


Isak Férriz


Jade Pradas




Lluís-Anton Baulenas


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