8 Dates

'8 citas', 2008

A press seller in love with a girl who goes against his kiosk; a man who reunites his childhood sweetheart; a young woman who wants something more with the girl that just lying down; a ... See full synopsis »

A press seller in love with a girl who goes against his kiosk; a man who reunites his childhood sweetheart; a young woman who wants something more with the girl that just lying down; a ... See full synopsis »


95 minutes




Comedy, Romance


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Aspect ratio

1.85 : 1




Peñíscola Comedy Film Festival



Best First Work

Provincia di Milano Award


A press seller in love with a girl who goes against his kiosk; a man who reunites his childhood sweetheart; a young woman who wants something more with the girl that just lying down; a ... See full synopsis »

A press seller in love with a girl who goes against his kiosk; a man who reunites his childhood sweetheart; a young woman who wants something more with the girl that just lying down; a nervous kid with your second appointment; two boyfriends who suffer a family meal; a jealous man's ex-girlfriend; a marriage that tests couples Exchange; and a guy that does not exceed the breakup with his girlfriend. All of them will have to find out that to understand the love should have sense of humor.


A press seller in love with a girl who goes against his kiosk; a man who reunites his childhood sweetheart; a young woman who wants something more with the girl that just lying down; a ... See full synopsis »


A press seller in love with a girl who goes against his kiosk; a man who reunites his childhood sweetheart; a young woman who wants something more with the girl that just lying down; a nervous kid with your second appointment; two boyfriends who suffer a family meal; a jealous man's ex-girlfriend; a marriage that tests couples Exchange; and a guy that does not exceed the breakup with his girlfriend. All of them will have to find out that to understand the love should have sense of humor.


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Cast & crew


José Luis García Pérez


Fernando Tejero


Belén López




Peris Romano


Rodrigo Sorogoyen


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