Saving Angelo

'Saving Angelo', 2007

Based on a true story by Dominic Scott Kay, "Saving Angelo" is the heartwarming story of a boy who discovers an abandoned dog left for dead on the side of the road who he ultimately brings ...

Based on a true story by Dominic Scott Kay, "Saving Angelo" is the heartwarming story of a boy who discovers an abandoned dog left for dead on the side of the road who he ultimately brings ...






Short, Drama


dog, character name in title, child writer, child director, boy and dog

Movie poster image
Saving Angelo

Dominic Scott Kay, 2007

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Aspect ratio

1.85 : 1



Screening formats

35 mm


No displayable awards available.


Based on a true story by Dominic Scott Kay, "Saving Angelo" is the heartwarming story of a boy who discovers an abandoned dog left for dead on the side of the road who he ultimately brings ...

Based on a true story by Dominic Scott Kay, "Saving Angelo" is the heartwarming story of a boy who discovers an abandoned dog left for dead on the side of the road who he ultimately brings back to life. The boy's selfless acts continue as he secures a home for the dog in the local firehouse.


Based on a true story by Dominic Scott Kay, "Saving Angelo" is the heartwarming story of a boy who discovers an abandoned dog left for dead on the side of the road who he ultimately brings ...


Based on a true story by Dominic Scott Kay, "Saving Angelo" is the heartwarming story of a boy who discovers an abandoned dog left for dead on the side of the road who he ultimately brings back to life. The boy's selfless acts continue as he secures a home for the dog in the local firehouse.


No displayable logline available

Cast & crew


Kevin Bacon


Dominic Scott Kay


Eric Close



Dominic Scott Kay


Ron Krauss


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