
'Axone', 2019

Follows migrants in Delhi, in their attempt to organize a wedding party, they find out everything is not going according to plan.

Follows migrants in Delhi, in their attempt to organize a wedding party, they find out everything is not going according to plan.


96 minutes




Comedy, Drama


migrant, wedding, racism, food, tradition

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Nicholas Kharkongor, 2019

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Pune International Film Festival (PIFF)



Indian Cinema

Asian Cinema Feature Films


Follows migrants in Delhi, in their attempt to organize a wedding party, they find out everything is not going according to plan.

Follows a group of girlfriends from Assam and Meghalaya, north-eastern states in India, gathering in the back streets of Delhi to throw a secret wedding party for a soon-to-be bride. Terrorised by their rottweiler of a landlady and with their boyfriends utterly useless as help, the group's already disorganized plans soon go further awry. As the women cook the traditional Axone wedding stew (a pork stew with pungent local herbs), neighbors complain about its powerful smell. However, they are determined to prepare the aromatic dish. With the challenges brought on by cultural difference and the pressures of being migrants in a seemingly unfriendly city, is food and love enough to save the day?


Follows migrants in Delhi, in their attempt to organize a wedding party, they find out everything is not going according to plan.


Follows a group of girlfriends from Assam and Meghalaya, north-eastern states in India, gathering in the back streets of Delhi to throw a secret wedding party for a soon-to-be bride. Terrorised by their rottweiler of a landlady and with their boyfriends utterly useless as help, the group's already disorganized plans soon go further awry. As the women cook the traditional Axone wedding stew (a pork stew with pungent local herbs), neighbors complain about its powerful smell. However, they are determined to prepare the aromatic dish. With the challenges brought on by cultural difference and the pressures of being migrants in a seemingly unfriendly city, is food and love enough to save the day?


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Sayani Gupta


Jimpa Bhutia


Lin Laishram



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