Divorce: A Journey Through the Kids' Eyes

'Divorce: A Journey Through the Kids' Eyes', 2014

This movie pictures emotional statements and testimonies of the kids who went through different divorce situations, describing their emotional roller-coaster and experiences during year ...

This movie pictures emotional statements and testimonies of the kids who went through different divorce situations, describing their emotional roller-coaster and experiences during year ...


54 minutes





Movie poster image
Divorce: A Journey Through the Kids' Eyes

Evgeny Afineevsky, 2014

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This movie pictures emotional statements and testimonies of the kids who went through different divorce situations, describing their emotional roller-coaster and experiences during year ...

This movie pictures emotional statements and testimonies of the kids who went through different divorce situations, describing their emotional roller-coaster and experiences during year prior to divorce (while still living with both parents ), during divorce or separation and their life experience after. So this project's purpose is to serve as a messenger bringing helpful guidance to parents and kids who will be facing divorce situation in the future. The most important element of this documentary is guidance for millions of kids, who are facing divorce of their parents, and kids priceless advice how to cope with this challenging life situation.


This movie pictures emotional statements and testimonies of the kids who went through different divorce situations, describing their emotional roller-coaster and experiences during year ...


This movie pictures emotional statements and testimonies of the kids who went through different divorce situations, describing their emotional roller-coaster and experiences during year prior to divorce (while still living with both parents ), during divorce or separation and their life experience after. So this project's purpose is to serve as a messenger bringing helpful guidance to parents and kids who will be facing divorce situation in the future. The most important element of this documentary is guidance for millions of kids, who are facing divorce of their parents, and kids priceless advice how to cope with this challenging life situation.


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Cast & crew


Artemi Adreev


Alesya Andreev


Christina Andreev



Evgeny Afineevsky


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