Blue Blood

'Sangue Azul', 2014

Twenty two years ago, an arid, volcanic and island paradise nestled in the middle of the South Atlantic, a nine year old boy was separated from his sister. The mother, fearful of a ...

Twenty two years ago, an arid, volcanic and island paradise nestled in the middle of the South Atlantic, a nine year old boy was separated from his sister. The mother, fearful of a ...


Lírio Ferreira


119 minutes






male full rear nudity, sex with sister, sex with brother, circus, incestuous relationship

Movie poster image
Blue Blood

Lírio Ferreira, 2014

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Aspect ratio

1.85 : 1


Color | Black and White


Paulínia Film Festival



Best Cinematography (Melhor Fotografia)

Cinema Brazil Grand Prize



Best Costume Design (Melhor Figurino)

Cinema Brazil Grand Prize


Twenty two years ago, an arid, volcanic and island paradise nestled in the middle of the South Atlantic, a nine year old boy was separated from his sister. The mother, fearful of a ...

Twenty two years ago, an arid, volcanic and island paradise nestled in the middle of the South Atlantic, a nine year old boy was separated from his sister. The mother, fearful of a forbidden attraction between them, decides to send his son, not daughter, for the continent. The boy was taken by Kaleb, the rider of an old circus, passing by the island. On the mainland, Kaleb instructed the boy in circus arts and spirit, where the former islet became Zolah the Bullet Man. BLUE BLOOD begins when Zolah and the circus back to paradise. The circus is established as an island within an island, and the most solitary of these isles Zolah himself, a beautiful man who seduces everyone and everything, yet remains deeply lonely, because he could not love anyone. BLUE BLOOD is a film about the sea, the circus and the impossibility of love.


Twenty two years ago, an arid, volcanic and island paradise nestled in the middle of the South Atlantic, a nine year old boy was separated from his sister. The mother, fearful of a ...


Twenty two years ago, an arid, volcanic and island paradise nestled in the middle of the South Atlantic, a nine year old boy was separated from his sister. The mother, fearful of a forbidden attraction between them, decides to send his son, not daughter, for the continent. The boy was taken by Kaleb, the rider of an old circus, passing by the island. On the mainland, Kaleb instructed the boy in circus arts and spirit, where the former islet became Zolah the Bullet Man. BLUE BLOOD begins when Zolah and the circus back to paradise. The circus is established as an island within an island, and the most solitary of these isles Zolah himself, a beautiful man who seduces everyone and everything, yet remains deeply lonely, because he could not love anyone. BLUE BLOOD is a film about the sea, the circus and the impossibility of love.


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Cast & crew


Daniel de Oliveira


Sandra Corveloni


Caroline Abras




Lírio Ferreira


Fellipe Barbosa


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