Pauly Shore Is Dead

'Pauly Shore Is Dead', 2003

Hollywood's Pauly Shore loses everything, fakes his own death, and gets caught.

Hollywood's Pauly Shore loses everything, fakes his own death, and gets caught.


Pauly Shore


82 minutes






2000s, failing career, riches to rags, faked death, los angeles california

Movie poster image
Pauly Shore Is Dead

Pauly Shore, 2003

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Aspect ratio

1.85 : 1



Screening formats

35 mm


No displayable awards available.


Hollywood's Pauly Shore loses everything, fakes his own death, and gets caught.

Hollywood comedian and actor Pauly Shore loses everything: his house, nobody in Hollywood wants to represent him, he moves back home with his mom and is now parking cars at The Comedy Store. Then one night when he's up in his mom's loft, a dead famous comedian appears who tells Pauly to kill himself cause he'll go down as a comedic genius who died before his time. Pauly then fakes his own death, and the media goes crazy. Celebrities are talking about him on MTV and girls are fighting over him on Jerry Springer. It's everything that he wanted. His plan worked. A week or so later, the L.A.P.D. is tipped off about his whereabouts and they break down the door of the seedy motel room in which he's hiding out and throw him in Los Angeles County's celebrity wing.


Hollywood's Pauly Shore loses everything, fakes his own death, and gets caught.


Hollywood comedian and actor Pauly Shore loses everything: his house, nobody in Hollywood wants to represent him, he moves back home with his mom and is now parking cars at The Comedy Store. Then one night when he's up in his mom's loft, a dead famous comedian appears who tells Pauly to kill himself cause he'll go down as a comedic genius who died before his time. Pauly then fakes his own death, and the media goes crazy. Celebrities are talking about him on MTV and girls are fighting over him on Jerry Springer. It's everything that he wanted. His plan worked. A week or so later, the L.A.P.D. is tipped off about his whereabouts and they break down the door of the seedy motel room in which he's hiding out and throw him in Los Angeles County's celebrity wing.


No displayable logline available

Cast & crew


Ashley L. Anderson


Pamela Anderson


Camille Anderson




Pauly Shore


Kirk Fox


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