Anderson .Paak feat. Kendrick Lamar: Tints

'Anderson .Paak feat. Kendrick Lamar: Tints', 2018

In LA's car culture, the sun always shines, paparazzi lurk, and tops are down, so people need tints for privacy when cruising the 110. Midnight pillow talk: a woman tells a man she wants to...

In LA's car culture, the sun always shines, paparazzi lurk, and tops are down, so people need tints for privacy when cruising the 110. Midnight pillow talk: a woman tells a man she wants to...


Colin Tilley


5 minutes






music video

Movie poster image
Anderson .Paak feat. Kendrick Lamar: Tints

Colin Tilley, 2018

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In LA's car culture, the sun always shines, paparazzi lurk, and tops are down, so people need tints for privacy when cruising the 110. Midnight pillow talk: a woman tells a man she wants to...

In LA's car culture, the sun always shines, paparazzi lurk, and tops are down, so people need tints for privacy when cruising the 110. Midnight pillow talk: a woman tells a man she wants to live in an unmasked world. He considers his life: gun violence, corrupt cops, armed White NRA members, the sex trade, easy money, heroin use and support groups, and the Grim Reaper lurking. How will he answer her?


In LA's car culture, the sun always shines, paparazzi lurk, and tops are down, so people need tints for privacy when cruising the 110. Midnight pillow talk: a woman tells a man she wants to...


In LA's car culture, the sun always shines, paparazzi lurk, and tops are down, so people need tints for privacy when cruising the 110. Midnight pillow talk: a woman tells a man she wants to live in an unmasked world. He considers his life: gun violence, corrupt cops, armed White NRA members, the sex trade, easy money, heroin use and support groups, and the Grim Reaper lurking. How will he answer her?


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Anderson .Paak


Jack Bornoff


Holgie Forrester




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