I Served the King of England

'Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále', 2006

A look at the glamorous life at an old-world Prague hotel.

A look at the glamorous life at an old-world Prague hotel.


Jirí Menzel


113 minutes




Comedy, Romance, Drama


nazi, prague czechoslovakia, 1930s, 1920s, persecution of jews

Movie poster image
I Served the King of England

Jirí Menzel, 2006

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Aspect ratio

1.85 : 1


Color | Black and White

Screening formats

35 mm


No displayable awards available.


A look at the glamorous life at an old-world Prague hotel.

Czechoslovakia, 1963. Jan Díte is released from prison after serving 15 years. He goes into semi exile in a deserted village near the German border. In flashbacks, he tells his story: he's a small, clever and quick-witted young man, stubbornly naïve, a vendor at a train station. Thanks to a patron, he becomes a waiter at upscale hotels and restaurants. We see him discover how the wealthy tick and how to please women. He strives to be a millionaire with his own hotel. Before the war, he meets Líza, a German woman in Prague. Is this his ticket to wealth or his undoing? Meanwhile, we see Jan putting a life together after prison: why was he sentenced, and who will he become?


A look at the glamorous life at an old-world Prague hotel.


Czechoslovakia, 1963. Jan Díte is released from prison after serving 15 years. He goes into semi exile in a deserted village near the German border. In flashbacks, he tells his story: he's a small, clever and quick-witted young man, stubbornly naïve, a vendor at a train station. Thanks to a patron, he becomes a waiter at upscale hotels and restaurants. We see him discover how the wealthy tick and how to please women. He strives to be a millionaire with his own hotel. Before the war, he meets Líza, a German woman in Prague. Is this his ticket to wealth or his undoing? Meanwhile, we see Jan putting a life together after prison: why was he sentenced, and who will he become?


No displayable logline available

Cast & crew


Ivan Barnev


Oldrich Kaiser


Julia Jentsch




Jirí Menzel


Bohumil Hrabal


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