Animal Kingdom

'Animal Kingdom', 2010

A seventeen year-old navigates his survival amongst an explosive criminal family and the detective who thinks he can save him.

A seventeen year-old navigates his survival amongst an explosive criminal family and the detective who thinks he can save him.


David Michôd


113 minutes






cocaine, matriarch, australia, crime gang, prahran melbourne

Movie poster image
Animal Kingdom

David Michôd, 2010

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General Information



Aspect ratio

2.35 : 1



Screening formats

35 mm (anamorphic) (Kodak Vision Premier 2393)


Screen Producers Australia Awards



Screen Business Export Award

SPA Award


A seventeen year-old navigates his survival amongst an explosive criminal family and the detective who thinks he can save him.

Despite being no saint herself, Julia Cody has shielded her seventeen year old son, Joshua "J" Cody, from her Melbourne-based criminal relatives who they have not seen in years. After Julia dies in front of J's eyes from a self-inflicted heroin overdose, J, who is slightly detached from life, feels he has no choice but to contact his maternal grandmother, Janine "Smurf" Cody, the family matriarch, for a place to live. Smurf rules the family with a borderline incestuous love over her three sons, the quietly menacing Andrew "Pope" Cody, the hyperactive Craig Cody, and the barely of age Darren Cody. Pope and his best friend, Barry "Baz" Brown, are armed robbers, with Darren their up and coming apprentice, while Craig is a mid level drug dealer. Melbourne's Armed Robbery Squad is after specifically Pope, who is hiding out. But when the standoff between the Codys and the Armed Robbery Squad is brought up a notch, an all out war ensues, with some casualties and J caught in the middle. The ...


A seventeen year-old navigates his survival amongst an explosive criminal family and the detective who thinks he can save him.


Despite being no saint herself, Julia Cody has shielded her seventeen year old son, Joshua "J" Cody, from her Melbourne-based criminal relatives who they have not seen in years. After Julia dies in front of J's eyes from a self-inflicted heroin overdose, J, who is slightly detached from life, feels he has no choice but to contact his maternal grandmother, Janine "Smurf" Cody, the family matriarch, for a place to live. Smurf rules the family with a borderline incestuous love over her three sons, the quietly menacing Andrew "Pope" Cody, the hyperactive Craig Cody, and the barely of age Darren Cody. Pope and his best friend, Barry "Baz" Brown, are armed robbers, with Darren their up and coming apprentice, while Craig is a mid level drug dealer. Melbourne's Armed Robbery Squad is after specifically Pope, who is hiding out. But when the standoff between the Codys and the Armed Robbery Squad is brought up a notch, an all out war ensues, with some casualties and J caught in the middle. The ...


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Cast & crew


Joel Edgerton


Guy Pearce


James Frecheville




David Michôd


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